The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 260

Cai Kun was so angry in his heart! Where did you come from?

How did Golden Phoenix find such a hanging silk boyfriend? Dressed in a tasteless stall and riding a creaking bicycle, is this man engaged in performance art?

Is the theme of art back to the 1970s?

Cai Kun shook his head. What a damn thing!

The reason why he was so angry was that he came back to China to win the Golden Phoenix.

After graduation, Jin Fenghuang stayed in China and entered the film and television media industry, while Cai Kun chose to go to the United States for further study.

But Cai Kun has always been obsessed with the beauty of the Golden Phoenix. After he went to the United States, although he also lingered on the flowers and played with many women, he never forgot about the Golden Phoenix. So he returned home last week and immediately began to contact him.

It's always a pity that he didn't put the Golden Phoenix under his body. So when he returned home, he began to launch a fierce attack on the Golden Phoenix.

But Jin Fenghuang says she already has a boyfriend.

Cai Kun didn't believe it. He had heard about Jin Fenghuang's celibacy, so he thought that Jin Fenghuang was prevaricating himself.

However, today, it really brought a boyfriend, which made Cai Kun's nest angry.

So he saw Lin Feng swaggering toward the Dragon Tower. He was angry and angry, and then he called to Lin Feng, "Hey, what are you doing? I have only invited a golden beauty today, so the quota is limited. Please stop! "

"Cai Kun? What are you doing? " "How can you drive people away?" said Jin Fenghuang

Cai Kun quickly said with a smile on his face: "golden beauty, I'm not stingy. I've only been home for a week. I want to find you to come out to talk about the past. We can be called a classmate. Is it appropriate for you to call an outsider?"

"He is not an outsider! He's my boyfriend "If you have to let him go, I won't go either," said the Golden Phoenix

"Oh, ah, don't be angry!" Cai Kun said, "look at you, why are you still so angry? Can't I ask you to take him in? "

Thank you Lin Feng was not polite. He walked in front of them and went directly into the Dragon Tower.

Cai Kun's teeth were itching, but a faint smile flashed on his face.

Your golden phoenix doesn't want to see me because you have a boyfriend. I'll compare your boyfriend today and make him look shameless. I'll show you who is the best man and who is worthy of you.

At this point, Cai Kun is very confident. He thinks that no one is better than himself.

He was born with a small white face, and then returned to China with a high degree. Moreover, as soon as he returned to Jincheng, he became the second leader of the relevant departments and was in charge of entertainment and other work. Now he is still in the internship period. Once the internship period is over, he takes office immediately.

No matter from their knowledge and cultivation, or ability and strength, is no one can compare, you hang silk little boyfriend since dare to come, I will let you cry back, I will let you lose face, and then occupy your girlfriend.

Thinking of this, Cai Kun's heart burst into a dark smile, but the surface is very gentlemanly smile: "golden beauty, your boyfriend is very naughty! What's his name? "

"His name is Lin Feng. He always looks like a little child." Golden Phoenix deliberately said with a face of love.

Seeing Jin Fenghuang talk about his boyfriend's happy appearance, Cai Kun's heart is a burst of jealousy and anger.

To Lin Feng's hatred, and increased a few points.

Cai Kun leads the Golden Phoenix to the Dragon Tower. A beautiful service staff member quickly greets him and politely says, "Hello, sir. What floor are you going to eat?"

Cai Kun said with pride, "the eighth floor! I'll go to the eighth floor! "

I wish the whole world could hear it.

The reason why Cai Kun is so publicized is because of some unwritten rules of the Dragon Tower.

The tower is divided into nine floors. The higher the floor is, the more valuable the guest is.

For example, if you eat on the first floor, you may spend thousands of yuan per capita, while on the second floor, you may spend tens of thousands of yuan on the third floor, or even tens of thousands of yuan per capita.

Moreover, each floor has different regulations on the identity and status of guests.

For example, anyone can come to eat on the first floor, and only super VIP can go to the second floor.

Therefore, the dignity of the Dragon Tower is here. The more upward, the fewer people can go.

In the circle of upper class society in Jincheng, people usually regard the number of floors you can go to the Dragon Tower as a symbol of status.

So when the beautiful waiters asked Cai Kun which floor to eat, Cai Kun was proud of being able to go to the eighth floor.

Because it is a very high number of floors, the ninth floor is the top floor, above the ninth floor, there is a dome restaurant, few people can go to.

So Cai Kun was very proud.

Finish saying, still very proud to see a Golden Phoenix and Lin Feng.

Jin Fenghuang is also a little surprised. Even if she is her identity, she can only reach that floor. Unexpectedly, Cai Kun will be able to eat on the eighth floor after returning home for a week!But I think it's also true that Cai Kun has become the second leader of the relevant departments this time. In the cultural and entertainment circles of Jincheng, that is quite energetic, so his position is relatively high.

At this time, the service staff quickly took Cai Kun upstairs with a look of humility in serving distinguished guests, and people around him also cast curious eyes.

It's not easy for a young man to go up to eight floors!

Cai Kun was very proud all the way. Looking at Lin Feng's face, he couldn't help sneering and saying, "Lin Feng, do you know what it means to go to the eighth floor?"

Lin Feng said thoughtfully, "does that mean you are not tired? Do you have to climb higher? "

"Ha ha! You're so uneducated. What a joke Cai Kun burst into laughter, then said to the beauty waiter, "tell him, what does the eighth floor mean?"

The beautiful waiter looked at Lin Feng contemptuously, and said that you don't understand these things. You can still come to the eighth floor for dinner. It's really a piece of dog's luck!

"The higher the level of the tower, the higher the status of the diner," she said

Speaking of this, the beauty pointed to Cai Kun and continued to say to Lin Feng: "being able to eat on the eighth floor means that this gentleman has a very high position in Jincheng, and he has a great fortune. He can not come to the eighth floor casually. This gentleman is so young. He is young and talented. He has a bright future in the future."

Cai Kun felt comfortable when she said this, but he didn't intend to let Lin Feng go. Then he took advantage of the iron and said to Lin Feng, "hillbilly, do you hear me? You can come to the eighth floor for dinner today. It's because of me that you have a chance to eat on the eighth floor. Do you know that? "

"Oh, thank you very much." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"That is! Otherwise, as you are, you will never be able to do it for a lifetime Cai Kun said, but also deliberately looked at the Golden Phoenix.

That look is clearly in the Golden Phoenix said: "you this boyfriend is also too low grade, let people laugh off big teeth!"

Jin Fenghuang is very angry in her heart. Seeing Lin Feng's face as if nothing had happened, she felt more miserable in her heart.

If he did not bring Lin Feng over, Lin Feng would not be so ridiculed.

This CAI Kun is really a rotten man. Relying on his own power, he bullies the people at the bottom. He must be extremely dark and cruel in his heart!

However, at this time, Jin Fenghuang couldn't fall out with CAI Kun.

The order of Phoenix is a model agency, artists business, Cai Kun's Department, for them, but a crucial department, a word may determine the rise and fall of their business.

Otherwise, with the status of Golden Phoenix in the world, a man she doesn't like clings to her head, and she'll turn over her face.

However, at this time, she can only bear Cai Kun's humiliation to Lin Feng.

At this time, the elevator door opened and the eighth floor arrived.

"Golden beauty, please!" Cai Kun said, block in front of Lin Feng, please Golden Phoenix out of the elevator.

Jin Fenghuang stepped out of the elevator, followed by Cai Kun.

And the beauty of the attendant did not care about Lin Feng, self-care also out of the elevator.

Lin Feng is not angry, humming a tune, the last one out of the elevator. , the fastest update of the webnovel!