The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 266

Jin Fenghuang never dreamed that he could visit the dome restaurant so soon. Moreover, he still borrowed the light of Lin Feng!

"Lin Feng, who are you Sitting on the starry sofa of the dome restaurant, Jin Fenghuang looks at Lin Feng with a smile.

"I'm a security guard of Dongsheng Group." Lin Feng put his hands behind his head and reclined on the sofa looking at the starry sky overhead.

"Don't fart!" "I'm not that kind of green little girl, I'm not so easy to cheat!" said the Golden Phoenix with a smile

"Oh, so it is!" "I'll tell you the truth," said Lin Feng

"Well!" Jin Fenghuang is waiting for Lin Feng's answer.

Lin Feng grinned and said, "my real identity is the chief Royal adviser of the order of Phoenix! Ha ha ha

"Ah Jin Fenghuang frowned, but she thought that since Lin Feng didn't want to tell herself, it was not easy for her to follow others.

At this time, in this starry dome restaurant, Golden Phoenix seems to find the feeling of love.

It's so romantic here. It's like a huge glass cover to protect them, and outside the glass cover is the whole galaxy.

Moreover, she looked at Lin Feng's smile and twinkle in front of her eyes, and suddenly her expression was in a trance.

Lin Feng, and that man like, really like, Lin Feng and that man, in the end what is the relationship?

Even a lot of times, Golden Phoenix will be in a trance, he feels that Lin Feng is him.

Is it, Lin Feng is that disappeared man, he appeared again, changed an identity, came to his side?

Looking at Lin Feng's handsome side face, Jin Fenghuang's inner happiness is like a flood breaking the bank. No matter Lin Feng is him or not, she thanks Lin Feng for coming to her side and injecting a clear spring into her dry heart.

She hoped that this moment can be fixed, under the beautiful sky, in the quiet starry night galaxy, they can gaze at each other, until forever!




however, the atmosphere on the eighth floor is totally different from that of the dome restaurant.

Cai Kun criticized manager Wang fiercely: "tell me, am I SVIP? Why can't I go up there? Is that fair to me? "

"Please be calm and don't be impatient. This is the rule. After you enter the Dragon Tower, you should abide by the rules of the Dragon Tower." Manager Wang said politely.

Looking at manager Wang's relaxed appearance, Cai Kun was even more angry and scolded: "where is Lin Feng? What department is he in? Why does he have the title of ssvip? Why don't I? Who is he, you say? "

"I'm sorry, sir. Our longta company keeps his personal information confidential for customers, and even I can't see Mr. Lin's background! Therefore, we can not provide you with any information, please forgive me! " Said manager Wang.

"Shit! Get out of here, all of him Cai Kun did not look like before. At this time, his mouth was full of dirty words and he was very angry. He looked like a scoundrel.

For so many years, he has never lost once since he started chasing girls. Today, he is totally defeated. What's more, he lost to a poor hanging silk who wears Street goods and rides a broken bicycle. He is so hard to accept the result that he feels like he is going to be angry when he thinks about it.

At this time, Cai Kun's mobile phone rings.

The caller is a person called Taotie.

Cai Kun took a deep breath, sorted out his thoughts, and then picked it up.

"Hello, Cai Kun, how was your first battle today?" From the other end of the phone came a deep, hoarse voice: "you told me that once you use a man's trick, almost no woman can escape your palm!"

"Well, of course!" Cai Kun gasped and said, "but there was a little accident today."

"Little accident?"

"Yes, it's just a small accident. Don't worry. I'll get it sooner or later." Cai Kun's face was ferocious.

There was a deep sigh on the other end of the phone, and then said, "Cai Kun, our organization found you and asked you to complete this task. It is the trust of the organization to you and my trust in you. We spend a lot of money to hire you. Don't let us down!"

"Of course not. There's just a little episode tonight. I've got more ways to chase women. Give me a few more days, and I'll take the Golden Phoenix and let her take it." Cai Kun said fiercely.

"Well, I'll give you a few more days! By the way, I'll give you some information help. The latest news I got is that golden phoenix is calm and mature in appearance, but in fact, she is also very enthusiastic in her heart, and she is a racing fan. Generally, those who like racing are hot-blooded men and women, so don't be deceived by her appearance! " Said the other end of the phone.

"Well, I see!" Cai Kun said.

"We've given it to you. If things don't work out, you know how miserable your consequences will be, so I don't need to remind you again! Come on "At last, I wish you all the best! Goodbye"Dudu Dudu..." the other party hung up the phone.

Cai Kun grinned his teeth and looked around. He drank up the rest of the wine and smashed the bottle with a bang.

"Oh, damn it!" Cai Kun touched his face and walked down the stairs.



this year's Mid Autumn Festival, Lin Feng had a wonderful time.

At the end of the day, from morning to night, there are all kinds of harvest.

At the end of the night, Lin Feng rode his bicycle and sent the Golden Phoenix home. He was smoking downstairs.

This seemingly busy and harvest day, but let Lin Feng very unhappy.

He doesn't like the Mid Autumn Festival.

Once upon a time, the mid autumn festival became like this?

Mid Autumn Festival, should not be the family reunion, happy noisy appearance?

Lin Feng can't remember when he spent the last Mid Autumn Festival with his parents. He missed them very much, but he could only find their shadow through his vague memory and the warmth and joy of his childhood.

Mom and dad?

Are you all right?

Lin Feng shook his head and sighed. He suddenly thought of Lao Hu.

Perhaps now, Lao Hu is his only relative in the world.

He called Lao Hu: "Happy Mid Autumn Festival, Lao Hu!"

"Stinky boy, you're consuming me today, aren't you? I gave you ssvip permission. I didn't want you to spend money. You ordered a bottle of so expensive wine, and I had to pay for it. Do you want to make me poor? " The other end of the phone, keep counting Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng is a warm heart smile, this world, only Lao Hu will be like his parents so nagging him.

"Lao Hu, money is a bastard. If you don't make money, you should take care of yourself." Lin Feng said.

Laohu said: "on you like this, how to let me take care of my body, I am almost angry by you, that is a million ah, you waved a big hand, Xiaoxiao free and easy to throw out, I love ah, that what, you don't talk, let me slow down, ah ah ah, heart good pain!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "you're a shameless old man. I made so much money. I didn't see you praising me. I spent a little money on you. I'll cut you down!" Then Lin Feng said, "I got some news today. About blood jade, Chu Yuqi's father said that the four clues of blood jade were hidden in four places in the southeast, northwest and northwest of Jincheng respectively. We found the eastern part and the other three!"

"Ah? No wonder I have not understood the poem since I studied it. There are still three clues? Do you want me to help you? " "Of course, except for money," said Lao Hu

"Not for the time being. I'll take care of it myself!" Lin Feng said.

"What are you going to do next?" Lao Hu asked.

"Cold sauce!" Lin Feng said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!