The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 279

Lingyun mountain abandoned factory.

There was a scene of jubilation and peace in the factory, and everyone was celebrating the success of the competition.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, left the abandoned factory ahead of time with Jin Fenghuang and Wei Yichen.

Because they always enjoy the pleasure of racing cars. They don't care about the prizes. Especially Lin Feng, he didn't intend to race.

The three are sitting in Wei Yichen's Pink Santana, Jin Fenghuang is driving, Lin Feng is sitting in the co driver's guidance, Wei Yichen is sitting in the back seat playing soy sauce.

"In the morning, you were a little absent-minded during the match today." Lin Feng guides the Golden Phoenix and says to Wei Yichen in the back seat.

"Boss, do you see that?" Wei Yichen pursed her lips, "indeed, I have been distracted for a few moments."

"How dangerous is it for you to be absent-minded on the track Lin Feng some angry reprimand: "as long as the future is drag racing, you must concentrate on it, do you know?"

"Oh Wei Yichen repeatedly nodded, and then his heart warmed. He knew that Lin Feng scolded himself for his own good.

Lin Feng felt that his tone was a little too much, then he eased up a little and said, "what, what makes you distracted?"

Lin Feng didn't say it was OK. Wei Yichen's eyes turned red and choked. He said, "my grandfather loves me most. Maybe... He won't live for a few days."

"Your grandfather? Sick? " Lin Feng asked.

"Yes! He is ill Wei Yichen sat in the back seat, some choked: "I grew up, only my grandfather loved me the most. Since my mother died, my father loved to take care of me. When I was short of money, I asked him for it. In addition, my father and I hardly had any intersection! If my grandfather dies, I feel that there will be no family in this world! "

At this point, Wei Yichen tears.

Lin Feng pursed his lips. Wei Yi Chen was distracted, thinking about these things in his heart!

Alas, this also can't blame her, no matter who is, the life of close relatives around her is seriously ill, it is inevitable to follow the heart plug.

"What disease did your grandfather have? Is it cancer? " Lin Feng asked.

"It's not cancer, but it's also an incurable disease. In short, it's very complicated. Our family's own hospital can't cure his disease. Do you think it's very serious?" Wei Yichen said with a sad face.

"Well! You talk about the symptoms. I'm not sure I can help you! " Lin Feng said.

"Boss, can you cure?" Wei asked.

"Well, some!" Lin Feng said.

Gold Phoenix a listen, is a burst of surprise, this Lin Feng in the end how many things? Is he good at medicine?

Lin Feng said: "I was familiar with more than 1000 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine since I was young. The compendium of Materia Medica and Huangdi's Canon of internal medicine can be said to have a deep foundation and comprehensive skills in the West. Many people say that I am a bianque handed down from generation to generation and Huatuo in the world. Naturally, I prefer to be given the title of" Invincible universe "by my patients Lin Shuai Bi, a super super super doctor in China. "

The Golden Phoenix was suddenly covered with black lines: "is this some? It's almost up to heaven! What's more, it's a little too much for you

But when he saw Lin Feng's pouting face, he was a bit funny. He couldn't help laughing: "Lin, Shuai Bi, you're going to be blind if you don't talk about cross talk!"

"I'm telling you the truth, no nonsense!" Lin Feng Road.

"Good, good!" The Golden Phoenix said: "then you don't go to be a blind man!"

"No blind!" Lin Feng waved his hand: "I have more important things to do!"

"What's the matter?" Asked the Golden Phoenix.

"Save the world!"

"Poof - then I'll save the Galaxy!"

"I save the universe!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"


the two people in front of them were childish and cheerful, and Jin Fenghuang had not put down his body and laughed happily for a long time.

However, Wei Yi Chen behind is silent tears.

If my grandfather died, there would be no family in the world.

As for Dad, it's just a cash machine. She has no feelings for him.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly turned his head and said to Wei Yichen, "Chenchen, don't be sad. Take me to see your grandfather when you have time. I can't tell you what I can do."

Although Wei Yichen felt that no one in the world could cure her grandfather's incurable disease, she had a special trust in her eldest brother, Lin Feng. She felt that everything the boss said was right and that what he said was true. Even if it was false, she believed it was true.

You dominate, I worship, there is no better way, you are my superstar!

So Wei Yichen adores Lin Feng so much that when Lin Feng says there may be a way, she has a glimmer of hope in her heart."Really? boss? Let's go now Wei Yichen broke his tears to smile: "I will take you to see my grandfather now!"

Jin Fenghuang sighed in an audience. She said that Wei Yicheng was really a naive little sister. How could she be cured of her incurable disease? However, she couldn't bear to attack Wei Yicheng. She casually asked, "sister Yicheng, what's your grandfather's name?"

"My grandfather's name is Wei Zhentian!" Wei Yichen said.

"What?" The Golden Phoenix was shocked.

It turns out that Wei Yichen's grandfather is Wei Zhentian, the chairman of the famous prosperous group!

Wei Yichen is hiding deep enough!

Of course, Wei Yichen is not deliberately hidden, because she has been living a very independent life, except occasionally go back to see her grandfather, almost all other time, is outside.

It is precisely because of this family reason that she is rebellious. Otherwise, how could she, a beautiful girl, choose to do such a wild thing as racing?

Wei Yi Chen through the rearview mirror, looking at the Golden Phoenix with a little surprised color, then asked: "what happened to sister Jin?"

"It's OK!" Golden Phoenix smiles.

"Sister Kim and I and the boss will go to the hospital to see my grandfather." Wei Yichen said.

After hearing this, Jin Fenghuang didn't rush to answer. She thought that the order of the Phoenix and the prosperous group had no too much relationship. It could be said that there was no cooperation or hatred between them. Therefore, it seemed that it was not convenient for her to see Wei Zhentian at this time.

If the other party thinks that they are concerned about it, it is not good if they are said to be going to see the fun.

In order to avoid unnecessary embarrassment, she still chose not to go.

"Well, I have something else to do with the order of the Phoenix. I have to go back first, or you and sister Yichen will go to see my grandfather, Lin Feng." "I will go to see you some other day when I have time," said Jin Fenghuang

"All right." Wei Yichen said: "boss, I will take you to see my grandfather now. I believe you must have a way to cure him!"

Wei Yichen told herself rationally in the bottom of her heart that incurable disease is incurable, how can it be cured, but she still keeps boosting herself, and she should always maintain sufficient confidence.

Send the Golden Phoenix back to the order of Phoenix. Wei Yicheng drives and takes Lin Feng to his grandfather's hospital.

To the door of the hospital, looking at the scene inside, Wei Yichen was shocked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!