The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 247

Shen Yunhai's temperament has changed greatly since the last bidding conference.

During that period, Shen Mao's son was jailed, the company was investigated, the stock market plummeted, and public opinion rose everywhere. Many partners abandoned their hands and parted ways with Shen group.

In a short month, his hair turned white, and he seemed to be over ten years old.

After seeing the ugly faces of these treacherous villains, he sighed that he was not old-fashioned and that the world was so cold that he suddenly felt that he had spent most of his life, and it seemed that he could not understand the word "human".

Therefore, he did not want to make a comeback. He did not want to revitalize the Shen group again and squeeze the blood and sweat of the workers. Instead, he wanted to maintain his livelihood so that those employees who followed him had sufficient wages.

What's more, he has to take part of his money to charity.

Shen Yun Hai's practice was highly praised by Shen man. Therefore, the father and daughter, who once had a quarrel, chose to make up. However, Shen Yun Hai's father's health was deteriorating. Shen man occasionally took some time to work with his elder brother and second brother to help him look after the company's business.

She understands her father very well now, and her father Shen Yunhai has already begun to eat fast and chant Buddhism. However, she has asked more about the rivers and rivers and shopping malls. He just wants to atone for the sins he has committed, and he wants to use his time in the future to help more people in need.

Such a lost person is indeed worth encouraging.

However, this group of gangsters did not give him the chance to return home. As soon as his heart calmed down, Shen man, his favorite daughter, was kidnapped by gangsters.

When Shen Yunhai heard the cry of the daughter, he was flustered and said, "I will do whatever you say! Please don't hurt my daughter

"Don't worry. We won't hurt him as long as you are obedient. So, you still have half an hour. Hurry up!" Said the headman.

"Good!" Shen Yunhai nodded repeatedly at the end of the phone.

With a cold smile, he hung up the phone directly.

After that, the three gangsters, including the hooded man, sat in front of the construction site, chatting with cigarettes in their mouth, waiting for Shen Yunhai.

After a while, the headsuit man was a little surprised and said, "this old four buried people have been buried for a long time, how can't it be done yet, old three, you go and have a look!"

"Good!" The old man picked up a shovel and ran towards the grass which disappeared in the old four.

While smoking, the headdress man said to another gangster: "second, you see, the daughter of the Shen family is really sexy. If the boss didn't let him move him, I would like to make a few crazy attacks on her!"

"Hey, big brother, you said I was in my heart. Now I look at her, my heart is itching!" The second rubbed his hands and said, "either you can talk to the boss for a while. Anyway, it's all going to be killed in the end. It's better to give us a taste and then kill it!"

"OK, I'll talk to the boss later." Said the headman.

However, at this time, there was a rough voice behind him: "what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Oh, boss, you're here!" The first man and the second quickly stood up and looked at the man respectfully.

The first man also handed up a cigarette and said, "no, we're just joking!"

"Well!" The boss nodded.

This boss is no one else. He has a bandage on his head. His red hair is exposed between the bandages. He is the God of fire.

After the God of fire, there are two men with big arms and round waist, which are used by the mountain gang for him.

The God of fire took the cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and asked the headman, "Why are you two left? And the other two? "

"They're both going to take care of the driver's body!" Said the headman.

"Oh The God of fire nodded: "very good, must do a bit of secrecy, do not let people notice!"

"Don't worry, boss. It's all right for you." The headgear man laughs.

The God of fire took a few puffs of smoke, crushed out the cigarette ends, and waved to the two strong men behind him: "bring me the Shen family's daughter to the house, and we'll wait inside for Shen Yunhai's old fellow!"

Finish saying first step into the uncompleted building, the rest of the people follow in the back to go in.

Twenty minutes later, a black passata car came at a gallop. After stopping at the entrance of the construction site, Shen Yunhai got out of the car and hurried towards the middle of the construction site.

"Here he is, boss!" The head man said to the unfinished building.


"Yes, alone!"

"Bring him in!" Said the God of fire.


When Shen Yunhai comes to him, he takes Shen Yunhai into the unfinished building.

As soon as he entered the building, Shen Yun Haydn was flustered because he saw Shen man tied to a stone pillar at the first sight, his hair was scattered and he was very haggard.

"Xiaoman -" Shen Yunhai called and was about to come forward.

"Ah, ah! Don't worry The God of fire suddenly appeared between them, blocking Shen Yunhai.Shen Yunhai found out at this time that Huoshen was also there. He knew that Huoshen was a leader of the East District drag racing party. Although he had not dealt with each other, he had met several times and knew each other's names.

"Liu ah Huo? Why did you kidnap my daughter? " Shen Yun Haidao.

"Well, I can't help it? I'm also entrusted by others

Huoshen hands spread out, making a helpless appearance, but the words are rogue tone.

"Who ordered you to do so? I'll give you double the price. Please let my daughter go Shen Yun Haidao.

"I'm sorry, I can't afford to offend that boss, so I can only offend you!" "Come on, sign this contract, and you can take your daughter with you!" fire god sneered

Shen Yunhai looked down and saw that the contract was a contract to transfer all the shares of Shen's group. In other words, if he signed it, he would have transferred all his shares to another company unconditionally, and he would have lost his fortune.

Although he is very Buddhist now, his industry is inherited from his ancestors. When he develops in his generation, he also thinks that his descendants can inherit it, so that his ancestral heritage can become bigger and bigger and benefit more people around him.

Therefore, this request is very harsh to him. It is tantamount to letting him break the efforts of several generations of the Shen family and become the number one criminal of the Shen family. It is tantamount to taking his life.

Shen Yunhai sighed heavily. His face was like gold paper. He was haggard for a moment.

"Don't sign, Dad, don't sign, you don't care about me!" Shen man yelled.

"Stop her mouth for me!" Cried the God of fire.

The man with the headsuit took out a piece of cloth and blocked Shen man's mouth directly.

Looking at his daughter's suffering, Shen Yunhai was very worried. However, the foundation of his ancestors was destroyed in his hands, and he was very reluctant to give up, and his heart was very tangled.

Looking at Shen Yunhai's indecision, Huoshen winked at the man with the headgear on one side.

The man with the headsuit picked up the knife and went to Shen man. He put the knife against Shen man's neck and cried out: "old man, sign quickly. If you don't sign, I'll stab your daughter with a knife!"

Shen Yun Haydn was frightened and said, "don't don't hurt my daughter. I'll sign it, I'll sign it!"

When he saw his daughter's life threatened, his first reaction was to lean towards her.

This also makes Shen man very moved, but the more moved, the more guilty Shen man.

The fire god on one side threw the contract to Shen Yunhai and said with a sneer: "would it have been better if it had been like this? Hum! Come on, sign it

Shen Yunhai raised his pen and asked, "if I sign, can you release my daughter?"

"Of course Said the God of fire.

"OK, I'll sign it!" Shen Yunhai bit his teeth and raised his pen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!