The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 268

Su Jing was surprised that she enjoyed the feeling.

When a man treats himself like this, he doesn't have any antipathy and enjoys it very much. This is her life. Lin Feng said, "it's midnight. The light is still on on on the third floor. It costs more electricity. I'll help you turn it off."


Su Jing was speechless for a while. This brain circuit of Lin Feng is always so quiet, just to save electricity?

"I don't want this electricity bill. Next time, please don't come and turn off the light for me!" Su Jing said.

"Well, it's hard to be a little environmental guard these days!" Lin Feng smilingly said: "by the way, look at your busy work, how is Dongsheng Group recently?"

"Fortunately, the business is steadily rising!" Su Jing said: "since Chen Da is the main person in charge of the drag racing party, it is very easy for us to solve the problem in the East District. It's thanks to you. Now the whole mining industry takes you as a hero. When will you come to the company to have a close interaction with the hero? "

"Well, I've got something to do these days. I'll be there when I'm finished!" Lin Feng said.

"What's the matter?" Su Jing asked.

"A little private matter!" Lin Feng didn't say much.

"Well, it's late. Let's go to bed early." With that, Su Jing walked to her bedroom.

Looking at Su Jing's sexy and charming back, Lin Feng is in a trance again and always feels like Jin Waner.

Speaking of Jin Waner, Lin Feng thinks of the Jin family. In those years, the Jin family hired Chu Yuqi's father to steal blood jade. What did the Jin family think of doing this?

And why did Chu Yuqi's father steal the blood jade, but the Jin family didn't want it?

These problems, together with the disappearance of Jin Wan'er, will sooner or later go to the Jin family to ask and understand. However, the time has not yet come, and there are still a lot of things to deal with. The affairs of the Jin family need to be put aside for the time being.

Lin Feng went back to his bedroom, lay on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

The next day, Lin Feng got up early in the morning. Aunt Liu, the nanny downstairs, had already prepared their breakfast and put it on the table all the time.

Lin Feng went downstairs and sat on the table in a daze after washing.

This is a thing he likes to do after getting up early, that is to let his brain be in a blank state, so that he can relax and adjust his state slowly to meet the arrival of this day.

However, seeing Lin Feng's dull face, Aunt Liu covered her mouth and snickered. Then she took a look at Lin Feng and muttered, "young man is greedy. I must have done more last night!"

Lin Feng saw Aunt Liu snickering and asked, "Aunt Liu, what are you laughing at?"

"Oh, no laughing!" Aunt Liu said quickly. Then she thought about it and asked tentatively, "Mr. Lin, are you tired? Do you want to get you some wangba soup tonic in the evening

"Make up?"

"Yes, you can see that you are indifferent in the early morning. My aunt is a person who has come here. I can see it at a glance. Ha ha ha ha!" Aunt Liu said with a bright smile.

Lin Feng crooked a smile: "OK, Aunt Liu, what do you see?"

Aunt Liu said: "well, as the saying goes, women are the land, men are cattle. There is no ploughed land, only tired cows. You don't know the value of that thing when you are young. When you're old, you look at women and weep! Take it easy

Lin Feng understood that Aunt Liu was misunderstood, but he gave a bad smile and said, "Aunt Liu, in fact, this is the case. I think you should enlighten Su Jing. She wants it endlessly every day. I can't stand it. I'm really tired!"

"Well, you can't go on like this. You have to know how to go on like this." Said Aunt Liu.

"Who said it was not?" Lin Feng's face was distressed and said, "well, if it goes on like this, I'll be squeezed dry by her! Aunt Liu, you are all women. Please advise her

"Look at you so pitiful, I'll try!" Said Aunt Liu.

At this time, Su Jing also got up. She went downstairs to see Lin Feng and Aunt Liu chatting happily. She asked, "what's so happy talking about in the morning?"

"Oh, nothing!" Lin Feng Road.

Su Jing didn't continue to ask. She went downstairs to wash, then went to the cloakroom to change clothes and sat at the table to eat.

Lin Feng had finished eating, and then sat on the side of the sofa, picked up the mobile phone, read today's news.

At this time, Aunt Liu passed by Lin Feng with a smile on her face and made a OK gesture. Then she went to the table and said to Su Jing with a smile: "Miss Su tosses around so late every night. She looks so good in the morning. She is in great health!"

Su Jing said with a smile: "I can't do it recently. My waist always hurts! Maybe it's a little too much! "

"Mm-hmm! Yes, it must be! " Aunt Liu felt that she had found a breakthrough and was very happy. She said, "no matter how good you are, you can't be so upset. No matter whether it's a man or a woman, you can't stand it!"

Su Jingmei raised her eyes and took a look at Aunt Liu. She thought that Aunt Liu said he would stay up late. She said, "well, yes! But some things are not done, the heart is really itchy, itching, can not sleep ahAunt Liu bit her lip and said that Miss Su was really bold in her speech. She was also itchy if she didn't do it. Young people are young people!

Aunt Liu also said a little more: "Miss Su, itching is not good, you have to control it! Think for Mr. Lin, too

"He?" Su Jing looked at Lin Feng and said, "why do I think for him?"

"Cough!" Lin Feng quickly buried his head staring at the mobile phone, pretending to read the news, and muttered: "Oh, a certain actress cheated in marriage, asking her husband to forgive her? How can this be possible, derailment will kill you! oh Is gold down again? Is the economic crisis coming? "

Seeing Lin Feng's serious face, Su Jing withdrew her eyes and continued to eat breakfast.

Aunt Liu was worried when she saw that she didn't understand. She said, "you see, Mr. Lin got up in the morning, listless, obviously last night... Right?"

"What happened last night?" Su Jing asked. Then she remembered the scene where they were pasted together last night, and her face turned red.

Seeing that Su Jing blushed, Aunt Liu knew she was on the right track, so she took advantage of the heat to hit the railway: "did you feel good last night?"

Su Jing's face turned even redder when she heard this. She said that Lin Feng must have told Aunt Liu what happened last night. However, how does Lin Feng know that she feels comfortable? Did he guess that?

Su Jing took a look at Lin Feng and turned to Aunt Liu and said, "it's not good at all."

"Why not?" Asked Aunt Liu.

"He's hurt me, it's bleeding!" Su Jing said, "and then help me suck, but what's the use of it?"

"What?" Aunt Liu was a little surprised, and then took a look at Lin Feng and sighed, "I'm a good girl. How fierce I am , the fastest update of the webnovel!