The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 267

Lin Feng actually has his own ideas, he has already listed his own order, the first clue to deal with the Southern District of Jincheng.

For the time being, it is not convenient for the Chengkou group of Fenghuang to go down to the south, but some of them are not helpful.

Lin Feng and Jin Fenghuang mentioned this when they were in the dome restaurant. He asked Jin Fenghuang if he knew about the blood jade.

Although Jin Fenghuang is older than Lin Feng, it has been some time since then, so he doesn't know much about it.

She just heard that there was a period of time when there were many unknown people in Jincheng. They were all experts from all walks of life, and they came here to fight for a piece of jade.

However, after everyone fought against each other, it finally proved a truth that the strong dragon could not defeat the local snake, and the jade was finally taken away by the Xicheng Longkou group.

During that time, Jincheng was full of wind and clouds, and people often died in the streets.

Later, the Golden Phoenix heard that the blood jade was stolen, and then sold to the black market, its whereabouts were unknown. As a result, Jincheng has become much calmer.

But the Golden Phoenix knows these, is everybody almost all knows the matter, but the Golden Phoenix actually said a let Lin Feng unexpected matter.

Jin Fenghuang said that his cousin was once a bully in the south of the city. He was once known as the four heroes of Jincheng with the master of Dao, the eighth master and the villains.

Although the four giants of Jincheng are not so well-known, they are really very beautiful at that time. They are all dominant and no one dares to provoke them easily.

Otherwise, at the poetry meeting held by the order of Phoenix, how could Jin Fenghuang invite those three people from the sword Lord to be judges?

In fact, most of them are still in the face of Uncle Jin Fenghuang.

However, Jin Fenghuang's cousin died a few years ago, and his death can only be attributed to his bad life, what is not good, and he has to do smuggling.

Jin Fenghuang's cousin is a smuggler, who runs in the black market and has great prestige in the black market.

He is very bold and careless. He does everything in a slovenly manner.

As a result, once he went to the black market stall and was just in time for dinner. His colleagues were eating dumplings. He wanted to make some mashed garlic. There were some garlic, but he didn't have the tools to pound it. So he picked up a grenade to pound the garlic.

awesome, all a hideous mess. The uncle of the Phoenix collapsed and his hands and feet were lost. After several hours of being sent to the hospital, he died.

This incident, for a time, became a well-known embarrassment in the black market.

It was also at that time that Golden Phoenix jumped out of the modeling circle and established the order of Phoenix, took over his uncle's black market business, and then, through his own ability and personal connections, made the black market business more and more big. At that time, it was almost able to compete with the wolf club.

After all, she changed her business from a regular Entertainment Organization to an entertainment organization, so she would not be able to make money from an underground entertainment organization.

When it comes to Jin Fenghuang's sad uncle, he tells Jin Fenghuang that there is a treasure land in the south of the city. If you have money in the future, you must buy it.

Now, Golden Phoenix has bought that treasure land, which is now the headquarters of the order of the Phoenix.

But the Golden Phoenix did not find any treasures in the treasure land. Of course, Fengshui is really good, so the order of Phoenix has been developing smoothly in recent years.

However, listening to the Golden Phoenix said, Lin Feng's heart is flashing a glimmer of light.

When Jin Fenghuang's cousin was in the black market, he should have known Yan Shouyi. His uncle also heard some secrets in private.

Therefore, his cousin strongly recommended that Jin Fenghuang buy the land in the south of the city. Does it mean that there is a clue of blood jade in that land?

So, it is very likely that the clue of blood jade is in the headquarters of the order of Phoenix.

Lin Feng was very happy to think of this, but he didn't tell Jin Fenghuang what he thought. After all, it was just an idea. He thought that he should go to the headquarters of the order of Phoenix to make a decision.

So he made an appointment with Jin Fenghuang to go to their headquarters tomorrow. After all, he is also the chief Royal consultant. It is necessary to investigate the terrain of the headquarters.

And today to call Lao Hu, Lin Feng did not say these things, he just and Lao Hu chat a few words, and then hung up the phone.

Back at the villa, it was late at night.

He found that the light in the upstairs was still on. So late, did Su Jing still sleep?

Lin Feng went upstairs to see Su Jing lying on her desk, already asleep.

On the desk were some trivial documents, a stapler, a cup of Blue Mountain coffee that had already been cold, and a pair of glasses that Su Jing would only wear when she was at work.

Because the villa that Tang Dongsheng sent to Lin Feng is very large, Su Jing has designated a special area upstairs to be an office area, and has also placed a desk and some office equipment, which is in line with Su Jing's workaholic temperament.The Mid Autumn Festival, the night has been slightly cool, wisps of wind blowing in from the window seam, people can not help but feel a little chilly.

Lin Feng picked up a suit coat from the hanger and helped Su Jing put it on her. Otherwise, she would catch cold if she went on like this.

But for a moment, Lin Feng's heart is a violent jerk.

Because Su Jing's side face on the table is so similar to Jin Wan'er!

In the light of the light, it's like a person!

"Wan'er!" Lin Feng looks at Su Jing gently. Then he puts his head up with his hands and leans on the table top. He looks at Su Jing motionlessly.

But at this time, Su Jing suddenly woke up and saw Lin Feng's face close at hand. She screamed "ah".

A slap at Lin Feng almost passed.

"I wipe it!" Lin Feng didn't expect this woman to be so fierce. He would hit him with his hand. For ordinary people, he would be stunned by a slap.

But Lin Feng couldn't. He flashed his head back and hid easily.

"Pa --" Su Jing slapped on the table and blew the stapler away.

"You want to kill? Is it so cruel? " Lin Feng said.

After seeing that the person in front of her was Lin Feng, Su Jing quickly said, "Oh, it's you. I'm sorry. I'm instinctive!"

Su Jing is indeed an instinctive reaction. She was also jumped by Lin Feng. She thought she was a bad person!

Lin Feng said: "you instinctive reaction, you are fierce enough. Fortunately, I am alert, handsome and invincible, otherwise you must slap your head off!"

Su Jing turned her lips and said, "I can't blame all of it, can you? Your big night's draught, carries a head in front of me, I thought is which lecher again

"Have you ever seen such a handsome lecher?" Lin Feng said.

"Well, no shame!" Su Jing rubbed her head and found that she was still wearing a coat. She felt warm in her heart. She knew that Lin Feng had put it on her. However, because of this, she was a little embarrassed. She coughed and said to herself, "how long did I sleep?"

She looked at her watch. It was one o'clock after midnight.

Lin Feng said, "well, my Su Da beauty, although you are born beautiful, you can't always stay up so late, or you will soon become an old woman and no one wants it!"

"No one wants it, no one wants it. I'm not rare!" Su Jing said in a sullen voice.

With that, she got up and went to the bedroom.

But because she had been sitting for too long, her legs were numb. Before she got up and waited to go, she felt that she could not use her strength on one side. With a sound of "ouch", she fell to one side and went straight into Lin Feng's arms.

"Ah Lin Feng held Su Jing and felt her tender muscles and skin. Suddenly, she sighed: "that's how life goes up and down. One second she slapped me in the face, but the next, she threw herself in her arms. President of Jiangsu University, are you conquered by my beauty?"

"Go away!"

Su Jing blushed and scolded, reaching out to push Lin Feng away.

Then Lin Feng grabbed Su Jing's hand and said, "you're bleeding!"

As soon as Su Jing looked, her fingers did bleed. She accidentally hit the stapler and was punctured by a Book nail.

At this time, Lin Feng said: "it doesn't matter. I'll help you."

Then, with one hand, she helped Su Jing to her own body and held her injured finger in her mouth.

"Ah -" cried Su Jing. Suddenly, she felt crispy and numb all over her body. , the fastest update of the webnovel!