The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 241

Soon Wei Hao was picked up by 120, and Lin Feng and Su Jing were also taken to the police station by the police.

After recording their statements, they went back to their residence again.

After a night's hard work, I went back to my apartment again. It was the next morning.

Instead of going to rest immediately, Lin Feng and Su Jing cleaned up the upstairs and downstairs together with the nanny.

After that, Su Jing and Lin Feng sat downstairs for morning tea.

During the morning tea, Su Jing called Tang Dongsheng and told Tang Dongsheng what happened last night.

After knowing this, Tang Dongsheng gave Lin Feng and Su Jing a holiday to rest at home for a few days and not rush to work. After all, this wave has passed, and Lin Feng has done meritorious deeds, so Tang Dongsheng has to reward Lin Feng with a gift.

"Lin Feng, thanks to you, Xiaojing is safe and sound. I think I have to give you a big reward. I'm a super VIP member of Huanyu gold store. It's the best gold store. The gold and diamonds in it are all excellent. You can choose one at will. You're welcome!" Tang Dongsheng Road.

"Tang Dong, you are always like this, which makes me very embarrassed!" Lin Feng said.

"What's the matter?" Tang Dongsheng did not understand, give you a special gift, why are you still embarrassed?

Lin Feng took a look at Su Jing next to him, then straightened up his chest and said with righteous words: "Dong Tang, you must know that I have always regarded money as dirt. You are not insulting me by doing so."

"Ah Tang Dongsheng thought, it is also ha, always talk about money is not good, he said: "Lin Feng, I was wrong, did not care about your feelings, should not talk to you about money!"

Lin Feng said, "yes, talking about money hurts feelings." With that, she gave Su Jing a smilingly look: "Mr. Su, are you right?"

Su Jing has a special admiration for Lin Feng. She looks at all the men around her, and none of them are not greedy for money. As a result, Lin Feng seems to have no extravagant hope for money. When he gave him the villa, he didn't show how happy he was. Then he was still very indifferent when he gave him a free shopping opportunity in Huanyu gold store.

What kind of man is this? Where is her pursuit?

After one night's tossing, Su Jing's beautiful face was slightly tired, but her eyes were shining, looking at Lin Feng's side face. Such a rare man, she really wanted to study it clearly.

But then, Lin Feng said, "Oh, but even if you say that, talking about money hurts your feelings. If you don't talk about money, you will have no feelings. So I think, although I don't love money, I can barely accept your gift. After all, if you don't accept it, you won't have face!"

"Ah Su Jing shook her head. She felt that she was dazzled and lost her sight again!

How can Lin Feng be a rare species? He is the most vulgar kind of people!

Su Jing took a look at Lin Feng. She thought that Lin Feng was so noble. As a result, she accepted a gift from someone else and made it look like he was forced by others. You are really black!

But this time, Lin Feng didn't really want to.

Just now, he suddenly remembered that in less than half a month, the mid autumn festival would be coming. Chu Yuqi's father came back on the Mid Autumn Festival and went to their family party on his own. How could he bring some decent gifts!

So, it's time to choose a gift for them in advance, which will kill two birds with one stone.

Tang Dongsheng listened to Lin Feng's words on the phone, and he also laughed: "you ah, you, if you have something, you can say it directly, but also beat around the bush. OK, you can go to the gold store some other day and report my name. Later, they will deduct money from my card. You can choose it at will!"

Tang Dongsheng's work is also atmospheric. After all, after all, he has found that Lin Feng is really capable since he has been in contact with Lin Feng for such a long time. He must win over Lin Feng.

Then chatting a few words, Lin Feng then hung up the phone.

Su Jing was a little tired and said, "I'll go upstairs and have a rest first."

"Come together. It's fun to sleep together." Lin Feng followed with a smile.

Nanny Liu looked at the background of the two people going upstairs and said, "the young man is a young man. His physical strength is great! Even if he doesn't have the energy to sleep together the next night! This Miss Su is really happy! "

Aunt Liu, the nanny, is a country dweller in the suburbs. As soon as Su Jing and Lin Feng got to the second floor, the words came up.

Su Jing was embarrassed for a while, but Lin Feng said with a smile, "do you hear me? Aunt Liu thinks you are happy!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Su Jing said with a red face.

"Oh, you say that you have to let your fertile land idle and grow grass when you have sex! After a long time, there will be a shortage. " Lin Feng slants an eye to smile a way.

"Pervert you Seeing Lin Feng's indecent appearance, Su Jing was particularly angry. She scolded her, turned her head and went upstairs. Then she took a few steps, then stopped and turned back and said, "you are not allowed to come to the third floor. Do you hear me? We've made an agreement! "

"I see, you will ask me to go up one day. You have to ask me to come into your room and have a good time with you Lin Feng said with a smile."Shut up Su Jing glared at Lin Feng. She didn't want to take advantage of Lin Feng, so she went upstairs.




relying on shanbang headquarters in the north of the city.

In a small wooden house, Mr. Cui was sitting on a pine seat with a cigarette in one hand and two iron ball plates in the other.

The fourth master of the field is sitting on one side, with a PU fan in his hand, trying to fan his face.

In front of him stood three people, tiger brother, thin monkey and fat man.

As they attempted to steal, and did not have a dispute with the owner of the house, their injuries were really caused by themselves, so they were only fined and the main planner was detained for half a month.

In order to save tiger brother, Gao Gao took the matter down and said that he was the mastermind, so Gao Ge was detained for half a month instead of tiger brother.

However, at this time, fourth master Tian was furious and pointed at Tiger brother and other people with a PU fan, and scolded: "you pig brains, I asked you to do something, but my fart didn't work out, and I almost abandoned myself. Isn't it a shame to lose it?"

Tiger said: "fourth master, don't be angry, we are not lucky!"

"Bad luck? What's the bad luck Fourth master Tian asked in anger.

"One night we met several waves of people, killers and policemen. I was so nervous!" "If they didn't come to Diqiao, we would have killed Lin Feng's tortoise and grandson long ago," he said

Fourth master Tian frowned and said, "is Lin Feng so easy to kill? Don't you find that Lin Feng is so powerful? "

"No, no! A very ordinary person Tiger said, but suddenly thought of something, said: "Oh, by the way, he is quite able to dismantle the bomb, so" whoosh ", my bomb, on the boy's body, and then" gourd baby gourd baby "..."

"OK Fourth master Tian looked at Tiger's madness, and his heart became agitated: "go home and raise your brain. Return his gourd baby. I'll see you melon child!"

"Fourth master, you can see our reward..." tiger came forward with a smile.

"Go away -" fourth master Tian roared: "do you want to pay him back? I don't think you will die! Go away

Tiger brother was scared of a spirit, quickly took a few other people to go ashy.

However, at this time, Cui Sanye's mobile phone rings. When he looks at his mobile phone, he can't help but scratch a trace of tension on his face.

He quickly picked up the phone, the other end of the cap that deep and hoarse voice: "come to me, I have an old acquaintance of you, I think, it's time for you to meet!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!