The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 259

Jin Fenghuang asks Lin Feng to go to the headquarters of the order of the Phoenix first.

When he arrived at the headquarters, Lin Feng went straight to the top floor hall, where Jin Fenghuang was waiting for him.

Lin Feng pushed open the door of the hall and saw the Golden Phoenix standing in front of the French window, leaning over and looking at the night scene outside.

It was already six o'clock in the evening. It was dark early in the late autumn, and the lights were already on outside.

Jin Fenghuang is wearing a long purple dress tonight. Standing in front of the French window, her figure is concave and convex, which sets off the colorful night outside the window, showing a unique flavor.

Especially when she turned to look at Lin Feng, she looked back with a smile.

"Brother, you are here!" The Golden Phoenix smiles and points to the sofa on one side: "please sit down!"

"Wrong, I'm your boyfriend now, a Feng!" "Don't call me wrong next time!" Lin Feng said with a smile

"Oh, it's very fast to get into the play." Golden Phoenix came and sat on the sofa and looked at Lin Feng: "OK, ah Feng, will you go with me in this suit?"

Say, point to point to Lin Feng a cheap ground stall goods.

"Well, what's wrong?" Lin Feng asked.

"Emmm..." the Golden Phoenix frowned and thought for a while, and then said, "whatever, it's just pretending to be my boyfriend to let that annoying man die!"

"Who is that man? Why are you so annoyed? " Lin Feng asked.

"You'll see it soon!" Golden Phoenix said.

At this time, Golden Phoenix's phone rang.

Jin Fenghuang deliberately opened the hands-free and put the mobile phone on the table.

"Hello, Kim, are you ready? I'll pick you up? " Said the other end of the phone.

Lin Feng listen to the meaning of this, this person should be the person who invited Golden Phoenix to dinner tonight.

"Oh, no, I can go by myself. You can send me the address!" Golden Phoenix said.

"Oh, that's not good. How can I treat you to dinner and let you come by yourself? Do you dislike my car? I drive the Pagani 2h, a super sports car. It's very rare in China, so I'll pick you up and let you experience my driving skills, ha ha Said the other end.

Golden Phoenix frowned and said, "really no, just give me the address. Someone will take me there?"

"Oh? Do you have your own driver? Well, I'll wait for you in the most luxurious hotel in Jincheng. I'll send you the address right away Said the other end.

"Good!" Golden Phoenix finish saying, then hang up the phone.

"Come on, let's go downstairs!" Jin Fenghuang takes the elevator to the first floor, takes Lin Feng out of the building and goes directly to the back garage.

Golden Phoenix pressed the fingerprint switch, the garage door slowly opened, a look at it, there is a row of five sports cars.

"This is all my cars. You can choose one of them and take me with you. But I want to remind you that the other driver is a Pagani, and I have only one Lamborghini to compete with him!" Golden Phoenix pointed to the last Lamborghini sports car: "or, choose it, at least not too inferior!"

Lin Feng looks at the five sports cars in the garage, adding up to tens of millions of them. The Golden Phoenix is really rich!

He tut tut praise: "good car, good car! Why did you buy so many sports cars? "

Jin Fenghuang said with a smile: "I like the pleasure of racing, but how can I do it? I can't do it, so I bought a sports car to have a good time!"

"Ah ah, rich silver, rich silver!" Lin Feng shook his head in praise.

At this time, Golden Phoenix received a message that it was the place to eat.

The Golden Phoenix laughed and said, "how about it, have you chosen it? We'll set out when we've chosen! "

Lin Feng said, "yes, let's go."

Said, turn head to walk, did not enter the garage, but in the opposite direction!


Jin Fenghuang was a little confused. "My cars are all here. Why don't you drive them when you choose them?"

"Who said you chose your car? The noise of your cars is too loud, the exhaust is heavy and the environment is polluted too much. I don't like it! " With that, Lin Feng took Jin Fenghuang to his bicycle and said, "I like my car better. It's beautiful and green! Well, you see, isn't it handsome? "

With that, point to your bicycle!

"Ah Golden Phoenix suddenly realized: "yes, your car is very environmental protection!"

"Yes, so I'll take you by bike. You can see the beautiful night and breathe the fresh air, killing two birds with one stone!" Lin Feng said.

"Ah Jin Fenghuang hesitated.

I'm a sister of the order of Phoenix. When I go to dinner, I'll go by bike?

"What? Sister, do you look down on my bike Lin Feng asked simply.

"Oh, no, no!" Golden Phoenix laughs.

She saw that Lin Feng must not be able to drive. I'm sorry to say that he can't. besides, Lin Feng works as a security guard in Dongsheng Group, and has no income, so he can't afford to drive a car, so he rides this bike.So to avoid hurting Lin Feng's self-esteem, the Golden Phoenix did not say anything.

It's just that he sighs that it's very simple to get ahead with Lin Feng's ability, but he has been so poor. Ah, it seems that people can't help feeling distressed.

At this time, Lin Feng said with a smile: "it's ok if you don't look down on me. That sister, let's ride this bike! All right? "

"Well, well... Well!" Jin Fenghuang tries to squeeze out a smile.

"Come on, sister, sit on my big bar and make sure you are addicted this time. Next time, please sit on my bar!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Ah Jin Fenghuang was speechless again, but seeing Lin Feng's sincerity, she didn't refuse, and sat directly on the big bar of Lin Feng's car.

"Sister, give me the address, I use mobile phone navigation!" Lin Feng said.

"Oh, yes!" Jin Fenghuang sent the address to Lin Feng, and then he felt a pang of heartache.

Lin Feng's life is really hard. He rides his bicycle and drives his navigation. Alas, it seems that he needs more relief in the future.

In this way, two people creak, toward the center of Jincheng.


the central area of Jincheng city is the Dragon Tower.

A man in a suit is standing in front of the gate of the Dragon Tower, looking at his watch from time to time.

"Why not? It's been an hour!"

The man in the suit is very white and handsome, especially with a pair of black metal frame glasses on his nose. He looks very gentle.

But this man's face, but always hang a pair of sinister expression, let a person look very uncomfortable.

This man is the man who has dinner with Golden Phoenix.

About ten minutes later, the expression of impatience on the man's face grew stronger and stronger. He took out the phone and just wanted to call Jin Fenghuang.

But at this time, but not far from the front, Jin Fenghuang is sitting on a bicycle, creaking towards this side!

"What's the situation?" The man was stunned for a moment: "didn't even have a car? Come by bike

Soon, the Golden Phoenix came to the man.

"Cai Kun, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting!" Golden Phoenix from the car bar down said.

"Oh, it's OK, it's OK, great beauty, it's worth waiting!" Caikun called the man, the gentleman a smile, and then toward the Dragon Tower inside a hand: "golden beauty, please come inside!"

Then make a gesture and turn around to walk inside with the Golden Phoenix.

"Well, wait for me. I haven't stopped my car yet." Lin Feng, give the car to the security guard.

"Well?" Cai Kun looked back, looked at Lin Feng, shook his head and said with a smile, "Kim, is this your driver? He is really funny. This kind of place is not accessible to all people! The driver or something, you can only wait outside! "

"He's not my driver!" Golden Phoenix smile a way.

"And he is?" Cai Kun asked with a frown.

"My name is Lin Feng. I'm his boyfriend. Nice to meet you! Hee hee Lin Feng said first.

After saying that, he did not pay attention to Cai Kun any more, but praised him to TUT: "Oh, ah, Dragon Tower, good place, good place!"

Then, in CAI Kun's questioning and irritated eyes, he strides directly into the Dragon Tower! , the fastest update of the webnovel!