The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 246

Silk stockings male see Lin Feng was scared faint, can not help but smile contemptuously, and then, once again stretch out the salty pig's hand, toward Shen man touch.

"No, the hooligans are going to do it again!" Lin Feng suddenly wakes up and shouts again,

the masculine mouth corner of silk stockings pulls out, isn't it frightening to faint? Why did it slow down so quickly?

Afraid of being heard by others, the silk stockings man quickly intimidated Lin Feng: "shut up and yell again, I will surely kill you!"

"Don't you let people tell you what you've done? I will roar Lin Feng pursed his lips and roared: "hooligans, catch hooligans!"

"Fourth, what's the matter?" At this time, a man wearing a black headgear came out of the uncompleted building. He was the big brother of these gangsters.

"No, it's nothing, big brother. I'll watch them. Don't worry!" Silk stockings man with a trace of embarrassment said.

"Oh! If it's OK! " That man looked at Lin Feng and Shen man, turned to walk into the unfinished building, continue to work on their business.

At this time, three hoodlums in the unfinished building are on the phone with their boss.

"Boss, Shen man, the daughter of Shen's group, and her driver are in our hands. What should we do next? Please direct me! " Asked the man who was called big brother.

At the other end of the phone, the tone was a little surprised and asked, "driver? She's got a driver? It seems that the eldest lady of Shen's group is still a daughter of gold. When a police officer, she does not forget to match her driver! "

"That's right. The driver drives very hard." Said the headman.

The other end of the phone said: "well, in this case, first deal with the driver, and then, call Shen Yunhai, let him come to the scene for negotiation, and I will be there soon!"

"Understand!" Said the headman.

The first man walked out of the uncompleted building and waved to the man. Then he whispered a few words in his ear.

It happened that they were speaking sideways to Lin Feng. Lin Feng knew lip language. He could see the meaning of the headgear man by the mouth shape when he spoke.

The headdress man wants to let the stockings man kill himself first!

Lin Feng sneers in his heart, a group of dregs. If I hadn't made you sculptures for the sake of meeting your boss behind the scenes, could I still make you rampant here?

But when he saw the stockings man with a pistol coming towards him, he pretended to be alarmed and said, "big brother, what are you doing with the gun at me? You are handsome. Don't scare me! I'm timid

The silk stockings man turned his lips. This guy is not a man enough. He is a beautiful beauty and a man who can dress up. Alas, it's a pity that he has no backbone!

He took out his pistol and aimed the muzzle at Lin Feng.

"What are you going to do?" Shen man is shocked. These gangsters really dare to kill people.

If the gangsters pull the trigger, Lin Feng will certainly not live, she can not let Lin Feng in danger, because she brought Lin Feng here, Lin Feng died, she killed an innocent person for no reason.

Shen man yelled: "don't kill her. Tell me what you want, I promise you!"

Hearing Shen man say this, Lin Feng is still very grateful, but his mouth is joking: "yes, it's this little sister who has to catch you. It's not me. What are you doing to me? Is there something wrong with it? "

The stockings man shook his head and said, "sorry, she, we have other plans, but you, we have no arrangements, so we have to send you to hell first!"

Stockings man said, to pull the gun insurance.

But Lin Feng suddenly cried out in horror: "ah! Don't, don't kill me, ah - "

then, Lin Feng rolled his eyes and passed out.

"I wipe! Are you dizzy again? " Silk stockings man a face surprised, this boy is too timid, so his mouth is still so broken? You deserve to die!

However, the headgear man saw this scene and said, "he is dizzy. If you bury him directly, you can save a bullet!"

"No, don't kill him, please!" Shen man yelled.

, but no one took care of her. The silk stocking man took a shovel from the car, tied Raymond Lam up and carried it to the wasteland. He saw no one in four, and began to dig a hole.

At this time, Shen man's eyes filled with tears.

She really regretted it now. She hated why she was so reckless and why she refused to listen to Lin Feng. If she had chosen to report to the police at the entrance of the construction site, it would not have happened, and it would not have killed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's death is too innocent. It's because of himself that Lin Feng lost his life. Shen man's heart is full of shame, entanglement, sadness and anger.

Lin Feng, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!

If there is a chance, I will take revenge for you! If there is no chance, only next life to repay you, I hope you can forgive me!

Two lines of tears fall from Shen man's eyes. At this time, she found that he was so guilty and reluctant to give up for Lin Feng's death. Moreover, there was a trace of complicated emotion during this period, just like the sadness of losing a close friend and lover.She suddenly remembered a poem:

If time could come again, I would listen to you all!

However, time can not come again, so this will be my eternal regret!

Shen man angrily stares at the gangsters in front of him, hoping to devour them all alive.

At this time, the gangsters made Shen man more angry.

They even got through Shen Yunhai's phone and blackmailed Shen Yunhai to the construction site with Shen man.

At first, Shen Yunhai didn't believe the bandits' words. Because there were too many people who threatened and cheated on the phone every day, Shen Yunhai almost received the news of his son and daughter's accident almost every once in a while. Either his son had a car accident today and needed hundreds of thousands of emergency surgical expenses, or her daughter committed a crime tomorrow and needed a lot of money to bail.

Shen Yunhai laughs at this. Other people don't understand it. Shen man, his daughter, knows best that whoever commits a crime will not commit a crime.

And he has done a lot of wrong things, his daughter Shen man can't see past, all cut off the relationship with himself, if not for the recent poor health, the daughter would still have to do with himself!

Can such an honest people's policeman commit a crime? It's a big joke.

Today's phone call said that her daughter was kidnapped.

Shen Yunhai is a burst of ridicule again, the heart says you change the law to cheat me!

The first man said for a long time, Shen Yunhai only gave a sentence: "liar, you are cheating on the death of the whole family!"

Finish saying, hang up the phone.

Half dead, a phone call in the past, quickly said: "dead old boss, you don't want him to hang up!"

Finish saying, put the phone in Shen man's ear, ask Shen man and father Shen Yunhai to talk on the phone.

Shen man has always had a bad relationship with his family, especially with his father and his third brother. He didn't agree with him, so he cut off the relationship several times.

But recently, her father Shen Yunhai is not in good health. She begged her to go back to help. She was so soft hearted that she agreed. Unexpectedly, she took the time to patrol the gold shop today and was attracted by these gangsters.

Although Shen man hated his father, she could not forget the kindness of nurturing because the blood was thicker than the water. So she chose not to speak. She had killed Lin Feng and could not let her father fall in again.

Seeing that Shen man gritted his teeth and didn't speak, he punched Shen man in the abdomen. Shen man suffered from pain and could not help shouting "ah --".

The headman said to the phone, "what's up, boss Shen, do you hear your daughter's call? Ha ha ha

Hearing this, Shen Yunhai was in a panic. How could she not recognize her daughter's voice? His favorite baby daughter was actually kidnapped at this time. He immediately felt that the sky was going to fall, and he asked in a trembling voice: "what do you want?"

"What do we want? Hum "I'll give you half an hour to get to my designated place. If our boss wants to talk to you face to face, you can only come by yourself. And if you call the police or are late, don't think about seeing your daughter again, hum!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!