The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 280

Changsheng Group enjoys great prestige in the education and medical field of Jincheng. There are many hospitals and schools in Jincheng, which are invested and built by Changsheng Group.

When it comes to education and medical care in Jincheng, no one dares to challenge Changsheng Group, let alone make a mistake in front of Wei Zhentian.

However, with such a strong medical background, Wei Zhentian's disease could not be cured. He just returned from abroad the day before yesterday, and the United States and Japan also walked around, but the result was chilling and there was no way to cure him.

So Wei Zhentian is now lying in his own luxury private hospital, receiving the best medical care in Jincheng, just to delay his death.

Wei Yichen with Lin Feng to the hospital, she first step into the ward, suddenly very surprised.

She found that a lot of people came to her grandfather's ward. Not only was his father Wei Yunlong, but also his second uncle Wei Yunhu and third aunt Wei Yunmei, as well as the second uncle and third aunt's children.

What's the situation? Why did the whole family come?

Because Wei Zhentian's ward is the most luxurious VIP ward, the ward is very large and can accommodate a lot of people, so it doesn't seem crowded?

Wei Yichen looked at his father and asked, "Dad, why are you here?"

Wei Yunlong said with a sad face: "the hospital has issued a critical notice. Your grandfather's body... Alas, it may not last today."

With that, Wei Yunlong lowered his head. He couldn't bear to see his bony father Wei Zhentian again.

When Wei Yichen heard this, her tears immediately came down. She cried out, "grandfather, I've come to see you!" And then he cried and rushed over.

Wei Zhentian had an oxygen tube in his nose. On his cold and dull face, he tried to squeeze out a smile after seeing Wei Yicheng. He was very happy. He opened his mouth and slowly said, "my good granddaughter is coming. Cough... Cough, hurry up. Let grandfather have a look. He has lost weight again recently."

"Grandfather, don't talk, you're tired of talking!" Wei Yichen helps Wei Zhentian touch his chest.

"Good granddaughter, my grandfather is not afraid of being tired. My grandfather will be most happy to see you. You are better than them!" Wei Zhentian pointed to the people in the room and said: "they are either timid, cheating, or stupid. I'm afraid that I will die. This prosperous group will be destroyed in their hands."

"Grandfather, don't talk nonsense. You'll be OK. I brought a doctor to see you. You'll be OK!" Wei Yi said with tears.

"Doctor? What doctor have you brought? " Wei Yunlong asked.

At this time, Su Jing pointed to the back and said, "boss, come in!"

Lin Feng is disgusted that there are too many people in the room, so he sits on the stool outside and plays with his mobile phone.

Hearing Wei Yichen call him, he went into the ward.

Wei Yichen pointed to Lin Feng and said, "grandfather, he is the doctor I have come to. He is very powerful. He is my boss. I learned a lot from him."

Wei Zhentian looked at Lin Feng and whispered "Oh".

However, Wei Yunhu, the second uncle on the side, scolded: "Yi Chen, you are making a fool of yourself. Do you think that if you call anyone, you can cure the disease?"

As soon as Wei Yunhu looks at Lin Feng's young age and a ruffian smile on his face, he immediately feels disgusted.

"My boss does..." Wei Yichen wants to explain!

"What do you call him, boss? Well, you've been fooling around outside, and you've brought them home? " Wei Yunhu angrily said.

"Yi Chen, don't make trouble, let your grandfather be quiet for a while!" Wei Yunlong scolded Wei Yicheng.

He didn't expect his daughter to hang around outside and bring back a person to make a fool of. It's really disgraceful.

"I didn't make any noise. My boss's name is Lin Feng. He really can see a doctor!" Wei explained.

Although she is not sure whether the eldest brother can take good care of his grandfather, she thinks it is true that the eldest brother will see a doctor. She never doubts Lin Feng's ability.

"Lin Feng?"

At this time, Wei Hao, who had been chatting with the beauty on his mobile phone at the window, heard Lin Feng's two words. He was shocked. He quickly put up his crutches and walked around a screen. When he saw that it was Lin Feng, his eyes were going to explode.

The reason why I still use crutches is because of Lin Feng.

On that day, in the villa of Swan Lake, I took two intern cops to deal with the case. As a result, I didn't want to be overcast by the boy. I was stabbed so many times by the man in black. The wound is still not good.

What happened that day was the shadow of his whole life. He always wanted to wait for the wound to be healed and find Lin Feng to avenge himself, but he didn't want Lin Feng to appear in his grandfather's ward today.

Wei Hao is Wei Yunhu's son. Today, he had an appointment with a beautiful woman for dinner. But his father forced him to come over. He also said that if his grandfather died today, you, as the eldest grandson, must appear. Otherwise, when we divide the family, we will have to have a handle.

So he came here impatiently today, but he was still thinking about the beauty, so he plugged in the earphone and chatted with the beauty, regardless of Megatron's illness.

I didn't expect Wei Yichen to say Lin Feng, which surprised him. Come and have a look, it's really this guy.Wei Hao pointed to Lin Feng and said angrily, "do you think he will see a doctor? Joke! Don't believe him. He's a jerk, a sinister little man

"Xiao Hao, do you know him?" Wei Yunhu asked his son.

"Yes, I have dealt with him. He is a small security guard of Dongsheng Group!" Wei Hao scolded: "go to your doctor, you don't come to our house to cheat!"

"My boss is a security guard, but he really knows medicine!" Wei Yichen felt that everyone didn't believe her. She couldn't argue and was very anxious.

"Wei Yichen, what kind of heart do you want to share the family property? When my grandfather was alive, I asked the doctor to do it? But you're too bad, aren't you? I saw through a small security guard on the spot. Ha ha, do you still want to quibble? " Wei Hao Chao Wei Yi Chen sneered.

"Yichen, what's going on? You say, why did you get such a man? " Wei Yunlong gave birth to the airway.

Wei Yunlong is now the leader of Jincheng education, and he is in a high position. However, he has no time to educate his daughter Wei Yichen. Since his wife Li Yunfang died, his daughter has become more and more rebellious. Now he seldom talks to himself, and every time he talks, he always asks for money.

However, his daughter has never caused anything to himself. Compared with many rich second generation, Wei Yichen is a very easy one, so he has little to worry about.

But today, he didn't want to. At this juncture, he was very angry.

Originally, my father Wei Zhentian was not optimistic about them. As a result, he also educated his favorite granddaughter like this. This makes my father more sad, and he can't walk steadily!

Wei Yichen shook her head helplessly. She didn't know how to explain it. The whole family didn't believe it. Moreover, some people knew that the eldest Lin Feng was a security guard, which was even more difficult to explain.

What can I do?

But when Wei Yichen was very difficult, he heard Lin Feng behind him say: "look at the old man's deep eye socket, thin and weak limbs, skin collapse, which should be the symptoms of muscle atrophy. However, the atrophic muscles give people a hard feeling, so this is not a simple muscle atrophy, but a muscular atrophy plus stiff syndrome. In medical terms, it is called Do "progressive freezing disease"

After that, he looked at Wei Yunlong and Wei Yunhu and said with a smile, "am I right?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!