The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 277

Wei Yichen stepped on the gas pedal to the end, and Santana, like a ferocious beast, drove towards Pagani driven by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't step on the accelerator to the end just now. Seeing that Wei Yichen was still chasing after him, he didn't want to be wordy. He stepped on the accelerator to death and gave full play to Pagani's maximum speed in racing mode.

The car rushed out in an instant and disappeared after a few turns.

"Asshole!" Wei Yichen slapped the steering wheel hard, but he couldn't help being annoyed.

In terms of speed, his car is no worse than him, but in front of a few corners, that Pagani is simply too good to turn, a moment left himself behind.

Wei Yichen falls into thinking: what is the holy place of CAI Kun driving Pagani?

However, at this time, the grandstand is a frying pan, and Pagani's ingenious large-scale turn and drift can be called a magic trick.

At that time, Lin Feng only used the accelerator acceleration and the front wheel brake of the handbrake to do it.

Because the ordinary car is the front wheel brake, the handbrake is the rear wheel brake, but many sports cars are not the same, this Pagani is four-wheel drive brake, the handbrake is the front wheel brake.

Therefore, when the handbrake is raised, the accelerator is stepped down, and the tail of the car is swung and the accelerator is not loose, it will form the kind of sharp turn and slightly elegant driving track.

Of course, it's easy to say, but difficult to do, which requires a strong sense of touch and skills.

At this time, Pagani overtook the car and almost finished the track. Because the track is a circle around Fuhu peak, both the starting point and the end point are the abandoned factory. At this time, everyone is looking forward to the appearance of Pagani drivers in the abandoned factory.

Soon, the figure of Pagani appeared, and then quickly rushed into the abandoned factory, a swing tail, smart stop.

Seeing that the car has returned to the starting point, the host announced loudly: "the champion of this competition is Pagani and its driver, Cai Kun!"

"Wow, the new car king is back, Cai Kun, Cai Che Wang is back!"

"Cai Che Wang, Cai Che Wang, how handsome you are!" At this time, a group of female cheerleaders swarmed up.

However, before they ran into the Pagani car, they saw the door open, and Cai Kun came out of the car, and "wow" vomited out.

"Wow - this is the king of cars!" The host held the microphone and yelled: "if you can drive yourself, the car king has reached a height that we can't understand! Congratulations to Pagani and his driver Cai Kun for winning the championship

The host's voice was impassioned, and the group of female cheerleaders rushed forward.

"Cai Che Wang, please sign my name!"

"Cai Che Wang, I can warm your bed!"

"Cai Che Wang, give me a chance to meet you."

Despite the coolness of autumn, these girls dressed very cool. After getting close to Cai Kun, they kept rubbing Cai Kun with some parts of their bodies, which made him itchy.

The feeling of being surrounded by people was so wonderful that Cai Kun couldn't help shouting: "yes, I'm Cai Kun. I drive this car. I'm the champion!"

"Cai Che Wang!"

"Cai Che Wang!"

Everyone yelled with one voice. Some people began to lift Cai Kun and throw it at Tiansheng. Then they cheered.

However, in Pagani's car, Jin Fenghuang is very angry: "Lin Feng, this car is obviously you drive, how is he like this?"

Lin Feng smile, said: "really false can't, false really can't, don't be angry, he uses the lie to raise oneself, when the lie is exposed, he will fall very miserable! So he can raise himself now. The higher he lifts, the worse he will fall! "

Jin Fenghuang thinks that Lin Feng's words are very reasonable, but she still has some grievances for Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, I'm really sorry, this CAI Kun is still my college classmate, he is really shameless!"

"It's OK. Let him go!" Lin Feng smiles slightly, but the corner of his eyes glides through a shrewd light.

At this time, Wei Yichen drove his Santana into the abandoned factory.

After getting off the bus, Wei Yichen directly yelled, "who is Cai Kun? Stand up and show me!"

When Cai Kun saw Wei Yicheng's bluster, he trembled instinctively. But he thought, I won the first place. Why am I afraid of her?

Then he stood up with his chest up and said, "I am Cai Kun!"

"Cai Kun, although you have won me, there is one person you can't win. Dare you have a try?" Wei Yichen said.

"With whom?" Cai Kun asked.

"My boss!" Wei Yichen said.

"Your boss? Hum, you can see the skill of CAI Kun. No matter who you are, you have to admit defeat in front of me. Even if your boss is more powerful, he is just a younger brother in front of me, you know? " Cai Kun boasted.

"You must not insult my boss!" Wei Yichen said: "just saying is not a skill. Dare you compete with my boss?"

"Who is your boss?" Cai Kun asked.

"My eldest brother is the chariot God of Erlongshan!" Wei Yichen said with pride.When Jin Fenghuang heard Wei Yichen say that Erlongshan chariot God, he was stunned for a moment. Isn't Erlongshan chariot God Cai Kun?

A little surprised, she opened half of the window and listened to the conversation outside.

At this time, the nest was blown up outside, and everyone began to yell: "one race, one race..."

do they really want to see whether the chariot king of CAI is powerful or the chariot God of Erlongshan is powerful.

Hearing a clue, Jin Fenghuang said to Lin Feng, "isn't he the chariot God of Erlongshan? How can it be compared? "

At this time, the host on the stage was also very good at setting off the atmosphere, saying: "who can contact the God of chariot? Or let the two gods have a match. Are our friends here looking forward to it?"

"Yes, a match, a match!" Everybody cheered and yelled.

"I'll call my boss. I'll call him now!" With that, Wei Yichen took out the phone.

The surrounding people quickly quieted down, and some people spontaneously maintained the scene: "don't make any noise, be quiet, the racing queen is going to call his eldest chariot God!"

There was a sudden silence, and everyone was looking forward to it.

Wei Yichen dials the phone and waits for the other end to answer the phone.

"Ring, ring, ring..." at this time, a telephone ring rings, which is the most old-fashioned Hexuan ring.

"Shit, I'm calling the God of chariot. Who made the noise? Please silence me, or I'll kill you!" Someone yelled.

"Yes, silence! Delay to call the God of chariot and kill you The people next to him cried.

Then people follow the bell and look for it everywhere.

At this time, Lin Feng in the car to take out the mobile phone, mobile phone display, morning call.

Jin Fenghuang looks surprised, Wei Yicheng said to call the car God, but he called Lin Feng here. This shows that Lin Feng is the two dragon mountain chariot gods!

"Lin Feng, you are the chariot God of Erlong mountain

The Golden Phoenix is very shocked. Her eyes stare into a circle and her mouth opens into an "O" shape. It looks like this, but it has a different aesthetic feeling.

She never thought that Lin Feng was the real chariot God of Erlongshan.

Then, Cai Kun is cheating!

At this time, someone outside said, "look, the God of chariots is in the car. It turns out that the car God's phone is ringing!"

On hearing this, people rushed to the front of the car.

Lin Feng got out of the car, hung up the phone, and said with a smile: "morning, so close, let's not call, save electricity, phone fee ha!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!