The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 254

However, Chu Yuqi and Chu's mother looked helplessly at Lin Feng as soon as he spoke. They didn't know if what he said was true!

Chu's mother always thought that Lin Feng was the best child in the world. He was just, kind, capable, and good to Chu Yuqi. So Chu's father said this, and he quickly rounded up the ground and said, "Lao Chu, don't say a few words. Maybe Lin Feng has some problems to hide."

"Don't speak for him!" Chu Fu said angrily, "you are all cheated by him. There are not many people who know blood jade, and those who know blood jade are basically bad people who want to steal blood jade!"

Lin Feng listened, but a faint smile, if said that others take blood jade, it is indeed not good intention, but go to get blood jade, it is the return of the original owner, so Lin Feng said frankly: "you said right, blood jade to me, is really a good thing! And when I first came into contact with Yuqi, it was really for the sake of blood jade! "

Chu's father gave a cold smile and said to Chu Yuqi's mother and daughter, "look, I know it's like this!"

"But it's not what you think it is!" Lin Feng is a light smile, said: "in my and Yuqi slowly contact, I found her very cute, very simple, I like his character, her conduct, I think, such a good girl, should not be polluted by the turbid society, so, I from the heart to protect her, help her!"

After that, Lin Feng stood up and said, "I don't get along with Yuqi for the sake of blood jade, but I once thought that if you can tell me some clues about blood jade, I'm certainly very happy. If you don't say anything, I don't care. I have no hypocrisy to Yuqi. If you believe it or not, I'll say so much. Finally, I wish you all a happy mid autumn festival. I'll go first! "

Lin Feng did not give anyone an opportunity to explain, he turned around and walked outside the door!

"Lin Feng! Don't go Chu Yuqi cried.

She can feel the sincerity of Lin Feng. She has never wavered in her trust in Lin Feng for such a long time.

But Lin Feng did not seem to hear, pushed the door and went out.

Chu Guoyun advised Chu Yuqi: "Yuqi, don't believe him. He's just a bad guy who covets blood jade. No matter how nice it is, he can't deceive me. I've seen too many people who have a bad idea about blood jade. These people want to take treasures for their own personal gain. It's really disgusting!"

Chu Yuqi wiped her tears. She felt that Lin Feng was not like that. Lin Feng must have his own difficulties.

At this time, however, Lin Feng had already pushed his bicycle out of the yard, got on the bus and rode towards the south.

However, just before Lin Feng left, a group of people quietly sneaked into Chu Yuqi's yard.

The group, dressed in black, suddenly covered their faces with cloth after entering the courtyard of Chu Yuqi's house. It was very mysterious and strange.

Their movements were very light. They went over the wall and were admitted to the hospital without any sound. They fell into the hospital and immediately found a shelter to hide.

One of them gestured to the others, and the others slipped quietly under the window to the door and hid.

However, even more bizarre, not far from Chu Yuqi's yard, there are three people in suits, one of whom is looking into the courtyard with a telescope.

These three people are very strange, all wearing clown masks. One of them stares closely at Chu Yuqi's yard through a telescope, while the other two sit in the back, playing with their darts.

What's more, the darts they used were the four horned meteor darts used by ancient ninjas.

The man in a suit with a telescope watched the men in black sneak into the yard of Chu Yuqi's house. He waved to the two people behind him and said a word of Japanese. Then he took the lead and ran towards Chu Yuqi's house.

Behind him, two people put away sharp darts and ran to Chu Yuqi's home one after another.

At this time, in the house of Chu Yuqi's family, Chu Yuqi is still communicating with her father.

"I think Lin Feng must have his own problems." "He's not the kind of person you think he is," Chu said

"Yuqi, you are still young and the world is dangerous. You should know that some people's hearts are invisible to you. Dad has experienced too much outside these years, so...

" even if Lin Feng wants to get blood jade, what's wrong? If he finds the blood jade quickly, we can get together soon "What's the problem?" Chu said

"Oh, Yuqi, you should know that everything belongs to something, especially blood jade, which has its own owner and can't be taken by anyone!" Chu Guoyun said, a touch of sadness appeared on his face and said: "Yuqi, Dad, these three fingers, do you know how not?"

Chu Yuqi looked at her father's disabled left hand and made no noise.

"Dad's three fingers were cut off because they had stolen something wrong! Therefore, some things, not yours, must not be taken! " Chu Guoyun said meaningfully.

Then he shook his head, his face was a thought-provoking expression, said: "although I am a thief, but the thief is also good or bad, once my father stole blood jade from the bad man's hand, not from the master of blood jade, so this is a rule that a man should understand. Don't take other things! So many people want to get blood jade, and Lin Feng also wants to get it. What do you want the real owner of blood jade to do? "Chu Guoyun didn't put gold on his face. He said that thieves were good or bad. It was true.

A thief is divided into a bandit and a righteous thief. A bandit pays attention to the house where the thief goes to steal things. He can't go back empty handed. Even if he doesn't steal anything, he should take something from your house. This is the most immoral habit of bandits.

But the righteous thief pays attention to the property. If we say that this thing is handed down by other people's ancestors, it can't be moved. They only steal things that don't belong to this family, such as gifts collected by this family, things robbed by this family in other people's houses, and so on!

The righteous thief is quite a bit of robbing the rich to help the poor.

At that time, Chu Guoyun stole three wrong fingers, and his master cut off three fingers, so he remembered it for life.

In addition, after the state of Chu stole the blood jade, he felt that it must be very important to the owner. However, he had to sell it because of lack of money. He felt sorry for the owner of the blood jade. Therefore, he had not disclosed any information about the blood jade to anyone for so many years.

After listening to his father's words, Chu Yuqi seemed to understand. No wonder his father never disclosed the clues of blood jade to anyone. It turns out that he still sticks to the rules in his heart.

All of a sudden, he didn't repel his father's identity as a thief. On the contrary, he felt that his father was much better than those well-dressed and hypocritical people.

But Chu Yuqi was still worried about Lin Feng and said, "no, I still have to find Lin Feng to talk about it. Don't let him misunderstand him."

But then she heard a knock on the door.

"It's Lin Feng coming back!" Chu Yuqi was overjoyed and ran to open the door.

But as soon as the door opened, a cold dagger stood on Chu Yuqi's neck. , the fastest update of the webnovel!