The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 262

When Cai Kun saw that Jin Fenghuang was talking to Lin Feng in a low voice, he was very upset. He said to Jin Fenghuang:

"what can't you say clearly? Are you talking about the quality of my wine? "

"Oh, that's not true. Your wine is really good wine!" Golden Phoenix smiles politely.

Of course, Cai Yikun laughed! In particular, Lafite in '82 is hard to find in the market. A bottle of wine worth up to 100000 yuan is the best red wine I know in the world. Today, I choose such a unique red wine to treat you. Is it sincere? "

Cai Kun was very proud of what he said, just like the wine he chose, which was the nectar of heaven.

Golden Phoenix quickly said: "just order some, don't order such a good wine deliberately!"

With a wave of his hand, Cai Kun said in a loud voice, "no, of course, a beautiful woman should match the best wine in the world!"

Said, he suddenly feel that Lin Feng is in the way here. It's better to humiliate him as soon as possible and send him away, so as not to affect his own dating!

Thinking of this, Cai Kun said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, since you know Lafite, I'll ask you another question. Do you know why Lafite in '82 is the best?"

His problem is much more difficult than the previous one. Only those who know how to drink will know.

Jin Fenghuang couldn't read it anymore. She answered for Lin Feng: "Cai Kun, Lin Feng, he doesn't really understand..."

"stop!" Cai Kun's face was gloomy again and said, "Jin Mei, Lin Feng is very learned. I want to hear him give me science popularization."

As soon as he said this, he obviously hated Lin Feng for his science popularization inscriptions.

Jin Fenghuang turns to look at Lin Feng and immediately worries about him. He has never drunk red wine before. How can he know that it is not obvious that he is making trouble!

The beautiful waitress was on the side, but she was gloating. Look, you have to come to the eighth floor as a poor girl. How about it? It's a shame this time?

The beauty of the waiter has been looking at Lin Feng, heart said that the hanging silk looks not as good as her own taste, even he such a poor hanging silk, can come to the eighth floor to eat, but also have to personally service, she is very unbalanced.

Look at the gentleman whose surname is Cai. He is handsome and wears a famous brand. He is rich and powerful. He brings girls to dinner for romance. You, a native, have to make do with it. People don't embarrass you. Who are you?

Just when everyone thought Lin Feng couldn't answer, he suddenly turned his head, smiling at Cai Kun, and said, "it's better to ask less questions in the future, so as not to appear that you are uneducated!"

"Don't brag. If you know it, you say it!" Cai Kun said angrily.

"You want to hear it, don't you? Then I'll give you another science popularization! " Lin Feng said word by word: "Lafite was produced in Bordeaux winery in Western Europe. 1982 was the" beautiful year of the century "in Western Europe. In that year, the climate was excellent and the temperature difference was appropriate, which made the quality of grapes very good. Therefore, the wine produced was highly praised by the international community. Later, there was no better climate condition in any year than that in 82. Therefore, the Lafite in 1982, to It's still the most popular one today

"Yes, indeed it is!" The Golden Phoenix breathed a sigh, but he was surprised that Lin Feng answered.

But Cai Kun was even more unexpected. He didn't expect that the boy really knew it. He said with a sneer: "you boy, you really know. OK, you have some insight!"

At this time, however, Lin Feng said: "ha ha, is it? Is this called insight? Is Mr. Cai's so-called insight too insightful? "

"What do you mean?" Cai Kun looks cold.

"Mr. Cai must have watched too many TV dramas to think that Lafite in '82 is the best red wine. If you understand red wine, you will not say such superficial words!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Do you dare to slander me for being superficial?" Cai Kun roared.

Cai Kun was very angry. He said that he had seen a ghost today. He was ridiculed by a country bumpkin and didn't know how to drink. It was a joke!

However, Lin Feng said with a faint smile: "in fact, Lafite in '82 was more hyped in China, so many people followed suit. Is it really so powerful? Not at all! Under the climate background of '82, too many good wines have been born. Which is not the best wine in the world

Speaking of this, Lin Feng smashed his mouth a few times, said: "but the wood Tung is a little strong, white horse drinks a little sour, Bertus is good, sweet and refreshing, and fermentation time is long, wine tannin content is high, very suitable for girls to drink, there is a very good beauty effect Oh!"

Listen to Lin Feng such a long talk down, the Golden Phoenix and the beautiful waiter, surprised jaw almost fell down.

And listen to Lin Feng's meaning, so many famous wine, he has drunk ah! No wonder he said he had drunk a lot of high-end red wine before. Is it true?Jin Fenghuang looks at Lin Feng in surprise. She thinks that she knows a lot about wine, but compared with Lin Feng, she is just like a wine expert!

At this time, Cai Kun's face was a little green. He didn't expect Lin Feng to know so much.

But for the sake of face, he still insisted: "do you think I don't know these? Don't show off here

"You drink? Mr. Cai is really good at biting people. It's obvious that you mentioned this first, but I'm showing off. Is that funny? " Lin Feng laughs.

However, what Lin Feng said is true. Jin Fenghuang and the beautiful waiter all know that it was Cai Kun who kept asking Lin Feng and humiliated him, which led to his own collapse. It is no wonder that Lin Feng was killed.

The beautiful waitress was also very surprised. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng really knew a lot. However, if you think about it, it's no use knowing more than that. If you don't take him to the eighth floor, she still can't come.

But Cai Kun saw that he was sure to be beaten in the face if he went on talking. He simply stopped the topic and said, "no matter how much you understand, what's the use of it, it's better to have more practical knowledge!"

"Beauty, open a bottle of 82 year old Lafite for me!" she said to the beauty waiter

"Hold on!" Lin Feng said, "I don't think the 82 year old Lafite is suitable for the golden beauty!"

"Not suitable?" Cai Kunxin said what moth did you make? Lafite in '82, what's wrong with such a good wine?

Lin Feng this sentence also lets the Golden Phoenix a Leng, does not understand looking at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said: "although the climate in 82 is good, the climate in northern Western Europe in 90 years is more suitable for grape growth. Therefore, the 90 year romaniconti winery in the northern part of Western Europe is the king of wine. The price of a single bottle is 5-10 times of that of Lafite in 1982. It can be called the king of wine. A queen like gold and gold in my family should match this wine, you say Isn't it? "

As soon as he spoke, the beautiful waiter beside him was even more surprised. It seems that this man is really an expert!

Romani conti is one of the most expensive wines in their wine series. The price of a single bottle can reach up to one million, which is really a fantastic wine.

But at this time, Cai Kun was very angry. Lin Feng not only praised the Golden Phoenix with his strength, but also wanted to kill himself.

At this time, Lin Feng added: "what's the matter, man? Do you think wine is expensive? Not willing to pay? "

Cai Kun bit his teeth and said, "is that nonsense?"? A bottle of wine a million, can not expensive? But he could not drop the chain in front of the Golden Phoenix, so he forbeared and said, "how can it be? It's not expensive. It's a small thing! Wine with beauty is not a loss at all

But the Golden Phoenix on one side was a little embarrassed, and quickly said, "Lin Feng, don't use it. Let's drink something cheaper!"

"Well! Let's have a cheaper Lafite from '82 Lin Feng waved his hand to the beautiful waiter.

This can make Cai Kun angry. When did 82's Lafite become cheap?

In the past 82 years, if Rafi invited anyone, people would have to be grateful and boast about it, but it became a bargain in their mouth?

What's more, he paid for a treat, but he didn't make any profit in the end. However, he was given a cheap wine to save money for you.

Is there such a thing in the world? How angry!

However, at this time, Lin Feng added with a smile: "Oh, by the way, let's put three bottles together, so it's convenient for us three to blow bottles!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!