The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 257

"Well?" Lin Feng thought he had heard something wrong: "what? You want to tell me the secret of blood jade? "

"Yes Chu Guoyun said: "you saved our family today. In return, I can tell you the secret, but...,

" but what? " Lin Feng squints at the state of Chu.

Chu Guoyun said, "but you have to give me a reason, so that I can convince myself and tell you the clue of blood jade!"

"Why?" Lin Feng laughed and said, "do you want me to give you a reason? Then I ask you, do you know that blood jade is passed down from generation to generation in the Lin family? "

"I know that when it came to Lin Tianzheng's generation, Lin Tianzheng offended overseas organizations, and his family was persecuted. The blood jade disappeared after several twists and turns."

"Do you know that Lin Tianzheng still has a son?" Lin Feng asked.

"I've heard about it, but it seems that I was killed together that time." Chu Guoyun said.

"That's just a fabrication. In fact, Lin Tianzheng's son is not dead at all!" Lin Feng said.

"How do you know?" Chu Guoyun was very surprised.

"To be honest, my father is Lin Tianzheng." Lin Feng said, "I am Lin Tianzheng's son!"

"What?" All of a sudden, Chu Yun's eyes widened. He didn't expect that Lin Feng was Lin Tianzheng's son. This is the real master of blood jade!

But he couldn't believe it. He said, "then how can I believe that you are Lin Tianzheng's son?"

Lin Feng said: "my parents were killed by treacherous people, and the whereabouts of the blood jade is unknown. I came back to Jincheng for this matter. I just want to say that the blood jade is a treasure handed down from generation to generation in my Lin family. Every generation, there will be more blood threads in it, 26 in total, which should have been 27, but in my generation, it will be broken!"

He sighed: "of course, you can choose not to believe me, the clue of blood jade, or you can choose to keep secret! I have nothing to say! "

But Chu Guoyun looked at Lin Feng's face, but suddenly he was excited and laughed.

"Yes, you are the descendants of the Lin family." Chu Guoyun said.

At that time, he was lucky to see the real face of blood jade. At that time, even if there was no light, the whole body of the jade was full of faint light, which was very magical.

Moreover, if you look at it carefully, you will see that there is the shape of a big tree in the jade, full of branches, but no leaves, and the trunk and branches are all red, just like blood.

If you look at it with a magnifying glass, you can see that the red is still flowing.

And what Lin Feng said is the branches of a tree, and the number of them is absolutely right!

Few people know the secret of blood jade!

Therefore, comprehensive research, this Lin Feng, must be the descendant of blood jade!

The Lin family is a big family in China and has many branches.

Originally, the state of Chu thought that the branch of Lin Tianzheng had been destroyed, and the blood jade should belong to the other lineages of the Lin family. Unexpectedly, Lin Tianzheng's descendants still live in the world, so the blood jade must be handed over to Lin Feng!

Chu Guoyun's hands were shaking, and his mood could not be calm for a long time. He said: "Lin Feng, I wrongly blame you. I always thought that you, like other people, were beating blood and jade. I was wrong! I'm a fool. I'm damned. I'm going to drive you away with such ugly words

With that, Chu Guoyun was about to slap himself in the face. He almost drove away the real owner of the blood jade because he was suspicious.

Lin Feng seized Chu Guoyun's hand and said, "you don't have to blame yourself. It shows that you are a trustworthy person."

It was because the state of Chu did not trust anyone easily that Lin Feng would tell him his life experience.

"Dad, look, I said that Lin Feng is definitely not what you think!" Chu Yuqi was very happy. He looked at her mother, Liu meihui, who was also full of happy expression.

This shows that they really did not read Lin Feng wrong!

However, Chu Guoyun was a little excited and said, "Mr. Lin, it's because I have eyes and don't know Mount Tai. I've offended you. Please accept my worship."

He knelt on his knees.

"What are you doing?" Lin Feng went to help Chu Guoyun: "you get up first!"

He felt that Chu Guoyun was very reliable. He had been waiting for the news of blood jade for such a long time that he didn't disclose it to anyone. Lin Feng was very grateful.

Moreover, Chu Guoyun will immediately hide out, and he is not worried that his identity and clues of blood jade will be revealed.

"So, are you willing to tell me the clue of blood jade now?" Lin Feng said.

"Of course! But I said, don't be disappointed! " Chu Guoyun said.

"Tell me about it!" Lin Feng Road.

Chu Guoyun said: "I don't know the exact whereabouts of the blood jade, because I sold it to Yan Shouyi in the black market. Yan Shouyi was afraid that the blood jade would cause disputes again. He hid the blood jade.""Yan Shouyi has no children and no daughters. His character is very strange, and he has no friends. Before he died, he didn't want blood jade to see light forever, so he told me some clues about blood jade!"

Lin Feng nodded: "what is the clue?"

Chu Guoyun said: "the clue is divided into four parts, which are distributed in the East, West, North and south of Jincheng. Each jade has an ancient poem on it. When all four pieces of broken jade are seen again, when the four lines are combined, the poem contains the location where the blood jade is hidden."

"Oh! That's what it looks like Lin Feng nodded.

It's no wonder that I have been studying "the east wind is powerless and all the flowers are broken" all day long, and I have not worked out a reason. It turns out that other people have only made one of the four poems, and I certainly can't find out the result.

"Do you know where the four pieces of jade are Lin Feng said.

"One in the sky, one in the earth, one in the water, one in the fire!" Chu Guoyun said: "Yan Shouyi only said so much, too much, he did not disclose it again!"

Lin Feng nodded. Although he didn't find the clue of the blood jade directly, it was a good clue for him.

In retrospect, I found that piece of broken jade was in the mine cave, that is to say, the piece was underground.

Then there is another one in the sky, one in the water and one in the fire.

It sounds a little mysterious!

However, Lin Feng suddenly remembered one thing, he suddenly understood the practice of that mysterious organization.

Because the mysterious organization parachuted into Jincheng, it did not directly look for clues, but wanted to support a certain force, expand its control range in Jincheng, and try to control the whole city.

No wonder the mysterious organization did this. It seems that the mysterious organization also got the news. The clues of the blood jade are distributed in four directions of the city. If you look for it directly, it will be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

And they want to control the whole city of Jincheng through power diffusion. When Jincheng is under their control, it is much easier to find these four pieces of broken jade in Jincheng.

It's like looking for a needle in a haystack, turning the sea into its own, and then letting the fish in the sea to find clues for themselves. This mysterious organization is really smart!

At this time, Chu Guoyun said with a wry smile: "the reason why I fled everywhere is because everyone thought that I knew the whereabouts of the blood jade, so as soon as I appeared, I attracted a large number of forces and killers, large and small. Therefore, unless one day, someone let the blood jade reappear, then no one will pester me, and then I can come back at ease

"Yes Lin Feng said, then, his eyes a cold, asked: "can you tell me, in those years, who killed my parents?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!