The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 278

"Boss!" Wei Yicheng was ecstatic and almost jumped up: "boss, why are you in the car? Ah, I know. You must have driven the car, didn't you? "

"I saw that the God of chariots came down from the driver's seat. He drove the car!" Someone yelled.

"Yes! Except for Cai Kun who started to lag behind, Lin Feng drove the rest Golden Phoenix once again confirmed everyone's idea.

"No wonder it was so delicious at first! It turns out that section was not driven by the God of chariots

"Yes, when overtaking behind, it's the car God who drives it. It's a master's skill."

"Shit, Cai Kun is a liar!"

People look at Cai Kun, who is surrounded by beautiful women.

"The God of chariot drove the car, but he lied that he drove it. Why is this man so shameless?"

"Return to the king of CAI Che, I'm Pooh, a pile of dog excrement!"

"Hey, hey, listen to me..." Cai Kun saw a group of people staring at him viciously, and he was immediately dumbfounded.

"This liar is a liar. Don't let him run away! Hit him for me Cried one of the bikers.

The people of the drag racing party hate this kind of sneaky and slippery bastard. They can't tolerate doing things on the racing car. Especially the expression of pretending to be self satisfied is even more hateful.

"Kill him!" People are flocking to it.

"Oh, don't fight. Lin Feng, help me. Please. Can you say that I drive the car?"

"Lin Feng? Save me? "

"Don't fight? Oh, ah - don't smack! Ouch -- "

CAI Kun was really unlucky today. First, he was scared by Lin Feng's racing car and got out of the car dizzy. Then he was arrested and beaten.

Now he has become the target of public criticism. The people who beat him are not good at stubbornness, and they are particularly cruel. They trample and kick Cai Kun. After a while, they will be black and blue.

But they did not get angry, so they took off Cai Kun's clothes, lifted him up and put them on the hot exhaust pipe. The hot skin of CAI Kun was torn to pieces.

They tortured him in a different way, dying of torture.

Lin Feng looks at Cai Kun being beaten in groups, and his mouth is covered with a bad smile.

Can you pretend to be my name? Can you brag in front of me? What kind of person can you touch my little sister Jinjin?

There is no such thing. In this world, only I can do these three things! Ha ha ha ha!

At this time, Wei Yichen carefully looked at the Golden Phoenix with sunglasses in the car and said, "sister Jin, are you there?"

"Well, sister Yicheng, your car is very good. I didn't expect that you are beautiful and driving is so amazing. In the future, you should come to my side and teach me how to drive!" Golden Phoenix laughs.

Wei Yi morning Du mouth way: "have my boss teach, you still need me?"

"Use it Golden Phoenix smiles.

But when it comes to Lin Feng, Jin Fenghuang has a lot to say. She looks at Lin Feng and says, "Lin Feng, are you the chariot God of Erlong mountain? I've seen it today. It's so exciting to take your car! "

"Oh, little thing, I wanted to keep a low profile, but everyone didn't let me keep a low profile. I couldn't help it either." Lin Feng hands a spread, very helpless.

But look at Lin Feng that calm and calm posture, the heart of Golden Phoenix is very admire.

Lin Feng began to face Cai Kun's sarcasm, unhurried. Instead, he talked and laughed at Cai Kun's cruelty.

This kind of play in the hands of the people in the calm, the city of deep, chilling!

In contrast, Cai Kun is like a fool B. Lin Feng is just taking him as a joke, but he is still complacent. He not only pretends to be Lin Feng's name, but also boasts all the way, and then pretends to be a fool.

Now I want to come here. Cai Kun is really stupid. I lost my disgrace to my family.

"I said," how could anyone be so good at driving? It turned out to be my boss. Now I'm in balance Wei Yichen said happily.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Looking at Wei Yichen, the Golden Phoenix couldn't help laughing.

At this time, the host on the grandstand yelled: "look, Erlongshan chariot God, really deserves the reputation. It turns out that the car God is driving all the way. No wonder it is so powerful. Today, the chariot God shows us his incomparable wonderful skills again. Let's cheer and shout for the chariot God!"

Long live the chariot

Long live the chariot

Everyone cast a look of incomparable worship to Lin Feng.

On one side of the grandstand, V's eyes flashed a trace of fine light, and murmured: "Lin Feng, you are really good at driving. Are you the legendary" Shura "

Lin Feng waved to everyone and said, "low key, low key ha!"

At this time, Cai Kun has been tortured by everyone, can be said to be dishevelled, feces and urine flow, incomparably embarrassed.

Lin Feng walked up to Cai Kun and said with a light smile, "ah Kun, I've seen a lot of people with the surname of CAI. They are all very powerful. Only you are the real food!""Lin Feng, you are so insidious Cai Kun gnawed his teeth and said, "you are clearly the God of chariots. Why don't you expose me?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "you like to lie so much, I will let the lie fly for a while. When the lie disappears, you will fall down. Look, isn't it now?"

When Cai Kun heard this, he felt angry.

This Lin Feng looks like a silly old cap, but in fact, he is better than anyone else and smarter than anyone else. However, his complacent ideas and well-designed plots are all under his control. He looks like a clown and is full of ugliness in the Bureau he has designed.

Thinking of this, Cai Kun felt a deep sense of frustration. Unexpectedly, he, who has always been good at wisdom and eloquence, was defeated by this man.

Moreover, when he faced Lin Feng, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness. From being in the Dragon Tower to now, he felt that the man seemed to be able to crush himself in all aspects.

He took out his mobile phone with difficulty and sent a message to Taotie: "I'm very sorry, action, failed again!"

"What happened again?" Taotie returned the news.

"Yes, I was defeated by one man!"

"Asshole, you wait to be punished!"


"by the way, who beat you?"

"The two failures were due to a man named Lin Feng, a small security guard of Dongsheng Group."




the mountain gang in the north of the city!

When Taotie received the news, he was furious and slapped on the table with a slap. The Third Master of Cui almost jumped up.

, old fellow, what are you doing? Don't get excited. Don't get excited! Mr. Cui handed the cap a cigarette: "come on, smoke first!"

's peaked cap is called "glutton", and Mr. Cui doesn't know the two words. He listens to the latter word that is "tie", so he calls the old fellow every day.

Taotie pushed the cigarette aside and said, "this operation has failed again."

"What?" Cui San ye said with a puzzled face: "you said that this is a pretty man's plan, is it sure?"? The beautiful man won the Golden Phoenix. The Gold Phoenix made in the black market and entertainment industry will continue to help us. I'm still trying to figure out how to use the money, but you told me that I failed again? "

The Third Master of Cui lit a cigarette and smoked it gloomily.

Taotie's eyes turned cold and said: "this time, my plan is perfect. This man who is a beautiful man is no one in the thousands who are looking for in the organization. He is also a college classmate of Jin Fenghuang. However, he is still spoiled by that boy!"

"Which boy?" Third master Cui asked.

"Lin Feng!" Taotie is cold.

"I fucked him, is this boy sent by God to punish us?" Cui San Ye was very angry. Last time Huoshen was in his hands, this time, he was still in his hands.

"At present, only Changsheng Group and Longkou group are left in Jincheng. We have not moved. Longkou group is very powerful and it is not easy to infiltrate. So this time, we have to focus on Changsheng Group!" Taotie said.

"Well, yes!" "Rich group thieves have money, I know. They open a lot of schools and hospitals. Megatron, that old guy has a high prestige in the education and medical field," Cui said

"Therefore, Changsheng Group can't afford to lose any more!" Taotie said.

Then, his eyes suddenly turned cold and said: "but at the same time, Lin Feng, we can't let it go. No matter whether he is a man or a God, this time, I will have a good meeting with him!"

, old fellow, you should have done it! Third master Cui was overjoyed and then asked, "what's the matter?"

"Come here!" Taotie said to Cui Sanye.

Third master Cui approached him, and Taotie said in his ear, "you're like this... , the fastest update of the webnovel!