The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 245

After rushing into the uncompleted construction site, Lin Feng's eyes immediately became fierce. His eyes were like hawks and falcons, and looked around once.

There was an open space in the middle of the uncompleted buildings. The robber's white van was parked in the middle of the space.

"There they are!" Shen man locked his eyes on the car and said to Lin Feng, "go and catch them!"

With that, Shen man is about to get off.

"What are you doing? Isn't it good to sit in the car? Is it not good to observe the situation first? " Lin Feng asked.

He wondered how the girl met the criminal as if she had met her enemy? Besides, how dare she come from?

"How to catch people in a car?" Shen man asked.

This is to ask, Lin Feng a Leng a Leng, Lin Feng shook his head, the heart said forget, let you go, you this guy has personality, I can't control you.

Seeing that Lin Feng did not speak, Shen man said, "if you are afraid, stay in the car and don't need to get down! Coward

With that, he jumped out of the car.

"Well, I'm afraid! Am I a coward Lin Feng wants to laugh at this time. Shen man is really conceited. I'll see what you can do.

Shen man quietly toward the van, his mouth called out: "the people in the car, I see you, get off the bus quickly, and be arrested with your hands!"

But the van didn't move.

Shen man slowly approached the van and pulled the door of the van. The door opened. The gold and silver jewels were thrown in the van, but the man disappeared.

Shen man looked around and yelled at the uncompleted buildings around him: "if you steal something, don't try to run. If you can't run, come out quickly and confess your guilt!"

However, at this time, a cold muzzle of the gun, against the back of her head: "Miss Shen, is it necessary to arrest people so hard?"

Su Jing trembled and knew she was being held.

"Miss Shen, do your family know that you are so desperate?" The robbers didn't forget to make fun of it.

"Don't talk nonsense. What do you want?" Shen man asked.

"What do we want? Hum? " The robber did not directly say, but took out the rope and tied Shen man directly.

"There seems to be another one in your car. Ask him to roll down for me!" Cried the robber.

Lin Feng saw this scene from a long distance. Seeing the robber calling himself, he got out of the car consciously. His mouth was discontented and said, "Oh, yes, I heard you. If you ask someone to get out of the car, you have to get out of the car. Why do you say get out of the car? How bad it is!"

Seeing that the robber was holding a pistol in his hand, he quickly raised his hand and said, "take that thing well, don't hurt anyone!"

See Lin Feng surrender, others have come up, Lin Feng also tied up.

At this time, Lin Feng saw clearly that there were four robbers in total. Among them, the robbers with headgear were similar to Lin Feng in body shape, and the rest were strong men with big arms and round waist.

At this time, the four men tied Lin Feng and Shen man to the stake. The robber, who was similar to Lin Feng, handed the pistol to a big man wearing silk stockings and let him look at Lin Feng and Shen man.

"We're tied up!" Shen man looked around nervously and asked Lin Feng.

"Nonsense, this is not clear!" Lin Feng said.

Shen man earned a few times, found the rope tied very firmly, she whispered to Lin Feng: "this rope is very tight, there is no way to break it, do you have any sharp weapon?"

"Little sister, how can I have any sharp weapon? I'm the one who drives for you! Not only did I get on the bus, I also got on my people. My life is so hard! " Lin Feng intentionally mourners face said.

"You are a big man, do you have any backbone?" Shen man frowned and glared at Lin Feng.

Shen man thought, Liu Mingyuan, Captain, said that Lin Feng is a king of special forces. Is it true that the king of special forces has this virtue?

Crying and hawing all the time?

However, Shen man looks at Lin Feng, but a trace of guilt rises in his heart.

She secretly regretted, really should listen to Lin Feng's advice, should not rashly kill in, now good, in the other party's plot.

But at this time regret has no use, now the mobile phone was taken, she was also tied up, nothing can be done.

However, Lin Feng is leisurely looking left and right without any anxiety.

Originally, he could solve the gangsters in an instant, but he felt that this robbery was not so simple.

Just watching a few robbers seduce them to come here, we can see that these robbers have other purposes.

So Lin Feng doesn't mind acting for a while to see what they want to do?

Lin Feng saw the other three people call, leaving only the tall man with silk stockings on his head. He called out with a smile: "Hi, brother silk stockings, you come to ha!"

Silk stockings male see Lin Feng cheap Xi Xi Xi appearance, very angry, urn sound urn airway: "what do you want to do?"

"I want to pee!" Lin Feng said.

"Hold on!" Men in silk stockings are not deceived.Shen man shakes his head. Is Lin Feng's trick too low? Is this the special forces' trick?

Still going to the bathroom? Isn't that what we do in movies, yelling at going to the bathroom, and then taking advantage of people's unprepared, we knock people down and run away. You've been known for a long time.

"Hi, brother stockings!" Lin Feng continued to nag.

"What do you want to do The stockings man was a little impatient.

"What brand of silk stockings do you have on your head? They are so elastic that they wrap your face like a beast. Ha ha ha Lin Feng laughed.

"Do you dare to swear? Believe it or not, I shot you? " The stockings man raised his gun and pointed to Lin Feng's head.

"Oh, I'm wrong, handsome man. In fact, I just look at the silk stockings on your head. I really want to buy one!" Lin Feng said, "after I buy it, I'll give it to my little sister next door. I'll put it on for her personally."

"Shut up Shen man was in a hurry first. She was thinking about how to escape. Lin Feng's nagging and frivolous remarks completely disturbed her mind.

This anger in her heart, Lin Feng, can not help but be a drag on oil, but also has a negative effect. At that time, she should not have left him in the car. It was really a bad thing!

Shen man said to the stockings man, "what do you want? You can talk to me, I can give it to you, we can have a good talk

The stockings man glanced up and down at Shen man, and suddenly his face was bewildered and said, "well, we can really talk about it!"

Then he came to Shen man.

Shen man looked at the silk stockings man's expression of bewilderment. He immediately felt something wrong and said in a panic: "you... Don't come here. What do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do? Hey, hey The stockings man looked around and saw that his brother-in-law was still in the abandoned building, so he went to Shen man and said, "anyway, sooner or later you will be ruined. Why don't you let me have a good time first! I'm so happy. Maybe I'll take care of you later! Here, let me feel it first

With that, the stockings man put the gun on his trousers waist, covering Shen man's mouth with one hand, and touching Shen man's chest with the other hand.

"No, no, killing!" At this time, Lin Feng, who had not spoken, suddenly roared.

Gao was startled. He picked up a steel pipe beside him and walked towards Lin Feng. He was going to smash him: "what's your name? I want you to shout

But the stockings man's steel pipe has not hit Lin Feng's head, but Lin Feng was scared to roll his eyes and fainted.

"Ah Silk stockings man full of black thread, this has not hit, scared fainted in the past? Is this too delicious?

Shen man is completely speechless. Is Lin Feng still a man?

Silk stockings male see Lin Feng scared dizzy, then regardless of Lin Feng, and then a face licentious smile back in front of Shen man, said: "if you dare to call, I will kill you!"

With that, he reached for Shen man. , the fastest update of the webnovel!