The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 244

"You come? When I was in the police academy, I couldn't catch up with those who won the racing championship. Can you do it? " Shen man said scornfully.

"The skill of racing champion is not equal to my old driver. Dare not let me try, is it for fear of being beaten in the face by me Lin Feng said with the method of encouragement.

Then, Lin Feng quickly and calmly ordered: "you get up now, and then hold on to the steering wheel, don't move around!"

"What are you going to do?" Shen man is a little flustered. Now it's driving at high speed. What's the matter with this boy?

But before she knew what was going on, she felt a pair of big hands holding her up.

Then, Lin Feng just like can shrink bone work, sat down under Shen man's body.

He didn't want to waste time explaining to Shen man. He just ordered, "now move to the co pilot."

He grabbed the steering wheel with one hand.

Shen man knew that the situation was very urgent and dangerous. She did not dare to struggle. She quickly released the steering wheel and moved to the front passenger's seat in a panic.

"Ah --"

but the more anxious she was, the more likely she was to make mistakes. After one foot crossed Lin Feng's foot, she was preparing to cross the other. Unexpectedly, she accidentally tripped, and she fell back into the driver's seat and sat down on Lin Feng's body. Her pretty face turned red with shame.

At this time, several cars suddenly sprang out in front of him. Lin Feng didn't care that Shen man had not moved. He held the steering wheel in both hands, and his head was exposed from Shen man's shoulder, staring at the front and driving seriously.

Suddenly, Shen man seems to be tightly held in his arms by Lin Feng. Lin Feng's arm just touches Shen man's chest, and a burst of numb and crisp feeling spreads all over Shen man's body.

"Ah -" Shen man could not help but groan, and immediately blushed with shame.

She's so old, she's never been so embarrassed.

But she knew it was dangerous and she did not dare to struggle.

Unfortunately, this section of the road is also particularly uneven, the car bumped, Shen man was top by top, very uncomfortable.

"Ah, you should be gentle." Shen man put his hands on the seat, slightly raised his body, and tried to keep a distance from Lin Feng. However, due to too much turbulence, it was inevitable that there would be collisions.

At this time, there are many cars in the driveway, because it has been retrograde, the scene looks very dangerous.

"Ah - look ahead!" Shen man yelled.

"Left, right, ah, it's going to hit!" Shen man feels that Lin Feng is still accelerating, and there are more and more cars on the opposite side. Her nervous hands and palms are sweating.

Although she graduated from the police academy, she won the first place in the driving skill examination. However, she never saw this kind of scene. On the retrograde lane, the opposite traffic flow was super fast, and one after another rushed towards each other. Just looking at it was enough to frighten people. Shen man felt that if she was driving, she would have to put it at a very slow speed, or even stop and give up.

However, at this time, but listen to Lin Feng behind him said: "little sister, sit tight!"

As soon as the voice dropped, Shen man saw that the pointer of the speedometer rose rapidly, and in an instant it was 10 km / h higher. The car on the opposite side was still far away from him a second ago, and the next second was in front of him.

Every time the car on the opposite side of the road is about to hit his own car, Lin Feng can directly turn to avoid it. In the traffic flow of the retrograde car, the old Santana is like a water snake, winding forward, but the speed is much faster than Shen man's before.

"Hiss -"

SHEN man can't help but take a breath of cold air. Lin Feng's driving skills are just against the weather. He even has a feeling of blood boiling, which is very exciting.

At this time, Lin Feng overtakes around, which makes Shen man's body shake left and right. Shen man wants to break free, but he has no way.

What makes Shen man feel even more embarrassed is that she still feels very enjoying such a miserable scene! Is not oneself too should not!

However, at this time, Shen man thought of one thing, which she had a deep impression on.

That time, Lin Feng and Chai dog were racing. He went to the scene to intercept. Wei Yichen and Lin Feng were driving in this posture.

When she saw the scene of Lin Feng and Wei Yichen in the car, she still called them shameless at that time.

And now, don't you do the same? And, can't break free! And enjoy it!

Shen man sighs and sighs in his heart. Maybe he wrongly blamed Lin Feng and Wei Yichan at the beginning! Just, have you fallen?

However, Shen man was surprised by Lin Feng's driving skills. She was really glad to bring Lin Feng here. Otherwise, she would not be able to catch up with those gangsters. In driving, Shen man convinced others for the first time.

The gangsters didn't expect that the car behind them was so fierce. They just had a leisurely discussion about how to play with the car behind, but in a flash, they were going to be caught.

"Old four, how do you drive?"

"Don't blame me, it's the driver behind. It's so brute. It's fierce"Well, don't you boast that you are a good driver? Now I think it's time to implement the plan ahead of time! Come on, find the path and get down the road



after a few words of communication, the robbers saw their van suddenly make a sharp turn, drive into a nearby lane, and continue to drive towards the path.

Lin Feng looked at the other side left the main road, he could not help but smile, and then calmly slowed down, directly followed up.

Shen man saw that Lin Feng slowed down. She took a deep breath. It was too exciting just now, which made her face red and let out a big breath.

Then, Shen man some embarrassed dry cough: "cough!"

Hearing the sound, Lin Feng laughed and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, you see, I'm so enjoying that I forget you're still on me!"

Lin Feng releases Shen man and asks her to move to the co driver's seat.

Separated Shen man, remembering the scene just now, suddenly inexplicably embarrassed.

But Lin Feng broke the embarrassment with a word. He was looking at the front with deep eyes and said, "little sister, there seems to be something wrong with the car in front."

"What's the matter?" Shen man looks at Lin Feng in surprise. The car is obviously forced down the road by Lin Feng. Why is something wrong?

"Look Lin Feng points to the front.

I saw in front of is a potholed unfinished construction site, the construction site inside has long been overgrown with weeds, obviously has been shelved for a long time.

"There's only a way in and no way out. Aren't they going to die?" Lin Feng said.

Shen man was happy and praised: "Lin Feng, this time you really made contributions, they were forced to be desperate by you!"

"I did force them to go, I admit! Because I'm a good driver, you can see it! " Lin Feng spread both hands, playing handsome way.

"I can't refute that!" Shen man agreed with Lin Feng for the first time, because just now, his wife was so exciting!

However, Lin Feng said: "but you see, there is a road next to this unfinished construction site, but they don't go. They have to plunge into the construction site. Are they stupid?"

If you look at the construction site, it is about several thousand square meters. It is surrounded by high and low rough buildings. There are lots of weeds around it. If the car goes into it, there will be no trace.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Feng shook his head and laughed.

He has been dealing with various cutting-edge tasks abroad all year round. It can be said that he travels all day long, walking on the edge of life and death. He has seen too many extremely cunning bandits. In front of this situation, there must be some deceit.

Therefore, he slowly and leisurely stopped at the edge of the construction site, took a glance at the terrain and layout of the construction site, and did not follow the robbers to drive the car into the construction site.

"Why don't you chase?" Shen man is anxious. Seeing that he has driven the gangsters into a desperate situation, how can he give them a chance to breathe? She said: "the gangsters must have gone all out to get into it. Now we can catch them."

"This intersection should be the only entrance and exit of the construction site. As long as you stay here, the robbers will not escape. You should call the police now and guard here." Lin Feng patiently explained: "these are the common sense as a smart policeman!"

Depending on Lin Feng's ability, it is easy for him to drive in and catch the robbers.

It's just that he doesn't want to be too powerful in front of others. Moreover, he also teaches Shen man, a rookie, by the way. At this moment, he must analyze problems rationally.

"But what if there is a way out there and the bandits run away?" Shen man is still completely unable to understand, his expression is very anxious. The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. She is about to catch up with the robbers. How can she be willing to give up? "No, you must catch up quickly. If you don't go, I will go alone."

With that, Shen man really intends to open the door and get off.

Not afraid of God like opponents, afraid of pig like teammates, Lin Feng at the moment is really aware of this sentence. Although this woman is very brave and occasionally very smart, but because of her courage, sometimes she appears to be reckless.

This is the great taboo of military strategists. In the face of a crafty enemy, if you are careless, you will lose your life.

Lin Feng said: "little sister, you are so reckless, you will suffer!"

"Coward!" Shen man scolded Lin Feng. Just now, he had brought the gangster to his death because of Lin Feng's passing skills. He looked at Lin Feng with great admiration. But at this time, she was very disdainful to see Lin Feng cringe.

The captain said that Lin Feng is a master among the masters. Is he such a master who can only drive?

If it's just like this, the captain really thinks highly of him!

The more he looked at Lin Feng, the more he felt that Lin Feng was afraid, so he didn't dare to go in with her. She said, "coward, if you are afraid, you can get out of the car and go to the police. But I can't advise. I will never give criminals any opportunity to take advantage of it. Therefore, I have to chase in!"

Lin Feng looked at Shen man's extremely determined eyes. He sighed helplessly and said, "since you have to be like this, so good! I'll drive you in, but I hope you won't regret it thenSaid, Lin Feng gear up, a step on the accelerator, the car rushed into the unfinished construction site. , the fastest update of the webnovel!