The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 261

On the eighth floor, the beautiful waiter guides Cai Kun and others to their seats.

The landscape of the eighth floor is very unique, which is a garden style construction style. Round arches, hollow wood carvings, trees, flowers and plants, etc. are very similar to the ancient gardens.

But what is more striking is that the scenery will display ancient poetry in various forms. Most of those poems are carved on exquisite stone tablets. All kinds of exquisite inscriptions can be found everywhere, with a strong literary flavor.

Because the Dragon Tower is based on the nine sons of the dragon. The theme of the eighth floor is the eighth son of the dragon, negative.

Negative nature is gentle and likes writing. Therefore, the garden on the eighth floor is only built to set off the atmosphere of writing and ink. In fact, those exquisite inscriptions are the core of the theme.

As soon as he entered the door, the Golden Phoenix was attracted by the scenery inside.

Golden Phoenix itself is the ancient Chinese style wind control. Even the construction of the headquarters of the order of Phoenix is designed according to the ancient style. Seeing the strong ancient style in this floor, Jin Fenghuang is in a good mood and has a smile on her beautiful face, which is very moving.

However, Cai Kun frowned and muttered, "how can such a modern place look like an antique? Alas

His words were heard by the Golden Phoenix, who was very uncomfortable in his heart and said, "isn't the ancient style very good? It's not a good moral character to forget one's ancestors after another. "

As soon as Cai Kun heard that Jin Fenghuang meant that he had forgotten his origin, he forced him to explain: "this is a bit serious. I have been living in the West for a long time, and I am used to the western environment and their advanced technology and life philosophy. I just came back and I am still a little uncomfortable. But for you, I will gradually adapt to it!"

Jin Fenghuang smiles awkwardly and doesn't speak again.

When Cai Kun saw the Golden Phoenix smile, he showed off again: "golden beauty, you can't help but remind me of the Suzhou and Hangzhou gardens. This is not built to prevent the construction of Suzhou and Hangzhou gardens!"

Jin Fenghuang looked around and found that the style was quite similar to Suzhou and Hangzhou gardens.

Looking at the Golden Phoenix, Cai Kun looked around seriously. He thought that the Golden Phoenix was convinced by his own insight. He continued to show off: "Alas, there are no such inscriptions in Suzhou and Hangzhou gardens. It's just that there is no inscription here. It's just like a temple. It makes people feel uncomfortable when they look at it."

Jin Fenghuang didn't make a comment. She thought the inscription was very beautiful, but she didn't know why she put them.

At this time, Lin Feng said faintly: "I think this inscription is very beautiful. If you want to see the garden, you can go to Suzhou and Hangzhou gardens to see it. But these exquisite inscriptions are not common."

After hearing this, Cai Kun's face turned cold and said, "you country bumpkin, what do you know? Do you know what ancient gardens are? I don't know anything. I just brought you in for the sake of golden beauty. Don't show off your uneducated face. If you lose the face of golden beauty again, it will be bad! "

"Oh? Is it? " Lin Feng said casually, "in Mr. Cai's opinion, all these exquisite inscriptions should be thrown out?"

After listening to Lin Feng, Cai Kun thought he was soft, so he said haughtily: "it's not enough to throw them all out. You can also leave a few scattered ones to decorate them."

As soon as he said this, Lin Feng laughed.

Cai Kun and Jin Fenghuang on one side are both surprised and frightened by Lin Feng's smile.

"Hillbilly, what are you laughing at?" Cai Kun said angrily.

Lin Feng said, "I feel you are very funny. The core of this floor is on these inscriptions. You even have to throw them out. Ha ha ha ha, but you are ruined!"

Seeing Lin Feng's laughter, Cai Kun was very angry and said angrily, "you're talking nonsense. The garden is the core here, and the inscriptions are cumbersome!"

Lin Feng stopped laughing, took a look at Cai Kun, and then said, "look at your uneducated appearance. Let me give you some science popularization! The Dragon Tower has nine floors. Each floor is based on the theme of nine sons born by the dragon. The theme of the eighth floor is the eighth son of the dragon, who is gentle and likes inscriptions most. Therefore, these inscriptions are the most important core, and the others are just auxiliary setting off! "

Lin Feng every word said very reasonable, Golden Phoenix in the side to see very interested, she did not expect that Lin Feng also understand these.

And Lin Feng's words, also let one side of the beautiful waiters surprised.

This man is right. Mr. Cai in front of me said that the inscription was redundant. The beauty waiter didn't know how to correct him. Now he finally got the chance!

The beautiful waitress also hastily agrees: "this guest said is right, is like this!"

As soon as the beauty talks, Cai Kun is slapped in the face.

He was just showing off, saying that the inscriptions were superfluous. At the moment, people said that inscriptions were the theme, which made him very embarrassed.

Golden Phoenix nodded: "Oh, so it is!" Then, she looked at Lin Feng with approval: "Lin Feng, you know so much!"

"That's right. I know a lot. Otherwise, how could you like me?" Lin Feng said with a smile.Looking at the scene of the two people flirting, Cai Kun on the side of him is getting angry. His hate for Lin Feng is getting stronger and stronger, but he only blames his homework for his carelessness.

However, Cai Kun didn't pay much attention to it. Lin Feng only learned some knowledge, because there were opportunities behind him. He had some tricks to humiliate the boy. Anyway, his task today is to win the Golden Phoenix. No one can stop him!

Cai Kun fiercely gouged out Lin Feng, and then quickly changed the topic: "Oh, these are not important, come on, let's order first!"

Then, he called the beauty waiter to come over, ordered a few dishes simply, and then asked the Golden Phoenix: "big beauty, drink a little wine, no problem?"

The Golden Phoenix is embarrassed to refuse, then nodded.

After all, the Golden Phoenix is famous for its large capacity of wine. Drinking a little wine is not a big problem.

Cai Kun laughed and said, "the golden beauty is really appreciated. I will show my sincerity."

Then, he said to the beauty waiter, "beauty, open the best bottle of wine for me, Lafite of '82!"

"Yes, sir." After listening to Cai Kun's remark, the beauty waiter can't help but nod to himself, saying that this man has a good taste. Lafite in '82 is a fine wine and a king in wine.

He is worthy of being a man of wealth and achievement. He has good taste and money. Compared with other people, he is a man in heaven and earth.

Cai Kun was also very proud. Seeing Lin Feng sitting on the side, he thought that Lin Feng, a native, had never seen these things, so he took the opportunity to make trouble for Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, have you heard of Lafite?"

"Oh, I've heard of it!" Lin Feng said.

"He's heard of Raffi, ha ha ha!" Cai Kun points to Lin Feng and laughs, which makes the beautiful waiters laugh.

Lin Feng was surprised: "is it funny? I didn't drink this kind of wine before, because the grade is too low. You haven't heard of the red wine I've drunk! "

Indeed, Lin Feng has tasted almost all kinds of wine, and the red wine they organize to drink is all world-class special immortal wine, which can't be drunk for much money.

But as soon as Lin Feng said this, Cai Kun's smile became more fierce. He covered his stomach and said, "you can boast a little bit, OK? You're laughing at me, a poor hick who says Lafite is low-grade? Ha ha ha

The beautiful waiter also looked at Lin Feng with a sneer on her face. She said that he didn't know how to drink at all, and he was still in poor clothes here. It was a shame!

But the face of Golden Phoenix is a burst of red and white, feel really shouldn't bring Lin Feng, not only she lost people, but also Lin Feng was humiliated.

She pulled the corner of Lin Feng's coat and said in a low voice to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, don't pick up his words. I'll finish for you. Don't make a sound."

Jin Fenghuang is afraid that Lin Feng will fall apart if he is humiliated!

Lin Feng smile, said to the Golden Phoenix: "OK, I know!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!