The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 243

"Cough and cough!" Shen man was choked with a cough because of the smoke in the car.

"You've snuffed the cigarette, asshole!"

Lin Feng listened, did not make a sound, but the smoke was crushed out in the ashtray.

"Cough and cough!" But Shen man still felt very choking, she said: "Lin Feng, where is this exhaust system open?"

Shen man wants to exhaust the smoke in the car, otherwise this kind of state will affect her driving too.

Lin Feng listened, but did not make a sound.

"Bastard, I'm asking you!" Cried Shen man.

"Didn't you shut me up? You blame me! " Lin Feng is a wronged appearance.

"Oh!" Shen man shook his head and said, "OK, you can talk. Tell me, where is the exhaust button?"

Lin Feng said: "this is the old Santana, which has the exhaust button? You think more, really can't stand, just open the window! "

"That's nonsense. I don't know how to open the window yet?" Shenmansheng airway.

Now she is driving at high speed. When she opens the window, the wind will be very strong. There is no way to open the window.

But at present, she can not stand the smoke, helpless, a bite, free hand to shake down the window.

"Call!" A gust of wind came in, blowing Shen man's hair all over.

"Ha ha ha, you are crazy like an octopus!" Lin Feng laughed: "it's just a beautiful Octopus!"

"Eight claws, your sister!" Shen man stared at Lin Feng.

After a few seconds, Shen man felt smoke went out a lot, and then he shook the window.

At this time, she could finally concentrate on driving after the robber, so she stepped on the gas and speeded up again.

"Younger sister, can I interview you?" Lin Feng sat on the copilot, and said cheaply.

"What do you want to do?" Shen man said.

"Ah, I am a woman policeman who is brave and brave. I admire you very much! So I have a few questions in my heart that bothers me, and I want to ask you! " "The first question, sister Lin, is that you are so crazy to chase after the robbers regardless of your image and danger?" Lin Feng said? Is it love? Is it a responsibility? "

"It's not! Don't ask! " Shen man didn't want to answer.

"Sister, what do you think of the male guest sitting in the co pilot? Did he shock you with his handsome and wise mind? " Asked Lin Feng.

"Boring! Childish! " Shen man replied.

There are not many cars on the road now, and the road is very spacious. Shen man is talking about to catch up with the robbers' cars.

Lin Feng can not help but praise, this Shen man car skill is still good.

"Little sister, the third question is, why are you still single if you are so beautiful and sexy? Is it because of your character distortion? Or is it hard for the body to say

"Abnormal, you say, I'll get you into the police station!" Shen man threatened.

"Oh!" Lin Feng grinned, but at this time, he found Shen Manzhi staring straight ahead, but suddenly he was a lot serious.

Lin Feng saw this situation, followed Shen man's eyes, it turned out that the robbers found someone chasing up, turned the car into the lane next to them, and flew backwards.

"A group of dead men!"

Lin Feng sighed in his heart, he thought Shen man would stop here, and he was sure he couldn't chase it. But he didn't expect Shen man was crazy. He drove his car into the opposite lane and kept chasing all the way.

"I wipe!"

Lin Feng can not help but look up to Shen man in her heart. This woman is not only angry, but also brave. This kind of persistence and bravery to treat criminals is really admirable.

But Lin Feng can't help but pity Xiangyu, and said, "little sister, you are too hard! They just robbed a gold shop. It was not your family! "

"How do you know it's not my family?" Shen man asked subconsciously.

Lying groove!

Lin Feng was shocked in his heart!

Listen to Shen man. This gold shop is really her family?

Huanyu gold shop is the Shen group, and Shen Mangang just said that Jindian is her family, so Shen man, is the daughter of shenyunhai of Shen group!!!

This... It's a little fun!

No wonder Shen man is not in the police state today, or she only wore police uniform, nothing.

And she was in the gold shop, it was not coincidence, maybe that would be someone else is to go back to their own shop to see.

And Lin Feng also remembered a series of things before, one of which, Lin Feng remember the most clearly.

After that bidding conference, Shen Mao was taught by Lin Feng. Then Lin Feng called Shen manlai to catch people. Shen man didn't come, but Xiao Li came.

Then Lin Feng asked Xiao Li why Shen man didn't come, Xiao Li said it was inconvenient.

Now Lin Feng suddenly understood that Shen Yunhai had more than three sons and a daughter named Shen man.So, he let Shen's group down and made Shen Mao enter the Bureau. Shen man won't hate me because of this?

However, at this time, Shen man said solemnly: "isn't it my gold shop that is afraid of death and doesn't pursue it, leaving them at large?"

"We have to chase, we have to pursue!" Lin Feng laughs playfully.

Shen man can always give people a sense of justice, such a girl, in today's society, but very rare.

At this time, Lin Feng put his mind back on the gangsters.

Now everyone is in the retrograde lane. Although there are not many cars coming from the opposite side, it is also very dangerous.

Lin Feng frowned. I don't know how long Shen man can hold on.

Shen man, seeing that he had already chased out of the city at this time, was a desolate road with few cars around him, so he said:

"Lin Feng, you've got to sit tight, I'm going to speed up below!"

With that, she stepped on the gas pedal hard, and the car's speed increased by dozens of kilometers per hour.

The objects on both sides quickly backward. Shen man also said to Lin Feng, "I'm driving fast. If you want to throw up, find a plastic bag..."

but before you finish speaking, you can see that Lin Feng is leisurely looking out of the window, as if nothing happened.


Didn't you drive 160 yards? It's 60 yards?

Shen man once thought he was wrong, but it was clearly 160 yards on the speedometer.

At this time, we should not worry about him.

"I'm so angry!" Shen man yelled angrily. She was about to catch up with the gangsters. Suddenly, a car ran out to block the front and let them escape!

Lin Feng glanced at Shen man's face, which was red with anger, and then laughed indifferently. In his mind, he could see the situation in front of him.

The robbers seem to know that there is only one car after them, so they are deliberately teasing them.

"Little sister, you are like this, but you can't catch up with them!" Lin Feng raised eyebrows and said with a smile.

Shen manben was angry. Listening to Lin Feng's words, he was more angry and said in a loud voice: "it's not your turn to educate me!"

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly and said, "I'm not educating you. Don't you read the fuel meter when you drive? Now the fuel gauge shows that there is less than one liter of fuel left. This car has a displacement of 1.8, and the fuel consumption per 100 km is about 7 L. in other words, in this way, the car can run 10 km. Do you think you can catch up with this situation within 10 km? "

After hearing this, Shen man looks at the oil meter and is shocked.

Indeed, the car is running out, and according to Lin Feng's analysis, it can only drive about 10 kilometers.

I have already chased dozens of kilometers, but I still can't catch up. I'm afraid I can't catch up within ten kilometers!

Shen man bit his lip, his face dignified.

At this time, see the side of Lin Feng face together, cheap Xi Xi said: "little sister ah, or, let me try!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!