The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 253

Lin Feng quickly cleaned up and went out on his bicycle!

Creaky, all the way north, about an hour later, we arrived at Chu Yuqi's home.

"Is Yuqi at home?" Lin Feng knocked on the door.

Listening to Lin Feng's voice, Chu Yuqi quickly opened the door and welcomed Lin Feng in.

Entering the house, a smell of vegetables came, and immediately made Lin Feng's fingers stir.

Lin Feng saw Liu meihui, the mother of Chu, busy in the kitchen. The shovel was flying up and down, and the flames from time to time sprang up from the bottom of the stove. It had the smell of fireworks at home.

Seeing Lin Feng coming, Liu meihui poked her head out of the kitchen and said with a happy smile, "Lin Feng, go into the house quickly. My aunt will come to greet you if she cooks a few more dishes."

"It's OK, auntie. You're welcome." Lin Feng said politely.

Chu Yuqi took Lin Feng's arm and said, "go, I'll take you to meet my father!"

Say, then take Lin Feng to the inner room, push open the door, a middle-aged man is sitting on the stool looking at the mobile phone.

"Lin Feng, this is my father, Chu Guoyun!" Chu said.

"Hello, uncle Chu!" Lin Feng said politely.

The man saw Lin Feng come in, put down the mobile phone, looked up, a slightly thin face with a smile: "Oh, you are welcome, you are Lin Feng, come and sit down!"

He stood up to greet Lin Feng.

A man with an inch head and sharp edges and corners on his face. When he was young, he must also be a handsome man. He may have been wandering for many years, which made his face feel more vicissitudes.

However, another Lin Feng is surprised that the man's left hand is missing three fingers!

The man also found that Lin Feng looked at his hand, he was a little embarrassed to put in the sleeve.

Lin Feng quickly took back his eyes, then politely laughed and sat on the stool.

"Well, it's good. It's good-looking, and it's beautiful." The man said, "I came home one day, I heard your name most, thank you for taking care of them for me!"

"You're welcome. Yuqi and I are good friends. We want to help each other." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Although Chu's father was very approachable, Lin Feng always felt that he was still very careful, because when he was talking to himself, Chu Guoyun's eyes were shining and seemed to have insight into himself.

After all, it's hard for such a man who hides outside all the year round. Besides his family, it's hard to believe anyone else. Lin Feng also understands him very well.

Therefore, Lin Feng is not in a hurry to talk with him about blood jade. He just makes friends with him. He pretends to be a good student. His uncle is long and his uncle is short. He is very happy.

Soon the meal was ready. Everyone went to the table for dinner. During the dinner, Chu's mother talked about her debt of 200000 yuan to Lin Feng.

Last time Lin Feng got 200000 yuan from brother Bao. Seeing that Chu's mother was ill at that time, he gave them all to Chu Yuqi's mother and daughter.

Lin Feng quickly said: "Auntie, I said that the money as for you, you do not have to return me!"

"Oh, it can't be like this!" Chu's father waved his right hand and said, "it's just and proper that we should not ask for your money for nothing! It's not easy for you to make money. I think you come here by bike, and your family is not very rich. I'm very grateful for your heart! "

Chu's father is still very principled, but when he said this, his eyes turned red and said, "it's been these years, but it's hard for your aunt and Qiqi!"

With that, he drank up the white wine in the small cup with his head up, but he said, "Oh, this wine is very strong, the choking eyes are uncomfortable!"

Then he lowered his head and wiped his tears.

But everyone knows that his crying is not caused by alcohol.

Chu Yuqi's mother and daughter were also red eyes. Chu Yuqi sniffed and comforted, "Dad, it's not easy for you these years. When I was a child, I got CML. It was you who saved my life and said I'm sorry. It should be me!"

"It's all life. No one's sorry for anyone. It's good for a family to be healthy and harmonious." Lin Feng said.

"Yes, Lin Feng is right!" Chu Yuqi's father raised his glass: "come on, happy today, let's have a drink together!"

"Come on, drink!" Lin Feng also raised his glass.

Everyone drank and the atmosphere suddenly improved.

But Chu's mother was suddenly sad again and said, "but when are you going to be a head when you're running back and forth?"

After hearing this, Chu's father looked gloomy and sighed: "Alas! Unless one day someone finds it, I can come back! "

When Lin Feng heard this, he was overjoyed, and finally talked about the blood jade. He took a bite of food and pretended to be careless and asked, "uncle, what has been found out?"

"A baby!" Chu Fu said.

"What baby?" Lin Feng asked.

The father of Chu took a look at Lin Feng and said, "a very precious jade!"

"Oh? Jade? Where is the jade? Why do you have to wait for it to be found before you can go home, uncle? " Lin Feng pretended to have a blank look and asked."Lin Feng, I'd better not tell you about it. If you do, you'll be in trouble!" Chu Fu said.

"Uncle, I'm not afraid. I don't want to see Yuqi. I don't want to see her father every day. I want to help you find the baby and let you go back to Yuqi." Lin Feng said.

Lin Feng is actually saying this from the heart. If you find the blood jade, you can let the father of Chu return to Chu Yuqi and realize Chu Yuqi's dream for so many years. What a wonderful thing!

The father of Chu asked seriously, "Lin Feng, do you really want to know about this matter?"

With that, Chu Fu's eyes showed a strange look. It was a doubt, a distrust, and a trace of anger.

Although the eyes flashed by, but it was also caught by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng knows that at this time, he can't ask again, otherwise the father of Chu must be suspicious.

But Lin Feng doesn't like this way of hiding and tucking in. He feels that as a descendant of the Lin family, he can go to inquire for clues openly and honestly, and there is no problem in itself. Since the other party has already suspected, then, let's have a showdown! It's so refreshing!

"Yes! I want to know about it! " Lin Feng said without taboo.

"Lin Feng, you finally say your real purpose!" Chu Fu suddenly changed to a cold face and said.

"Lao Chu, what are you talking about? Lin Feng is a good child. What are you doing... "Liu meihui scolded his father Chu.

"Auntie, you don't have to blame uncle. In fact, I just want to know the whereabouts of the blood jade!" Lin Feng said.

"What? Why do you want to know about the stone Chu asked.

"Because blood jade is very important to me!" "It's very important," said Lin Feng

Chu's father was furious and said, "don't you cheat here. Blood jade is a rare treasure. Who doesn't want it? When you are young, how can you be so deep in the city government, fabricating lies, and deliberately contacting their mother and daughter

Chu Guoyun suspected that Lin Feng's motive was impure from the beginning. Then he saw Lin Feng's showdown, and he immediately became angry and said, "let's just think we're blind. Now, please go out. Our family doesn't welcome cheaters, let alone those who have bad thoughts about blood jade. So, please go!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!