The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 263

"NIMA, three more? Still blowing? "

Cai Kun was so angry in his heart that he trembled with anger. This old earth hat was obviously in the pit of himself.

He quickly blocked the way: "beauty, can't take three bottles!"

"Why?" Lin Feng said, "does Mr. Cai think it's too expensive and cares about money?"

Cai Kun stares at Lin Feng fiercely and wants to kill him. But now, if he doesn't want three bottles, he doesn't seem generous enough.

He was in a dilemma by Lin Feng.

However, Cai Kun is very smart. What he is good at is making things out of nothing and sophistry. He turned his mind and said:

"Oh, I don't care about money. It's just two bottles of wine. It's just floating clouds. I just think that red wine, with its drinking method, how can people with good taste like us blow the bottle? This is obviously wrong! "

His words can be said to be on the right and left. He said that he had a good taste and didn't need to call the extra wine.

Lin Feng said, "how could that be right? Please teach me, Mr. Cai! "

Cai Kun waved his hand and said, "come on, open a bottle of Lafite for me first."

The beautiful waitress quickly brought a bottle of wine. She had already put on her white gloves. She looked very professional. After removing the cork, she poured the wine into the soberer and put it aside to sober up.

At this time, Cai Kun said: "wine is like a sleeping woman with dust on her body. We must wake her up and let her dance so that we can see the beauty under her dust. Therefore, it is a very necessary link to sober up! It usually takes 10-15 minutes! "

In fact, Cai Kun was showing off his knowledge. When he said that, he did not forget to look at Lin Feng arrogantly, which means that you are a native. Have you never heard of these?

Next, Cai Kun told Jin Fenghuang a lot about wine, making him look like a gentleman in the upper class of Western Europe.

Ten minutes later, Cai Kun said, "well, it's almost time to wake up. We can have a taste."

Then he went to get the sobering utensils.

However, at this time, Lin Feng took the utensils and said, "I'm thirsty. I'll drink some first."

Then he picked up the soberer and drank it directly.

"Gollum Gollum!" A few seconds later, Lin Feng was bored.

"Burp -" Lin Feng made a burp, smashed it a few times, said: "this wine is not good to drink, did not taste what flavor, or, another bottle of it!"

This scene made Cai Kun angry. His 100000 bottles of red wine were so dry? And then, again?

Cai Kunxin is dripping blood. What Lin Feng drinks is his own money!

He was furious and roared at Lin Feng: "do you drink red wine like this?"

"Oh, I was just thirsty. Quench my thirst!" Lin Feng said.

Cai Kun scolded: "you poor hanging silk, you can't drink red wine, I can teach you, why do you make up your own mind to finish drinking the wine?"

"Do you really think I can't drink red wine?" Lin Feng laughed and said, "I can drink more than you do."

"Can you drink? Why, you drink it to me Cai Kun Dao, Cai Kun concluded that Lin Feng did not understand the etiquette of drinking.

"Good!" Lin Feng snapped his fingers at the beauty waiter, "give me another bottle!"

"Wait!" Cai Kun said, "it's agreed in advance that you will pay for the bottle you come for."

Cai Kun is deliberately making trouble for Lin Feng. He thinks that he can't afford to drink this kind of wine for his whole life. Don't you always laugh at me for being mean? Well, I'll let you pay. I'll let you throw your poor silk home in disgrace!

Lin Feng laughed and said, "isn't it your treat? How can I buy wine? "

At this time, Jin Fenghuang also came out to play the game. She thought, Lin Feng all rode bicycles. Where can I get money to buy such high-grade wine? It's obviously hard for people. She said, "I think it's OK. Let's just eat something at will."! It doesn't matter if you drink or not

"No way!" Cai Kun said, "he drank up all the wine I invited you. How could he just ignore it?"

Cai Kun is very good at speaking, deliberately pulling hatred, and said that the wine was his own invitation to the Golden Phoenix, and then was drunk by Lin Feng, so that the Golden Phoenix hated Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng said, "yes, I just drank my golden wine. What's the matter?"

"You don't have money, and you rob other people's drinks. It's shameless of you to be such a person!" Cai Kun said, looking at the Golden Phoenix: "I see you, this boyfriend, is really very uneducated, and is not good to you, even your wine he also grabs to drink, has no respect at all!"

Jin Fenghuang doesn't make a noise. She doesn't blame Lin Feng, but he doesn't understand why Lin Feng drank up all the wine? Is it to make Cai Kun spend more money?

If so, Lin Feng's mind is a little narrow-minded!

But at this time, Lin Feng said: "do you know why I drank up your wine? Because, in this kind of venue, at this moment, your bottle of wine is not worthy of my family's gold value! "Cai Kun looked cold and said, "do you have to drink the one hundred and one million bottles of Romani Kangdi?"

"Yes, the king in wine is suitable for my family's gold price!" Lin Feng said.

"Well, since you are so determined to drink, you can go and buy a bottle! If you can't buy it, don't play x here! " Cai kundao.

As soon as he said this, he obviously took Lin Feng's army again.

Golden Phoenix also has a headache.

This Lin Feng, again around himself, a hundred thousand bottles of wine, Jincheng have a few people to drink up?

Even their present value, at most, they choose 100000 bottles, which is the highest specification. They have never thought about a hundred thousand bottles.

One side of the beautiful waiters have been watching the drama, at this time see Lin Feng was general, her heart is a burst of exclamation, alas, there is no money to install x, who gave this poor hanging silk courage?

However, at this time, Lin Feng is a smile, said: "I please, I please, it's not a big deal, waiter, give me Romani Kangdi!"

Then he made a gesture: "two bottles!"

"What?" All the people present were confused. The boy was not talking in his sleep, was he?

Romani conti? Two more?

"I'm sorry, sir. Except for super VIP customers, the rest of us have to pay in real time. Are you a SVIP customer? Do you have a SVIP customer qualification certificate? " Said the pretty waiter.

"Sorry, I'm not SVIP!" Lin Feng smiles.

A burst of disdain in the beauty waiter's heart, I knew that you certainly did not have this ability, and then the mouth still said with a smile: "then you swipe the card directly to pay this comparison money also can!"

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of carrying cards!" Lin Feng smiles again.

"I'm sorry, sir. You have no right to ask me to serve you wine for the time being." The beautiful waiter smiles politely.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" At this time, Cai Kun laughed, "you pretend, you continue to pretend? Think you're in a movie

However, as soon as his voice dropped, he saw that the elevator had opened, and a handsome waiter in a suit came to Lin Feng in a hurry, dragging a disc in his hand and placing a bottle of wine on it: "Sir, here is the wine you want!"

Then, he said apologetically to Lin Feng: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, because this wine is too precious and the quantity is limited, we have only one bottle for the time being. If you really want to, we will search the whole city as much as possible to see if we can find another bottle, and the price is consistent with this bottle. In addition, we are very sorry for the inconvenience, please forgive me! "

With that, the waiter put the wine in his hand respectfully on the table, and then stood on one side, waiting for Lin Feng's reply. , the fastest update of the webnovel!