The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 282

"Wait, you can't go!" Wei Hao called out, "you almost killed my grandfather, you want to leave? How can it be so easy? Dad, let the security guard come up and kill him

Because this hospital is run by the Wei family, it is also the most luxurious private hospital in Jincheng city. The security personnel are not less than 100, so once they order, dozens of security guards will gather in the building without any problem.

"What are you doing? Is it the opposite? " At this time, Wei Zhentian made a speech. As soon as his voice fell, others did not dare to move.

"That little brother, don't be angry. They are short-sighted. I will compensate you for it!" Wei Zhentian said.

"Dad? This is...

when Wei Yunlong looked at Wei Zhentian, he saw that the weather of Wei Zhen was suddenly ruddy, and there was no such dispirited spirit.

"How do you feel, grandfather?" Wei asked.

"I feel a lot better!" Wei Zhentian also spoke more forcefully than before.

"Great!" Wei Yichen said happily.

At this time, people are a burst of consternation, is it Lin Feng really can cure a disease, pull the old man back from the edge of death?

At this time, I heard someone knocking at the door of the ward.

"Come in!" Wei Yunlong said.

When the door of the ward opened, an old man in a gorgeous Tang costume came in. He was about 50 or 60 years old. He was white and white. He walked outside in eight characters and his belly was shaking.

Maybe his belly blocked his sight, and he couldn't see the ground. So he simply looked up at people with his nose, and looked arrogant.

Behind him were two men in suits, one of whom was carrying a large medicine box.

Wei Yunhu waved to the two men. One of them put the medicine box in the room, and then stood behind Wei Yunhu.

These two people are Wei Yunhu's bodyguards, known as green dragon and white tiger, often accompany Wei Yunhu.

The man in Tang costume is a medical expert sent by Wei Yunhu to pick up Qinglong and Baihu.

"Oh, Master Liu, you are coming!" Wei Yunhu, with a flattering smile on his face, rushed forward.

"Ouch, I've been driving for hours, and my back is aching." Said the man, known as master Liu.

"Get a stool for Master Liu!" Wei Yunhu said to Qinglong, and then introduced in front of the people present: "this is the master of traditional Chinese medicine in southern China, Liu Gao, and Liu Shou Liu. He has excellent medical skills and is known as the first Chinese medicine man in southern Xinjiang."

"Oh, I dare not do it or not!" Liu Gaoshou saluted and said: "I am not talented. My ancestors have been practicing medicine for generations. In my generation, I have a good fortune, so I have carried forward the things of my ancestors. Alas, I dare not say how powerful it is. But the people who come to see a doctor every day have a long queue and are busy every day!"

"It's really hard for Master Liu to see my father in his busy schedule." Wei Yunhu said.

Liu Gao Shouyi waved his hand and said, "Hey, what's this saying? I'm serious about hanging a pot to help the world and cure the sick and save people!"

"Mm-hmm, I can see that the master is a strict man!" Wei Yunhu said: "master, you see, my old father this disease, there is no cure ah?"

"What's the hurry? Let me take a breath first Liu Gaoshou glared at Wei Yunhu.

Wei Yunhu quickly said: "good, good, you have a rest first!"

Lin Feng looked at the fat man's performance and wanted to laugh.

He is serious about treating patients and saving people. Lying on one side, he can't save them. Is that serious? I think pretending to be more serious than him!

What's more, this guy pretends to be modest, but his mouth is full of boasting, and his face is full of beating. Where is the master!

Lin Feng shook his head, feeling very funny.

"Why, this young man, what are you laughing at? I feel that you are very disdainful in your smile. Why, do you have any comments on what I just said?" Liu Gaoshou asked.

Don't you look up to the young man, I don't respect him. I don't care about him. I don't respect him. I don't care about him?

And listen to Liu Gaoshou said, Wei Yunhu immediately angry, said: "Master Liu don't care about him, he is just a small security guard."

"Oh, security?" Liu Gaoshou said: "security is the grass-roots people, worthy of respect, but to be a security guard, you have to be a security guard. Go outside and watch the door!"

Lin Feng thought that the fat man talked a lot about it, but he was more able to pretend than anyone else. This fat man is a bit interesting!

Lin Feng was not angry, but said with a smile: "yes, I should be a security guard when I am a security guard. Do you have to be a doctor? It's been nearly ten minutes since I came here. You don't even look at the patient? "

"Presumptuous!" Liu Gaoshou scolded: "do you dare to talk to me like this? You're going back? ""You are wild!" Wei Yichen can not see, and shouts at Liu Gao: "you must not insult my boss!"

At a glance, the situation was a bit chaotic. Wei Yunlong, as the eldest son, could not let the situation go down. He quickly stood out and said, "in the morning, stop!"

Then, respectfully, Liu Gaoshou said, "Master Liu, my goddaughter has no way. Please also ask you Haihan. You see, the disease of my father is very serious. Is it necessary to come and give a diagnosis and how to treat it?"

Weiyunlong knew that weiyunhu invited the master of traditional Chinese medicine. Because they went to the big hospital to visit all the famous doctors, they couldn't cure his father's disease. So the three brothers and sisters together invited a Chinese medicine master to come. As the saying goes, it might be effective to treat serious diseases by the way of partial treatment and to live a horse as a living horse doctor.

In order to seize this credit, weiyunhu promised to invite a master of traditional Chinese medicine to come, which made Qinglong and white tiger invite Liu Gao Shoulai.

And today, President Li has told Wei family that the old man's physical indicators have reached the lowest level today, I'm afraid the most alive will not be tomorrow.

So Liu Gaoshou is also their last hope, if Liu Gaoshou also can not cure the old man's disease, then really can not!

However, Wei and Wei invited Liu Gaoshou to see the doctor. Liu Gaoshou was vague and refused to leave. They were as anxious as ants in hot pot.

At this time, weiyunlong seemed to understand what, he walked to Liu Gaoshou's ear, said in a very small voice: "Master Liu, all the way round, very hard, I will return to you to pack a hundred thousand yuan red bag, not to do medical expenses, but also hope you smile!"

"Ah, what you said, but you sincerity, I really like it, OK, now I will come to see your father to see a doctor!"

Liu Gao stood up and walked to weizhentian, carefully observed the color of the Megatron, then he took pulse and looked at the tongue coating and so on. After a while, Liu Gao said, "it seems that the spirit of energy is still OK! It's too thin, it needs a lot of help! "

Weiyunhu said quickly: "master, my father was almost out of order before. It was the security guard named Linfeng who helped him cure his illness. He was much better at once. Do you think it is my dad has a chance to get sick?"

Wei Yunhu is very clever. He wants to see the condition by Liu Gao to see if Lin Feng just acted. Is there any harm to his father!

Liu Gao frowns at his head, and looks at Lin Feng contemptuously, saying, "the little security guard will see a doctor? He'll see the door and it's almost the same! "

After that, he looked at the old man again, and shook his head and said, "Oh, no, it's obviously a reflection!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!