The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 255

"Ah -" Chu Yuqi was shocked.

"Don't shout!" The man in Black said coldly, pushing Chu Yuqi into the room.

Chu mother and Chu father see this, suddenly scared face is white.

Especially Chu Fu, his heart was pulled together, and he felt the cool wind on his back!

Sure enough, disaster has come!

The reason why he was exiled all year round was that he was afraid of being found. He knew that those who secretly watched for blood jade would send people to watch their daughter and wife. If he appeared, he would be found.

It's just that he thought that after all these years, the incident should be calmed down a little bit.

How can I imagine that, over the years, these people's enthusiasm for blood jade has not decreased at all.

The father of Chu looked at the head of the masked man in black, and said with difficulty, "please, please let my daughter and wife go. I can go with you."

"Well, what use do we want you for? Tell me, where is the blood jade hidden The man in black cried.

"I don't know!" Chu Fu said.

"When you stole the blood jade, didn't you sell it to the black market?" People in black.

"I sold it to the black market, but I don't know where the black market sold the blood jade." Chu Fu said anxiously.

"What's the name of the man in the black market?" Asked the man in black.

"Be strict with righteousness!" The way of Chu father.

"Son of a bitch, we have already investigated Yan Shouyi. He is already dead and has no children under his knees. It is said that before Yan Shouyi died, he told you the whereabouts of the blood jade stone. So, don't try to deceive us!" People in black.

"I have no family with him and are not good friends. How could he tell me such an important thing? Why don't you believe me? I really don't know where the blood jade is Chu father said with a sad face.

"The state of Chu, the information we got is very accurate, so you can't deny it. Our people have been waiting for you for many years, and they will not let you run away. Today, either tell us the clues or kill your family. You can make a choice!" Said the man in black.

Chu Guoyun looked around at the men in black in the room. There were five people in black. Each of them was covered in black. It looked mysterious.

I'm sure I can't compete with so many people, but if I don't tell them the secret of blood jade, I'm afraid my wife and daughter can't keep it!

With a long sigh, Chu Guoyun shook his head helplessly and said, "if I tell you the clue of blood jade, you must promise me that we will let the three of us go!"

"Of course Said the man in black.

Chu Guoyun said, "OK, then let them go first, and I'll tell you!"

"No way!" "Let them go, we will have no bargaining chips to negotiate with you!"

The man in black is not stupid. He knows that the state of Chu is a delaying tactic. If there is no threat to the mother and daughter, there will be no way for Chu to speak.

Seeing that the other party was very alert, the state of Chu was helpless. He bit his teeth and made a hard decision. He said, "OK, I'll tell you the clue of blood jade!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, someone in the outer room said, "even if you tell him the clues, they will not let you go!"

With the sound, three men in suits with masks came into the room.

The leading masked man, wearing a clown's mask, said word by word in a Chinese language that is not fluent: "if you tell them the clues, they will be afraid that you will leak the clues to others, so they will still kill you! Don't you understand that? "

"Who are you?" The man in black was startled.

The man in the suit gave a cold smile and said in broken Chinese: "you Chinese, don't you have a sentence called" snipe and clam compete to gain profits? "? Both of you are snipe and clam, and we are fishermen

After that, he moved his hand, and three sharp meteor darts suddenly appeared between the fingers of his left hand. Then, with a flash of body shape, he quickly slipped past the man in black.

"You... Forehead, forehead..." before the man in black had time to fight back, there were three blood marks on his neck, and then the blood marks suddenly opened, and the blood was not stopped!

The man in black covered his neck with his hand, but the blood gushed from his fingers and could not cover it at all!

In an instant, the man in black was pale and died.

"Big brother!" The rest of the people in black were shocked.

This action is too fast, just for a moment, the leader of the masked man in black is killed by the man with mask in suit.

At this time, people look at the smiling clown mask of the man in suit, but they are more and more cold hearted.

The man was quick as lightning and killed with one move. He was an expert. The group of people in black knew that they could not compete with them. One of them said:

"brothers, withdraw!"

"Want to go? It's not that easy! "

As soon as the suit man waved his hand, the other two people, like him, showed sharp darts on their fingertips and rushed directly at the masked men in black.Compared with the two sides, the strength is very different. The man in suit is like a wolf into the sheep. He takes up the knife and kills all the four men in black in an instant.

With a cold smile, the man with a suit mask went to the state of Chu and said, "tell me the whereabouts of the blood jade, quick!"

Chu Guoyun's family had already trembled with fear. Chu Guoyun had never dreamed that his appearance would cause such a great disturbance.

However, if the clues of blood jade are told to the suit man, will his family be doomed?

These people who come to look for clues of blood jade are all of the same kind. They are all going to die!

The fate of Chu suddenly burst into deep despair. He should not have appeared. He should have been hiding out. Otherwise, his wife and daughter would not have suffered today's misfortune.

Looking at the pale and helpless faces of Liu meihui and Chu Yuqi, Chu Guoyun is really regretful.

The two most important people in his life are implicated by him. What qualifications does he have to be a man?

Perhaps there is only one way to solve this problem.

The state of Chu took the fruit knife by the table and stabbed it directly into his neck.

"Don't -" Chu Yuqi immediately cried out. She knew that her father wanted to commit suicide, and then let these people die completely.

However, at the moment when the tip of the knife touched his neck, the man in the suit cheated him, grabbed Chu Guoyun's hand and twisted it.

"Ah -" Chu Guoyun felt a sharp pain in his wrist, and the knife fell to the ground.

"Want to die? It's not so easy. If we don't talk about the whereabouts of the bleeding jade today, I'll let you watch them both suffer The man in suit points to Chu Yuqi and Liu meihui.

The other two men in suit, smilingly, went to the mother and daughter, like two perverts, sticking out their tongues and licking their lips greedily.

Then, they two smile at Chu Yuqi and Liu meihui, just like those men in the island action movie.

The state of Chu suddenly felt distressed. He struggled and yelled, but it didn't help. He couldn't even die. He could only watch his wife and daughter suffer humiliation. For him, it was more difficult than going up the mountain and going down the oil pan.

At this time, the man in suit said coldly, "I have no patience. I only give you three seconds to say it!"

"One, two..."

"three?" At this time, a joking voice came from his side: "Oh, no, you can't say three with such a big tongue. You should say 'mountain', right

All of a sudden, they were surprised, but they didn't know when. Lin Feng appeared at the door and joked at the man in the suit: "one, two, mountain, ha ha ha ha!"

"Who are you?" The man in suit was shocked. He didn't hear a sound.

Lin Feng said, "didn't you say that? "A snipe and a clam fight for each other, but you just confused your position! The correct way is, you are snipe, those masked men in black are mussels, and I am the fisherman! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!