The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 256

Seeing that Lin Feng is back, Chu Yuqi's family is mixed.

Especially Chu Yuqi, the first second cried out: "Lin Feng, how did you come back?"

But the next second, it was worried.

After all, these people kill people without blinking an eye. Lin Feng must be very dangerous when he comes. Although Lin Feng has no problem fighting those hooligans and local ruffians, these three people seem to be masters!

"Lin Feng, be careful, they are very..."

before Chu Yuqi reminds us, they listen to the man in suit yelling: "go to hell!"

With that, the suit man's hand moved, and three sharp meteor darts appeared between his fingers again, and he directly rushed to Lin Feng.

Men in suits are very fast, even faster than when they kill people in black!

He hit Lin Feng's neck with a fist. The three darts between his fingers were about to blow into Lin Feng's neck.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly turned back and easily avoided the attack of the suit man. At the moment when the suit man's body passed him, Lin Feng also stretched out his feet and directly kicked him in the back of the suit man.

"Bang --" the man in the suit felt as if he had been hit by a hard weight behind him. He could not help but stagger to the front, confiscate his body, and knocked down the tea table, and the glass fragments fell to the ground.

The suit man's body was also scratched by broken glass, bleeding.

The other two men in suits opened their positions one after another.

But before waiting for the suit man to do it, Lin Feng rushed to the suit man first.

Two suit men see Lin Feng rushed up, not hard, but in the hands of the darts, directly to Lin Feng's face projection.




three darts, with the sound of the wind, swept through three shadows, and instantly came to Lin Feng's eyes.

Then Lin Feng forward in the process, one hand picked up the rice basin on the table, directly block in front of his face.



two crisp sound, two darts, stabbed at the bottom of the basin.

At this time, Lin Feng's figure is stopped.

"Ha ha ha ha!" The two men in suits laughed, because everyone saw that they threw three darts, but only two were blocked on Lin Feng's basin.

That is to say, there is another one in Lin Feng's face.

So, Lin Feng stood on the ground, motionless, perhaps, the next second in the end and died!

"Lin Feng --" Chu Yuqi yelled. He also felt that Lin Feng was in the dart.

The two men in suits were very happy. They gave high fives to celebrate. Then, they waited for the moment when Lin Feng fell to the ground!

However, at this time, Lin Feng took the basin away slowly, and everyone was shocked.

Lin Feng's face, hung with a confident smile, mouth, but with a dart in its mouth, is the third.

"Nani?" Two men in suits exclaimed in Japanese.

"Boo!" Raymond Lam threw the dart on the floor and said, "it's a good old fellow. Can you light it up?" If you stick it in your face, you will be disfigured. "

Lin Feng is a flash, the moment to the two men in suit, a smile: "to my Chinese situation still dare to be so wild, who gives you the courage?"

As soon as the voice dropped, the two fists went straight to the faces of the two men.

The two men rushed to intercept, but they were surprised to find that the other side's seemingly understatement of a punch, but there is a Wanjun momentum, they in contact with this punch, they are deeply regret.

They regret, why did not choose to avoid, why chose to resist?

Where can you resist this blow?

Lin Feng's fist broke through the defense of both hands and broke their fingers. He continued to beat them in the face with the momentum of destroying the withered and decaying.


The dull sound of bone and flesh collision came out, and the two people's faces were hit by Lin Feng in an instant, and their flesh and blood flew out, and their bodies fell heavily on the ground, dying.

Previously that leading clown mask suit man, scolded a: "asshole!"

He rushed up from the back of Lin Feng, holding a dart in his hands and thrusting it toward both sides of Lin Feng's waist.

However, Lin Feng suddenly turned back and took a step back. The attack of the man in the suit immediately threw himself into the air.

The man in suit thinks that his actions are fast enough. However, the other party's actions are faster than his own, and he is about to succeed, but in a moment he is dodged by others! His heart, incomparable shock!

Sure enough, there are plenty of talents in China.

However, at this time, Lin Feng had a big drink: "this family is my friends of Lin Feng, you bully them, you have no eyes! Die

With that, he raised his legs and headed for the man in the suit.

The man in suit just came over from the shock, and saw Lin Feng split his leg and stretched out his arms in a hurry to block him in a cross grid.However, Lin Feng's leg was very powerful. Although the man in suit was looking for a home to live in, his arms snapped and his arms were broken. Moreover, the man in the suit was overburdened. He knelt on the ground with a thump, and there was a tremendous pain in his knees.

But Lin Feng has not finished, and he yelled: "eat my leg!"

He kicked it out, directly on the man in the suit.

"Bang", the suit man Leng is this kick, kick fly out three or four meters, lie down on the broken tea table, broken sharp glass stubble, again into the suit man's body.

"Ah -" the man in the suit felt a lot of glass debris stabbed in his back. He wanted to get up and get rid of the glass, but found a foot on his face.

Lin Feng held himself aloof and asked, "which organization are you from?"

The man in suit didn't answer. He struggled for a few times. He saw that Lin Feng's legs seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. He couldn't break free.

"Come on, why are you looking for blood jade?" Lin Feng asked again.

Seeing that the suit man couldn't get rid of it, he muttered a few words about his hometown in his mouth, then his head tilted, but he died.

Man in suit bit his tongue and killed himself!

The other two saw the man in suit dead, and they raised their daggers one after another, which was a knife across their waist.

I killed myself by caesarean section!


Lin Feng shook his head: "these a few, it is brainwashed by a certain organization again!"

Lin Feng took off the masks of the men and found that they were all young people. Besides, listening to the accents of the three men in suits, they must have come from an organization in Japan.

"Do you know them?" Lin Feng asked Chu Guoyun.

"I... I don't know!" Chu Yun shook his head.

He was also afraid that Lin Feng, like this group of people, would kill the previous wave and then poison their family.

Seeing the frightened appearance of Chu Guoyun, Lin Feng couldn't help shaking his head and sneering, "you don't have to be afraid of me. I'm Yuqi's friend. If a friend is in trouble, he should lend a helping hand at the first time

When he went out just now, he felt that there was an ambush around him, so he just pretended to ride his bike, but he didn't go. After all the two groups entered the Chu family, he followed them back to the Chu family.

"Lin Feng, thank you!" Chu Yuqi went straight up and gave Lin Feng a hug.

Lin Feng touched Chu Yuqi's head and said, "it's nothing. These people deserve what they deserve. Let's call the police. A group of murderers and a group of suicides. I'm ok!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Guoyun felt relieved. Lin Feng was really a friend of his family!

But Lin Feng suddenly said to Chu Guoyun, "you are in a very dangerous situation. I advise you to leave quickly, so as not to involve your family again."

Then, he looked at Chu Yuqi and said with a smile: "Yuqi, if there is nothing wrong, I will go first and invite you to dinner some other day."

Say, turn around to go out.

At this time, Chu Guoyun suddenly said: "wait!"

"Eh?" Lin Feng looks back.

Chu Guoyun said solemnly, "you saved my family. In return, I can tell you the secret of blood jade!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!