The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 242

"Acquaintances?" Third master Cui was a little confused, but he still put down his business and went to the cap.

In the VIP guest house behind the headquarters of the mountain Gang, the cap is sitting on the stool with the brim pressed so low that people can't see his expression.

Third master Cui arrived here and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Cap road.

When Mr. Cui walked into the room, it was still so dark. Seeing that there were no other people around him, he was puzzled and asked, "what do you mean, my old acquaintance? Where is it? "

"Come out," said the cap

At this time, the curtain of another room was lifted up, and a middle-aged man appeared in front of Mr. Cui.

The bandage was on his head, but it still couldn't cover the arrogant red Mohawk hair.

"The God of fire?" Third master Cui was very surprised, "you... You are not?"

"He was saved by me. Is there any fuss?" Asked the cap.

"No, no!" Cui San ye said so, but he was really surprised.

A few days ago, he heard that Vulcan was so angry that he hit people in a truck because of his defeat in the election campaign. As a result, he ran into a wall and was unconscious. Later, he heard that the man was still missing and his life was unknown.

I didn't expect to be saved by this guy. This guy can quietly save the fire god in full view. He really has some skills!

"Third Master, I will not be unwelcome when I come to your place?" Said the God of fire.

His injury is much better now, except for a wound in his head that has not been healed, his basic ability to move has been the same as before.

"Oh, where are you talking about? The God of fire, one of the four heavenly kings of the drag racing party, is very honored to come to me!" Cui said with a smile.

Cui San Ye knows the feud between Huoshen and Lin Feng. He and Lin Feng also have a grudge, so the enemy of the enemy is his friend. Third master Cui can use Huoshen as an ally.

"To be polite, I've already made the first step in the plan for the rise of the backers," the cap said

"Is it?" Fourth master Tian's eyes brightened.

"The first step is to convince a force to join us and be willing to invest for us, because we need a lot of money," the cap said

"This..." fourth master Tian felt a little difficult and said, "now we are not familiar with the three major consortia in Jincheng, Dongsheng Group, Changsheng Group and Shen group! Besides, the order of the Phoenix is the only one target for other organizations

Fourth master Tian's thinking logic is very meticulous. In the four major associations, the drag racing party must be dead. The Longkou group has always been very strong and ambitious. He would be good if he did not force others to invest. He could not expect them to invest in others.

"Never mind, I have my plan!" The cap whispered, "we do things by means. Now you two listen to me. My first step plan is like this...


two days later, Huanyu gold store, Jincheng central street.

Huanyu gold store is the largest gold store in Jincheng, and the largest gold store of Shen group, the former first financial group.

Shen's group in the last tender meeting, after being suppressed by Lin Feng, suffered a lot of trauma.

Shen's group, Shen Mao, was jailed, his tax evasion was exposed, and the stock market shrank seriously. A series of things, such as Shen's group, have declared that Shen's group has fallen to the bottom.

However, the lean camel is bigger than the horse. The Shenshi group has abundant funds. There are dozens of gold stores alone, and the reserves of ores and metals are also amazing.

For a time, the outside world thought that Shen's group would be in a slump after the bidding meeting, but Shen's group was just superficial decadent, and did not reach the point of being unable to stand up.

It's just that the trauma of Shen's group also needs time to recuperate. Shen Mao, the most resourceful third son of Shen's group, is put in prison. Shen Yunhai is not optimistic about the other two sons, so Shen Yunhai comes forward to preside over the group's affairs.

Under the vigorous adjustment of Shen Yunhai, Shen's group began to show a state of recovery.

And this Huanyu gold shop, also because of the recovery of the Shen group, and appears vigorous.

At this time, on the opposite side of the splendid golden shop road, there is an old black Santana. Compared with the extravagance of Jindian, the old Santana is very shabby and very ugly.

However, Lin Feng was sitting in the Santana, which he borrowed from Su Jing.

Lin Feng had nothing to do today, so he wanted to come to Huanyu gold store because Tang Dongsheng promised to give him a gift at will, waiting for the Mid Autumn Festival to give it to Chu Yuqi.

But he had a flat tire and wanted to drive, so he borrowed the car from Su Jing.

There are three cars in Su Jing's garage: a luxury Maserati, a red Cadillac and an old Santana.

The reason why Su Jing kept the car was that she drove the car when she was learning it. So after learning the car, she bought it and collected it.However, Lin Feng fell in love with the dust and spider web of Santana.

He hummed along the way and drove to Huanyu gold store. At this time, Lin Feng was sitting in the car, with a cigarette in his mouth, smoking and looking at the gold shop opposite.

"This Huanyu gold store is really strong enough. I didn't expect that Shen's group was defeated once and still had so much money. Tut Tut, the mining industry in Jincheng is indeed the most outstanding industry!" While smoking, Lin Feng praises and plans to go in and choose gifts after smoking.

But at this time, but listen to a "Ga" sound, a white van suddenly a sudden brake, stopped at the door of the gold shop.

Then, from the car jumped several fully armed masked men, quickly rushed into the gold shop.

Then a man in the car with silk stockings was waiting outside.

"I do. What's the matter? In broad daylight, robbery? "

Lin Feng frowned, took a puff of smoke, and muttered: "I seem to have committed the word" back "recently. I just sent off two waves of killers the day before yesterday. Today I came to buy a gold jewelry and met with a robbery! My life, do not want to stimulate even can't ah

At this time, the gold shop inside has spread the sound of smashing the glass, and the waiters scream.

The robbers seemed to be well-trained. After two minutes, each with a bag on his back, quickly withdrew from the gold store and jumped into the white van and left.

"I can do it! Well trained Lin Feng praises a way, a look at this group of people is recidivist.

But the gold shop belongs to Shen group, and he doesn't want to manage it, so he smokes leisurely in the car.

At this time, however, I heard the sound of "bang bang" outside the car window.

Lin Feng a look, there is a policeman outside, in the anxious smash own window.

To his surprise, he knew and knew the policeman very well.

She was a policewoman. She was not equipped with a gun or communication equipment. She was too beautiful. She was super hot. She was like a model. It was Shen man.

"How could she be here?" Lin Feng was very surprised!

"Bang bang bang!"

"Get out of the car!" At this time, Shen man called out to the car.

Lin Feng picked his eyebrows, slowly and leisurely shook down the window and said with a smile: "Hello, younger sister early! We met again. It must be a special fate that made us become a predestined person along the way...

"it's you!" Shen man a look is Lin Feng, suddenly a Leng, but quickly said: "you get off the car, I want to use your car to chase people!"

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "no, you can't go. You're a girl's house. You're at the level of bringing disaster to the country and the people. Are you afraid to catch up with those heinous robbers, but are you being treated in the right way?"

Shen man anxiously said: "you don't talk nonsense. I'm a policeman. I'm going to requisition your car now! Please get out of the car

"Little sister, why are you so overbearing? I do it for you Lin Feng said: "either you take me, I like excitement!"

Shen man saw that the bandits ran farther and farther away. In a hurry, he called out, "don't get in the way here. You'll let me go to one side."

Then, involuntarily, she opened the door.

Lin Feng quickly transferred to the co pilot, put on a frightened look, staring at Shen man: "little sister, you scared me, my little heart, puff and puff..."

"shut up, you get off the car quickly, don't delay me to chase the robbers!" Shen man cheered.

"This is my car. How can you bully people like that? We are all born in the type society, grow up under the red flag of children, we speak polite, do things reasonable... "Lin Feng babbled.

"Stop!" Shen man rolled her eyes in anger, but seeing that the van had disappeared at the end of the road, she anxiously said: "Lin Feng, if you shut up, I can keep you in the car."

"Deal Lin Feng smiles.

Shen man shook his head helplessly and said in a loud voice, "fasten your seat belt. I'm not responsible for scaring you to death!"

With that, he put his hands in gear and stepped on the gas pedal. The car ran out and chased the robbers in the direction where they disappeared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!