The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 240

All of a sudden, a gust of wind came over, and the man in black felt a flower in front of him, and he could not help but fly backward to the back.


The body of the man in red rope and black flew out five or six meters away and directly smashed a table behind him. His back was hurt by the leg of the table.

"Wow --"

the man in black vomited a mouthful of blood, but then came the sharp pain all over the body, and the painful man in black had a cold sweat on his forehead.

The man in black was shocked. He didn't even see the other person's movements clearly, and he had already suffered a heavy injury. Moreover, the pain of this kind of hindsight is only in one case, that is, the speed of the other party is too fast, so that the pain is only found after a period of injury.

He had heard of a swordsman. He only needed a knife to kill, and his hand was very fast.

When the swordsman goes into the scabbard and steps away, the head of the swordsman slips down from his neck, but the body is still standing.

People in black always think that is a legend. After all, they use guns now. Where can there be swordsmen?

What's more, I feel that these plots only appear in movies. How can there be such a legendary swordsman? How can you move so fast?

However, he had already believed in the swordsman's story when he met Lin Feng today.

Because he felt a deep panic. If Lin Feng had a knife in his hand, his end would have been the separation of the human head!

"As I said, killers will be killed by others sooner or later. Do you want to come that day?" Lin Feng stood in front of the man in black and looked at him coldly.


The man in black felt the cold wind on his neck. He didn't pay much attention to Lin Feng's careless appearance before. However, at the moment, his eyes were like two ice thorns. Let him have a look, it was like falling into an ice cellar. His whole body was shaking. Moreover, his eyes seemed to have lethality, as if two ice cones could be shot out of his eyes at any time to pierce his heart.

At this time, the man in black knew that he met with stubble this time. He was not Lin Feng's opponent at all, and even had no strength to fight back!

He gave up the assassination decisively and said respectfully to Lin Feng with both hands clasping fists: "I'm sorry, we are blind and offended! Please let me live with my brothers

"You know the current affairs well. No wonder you can be their elder brother!" Lin Feng crooked his mouth and laughed, then changed back to the original cynical look, and said, "let you go, but I have one condition!"

"Go ahead, please."

"You need to tell me who sent you to assassinate Su Jing. After that, you can go!" Lin Feng Road.

"This..." the man in black looked frightened and said, "I'm afraid it won't work! First of all, we mercenaries must ensure the security of customers' information. Even if they die, they will not tell who is the employer. Secondly, we have a contract with the employer. Each of us has digoxin poison. Even if I want to tell who it is, I will die if I just open my mouth, so ... "

Lin Feng smiles, thinking, it's digoxin again. These people are also equipped with remote devices similar to poison teeth. If they want to name their employers, they will be activated by the monitoring staff, and they will die immediately.

So that's right. It's the one behind the scenes again.

It is just that if Lin Feng really wants people to tell us who is behind the scenes, it is really not authentic.

Because the other party has already said this, if you can't do it for them, you will let them die!

Looking at the man in black in front of him, Lin Feng suddenly thought of his brothers. Once upon a time, he led his brothers to various countries to carry out missions. They told each other that all brothers had put their lives in the hands of Lin Feng, all because they trusted him. Therefore, at the moment, Lin Feng can understand people in black.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng softened his heart and said, "well, I'm in a good mood today, so it's not difficult for you, but you still have to promise me a condition, and I'll let you go!"

"Well, thank you very much." The man in black is very grateful. As long as he can keep his brothers alive, it is more important than anything.

Lin Feng said: "Huaxia is a friendly and peaceful place, so my condition is that you and your brothers are not allowed to set foot in China in the future. As long as I am Lin Feng is here, I will not allow disorderly organizations to enter my Chinese situation. Of course, if you can make it invisible to me, it is your ability. If I find out, it will be absolutely unforgettable!"

"Don't worry, we won't step here in the future." The man in Black said, and his voice was suddenly a little sad: "this was once our motherland, but... Alas!"

The man in black sighed, as if he had a lot to say, but he didn't say it.

He picked up the dagger on the ground, picked up his brother next to him, helped each other, walked out the door, and disappeared in the thick night.

Lin Feng can't help but feel deeply that this group of people, from the moment they started to be mercenaries and killers, are doomed to pay a lot of costs. They can never go home. It's just a small punishment. Isn't it the same with his brothers!Lin Feng shook his head and gave a bitter smile. He walked into the kitchen and saw Su Jing sitting on the kitchen bench, looking at him anxiously.

"Don't be afraid, it's all done!" "They have gone," said Lin Feng

"Gone?" Su Jing couldn't believe it. Those people looked so fierce that they almost killed Wei Hao and left?

In order to improve the safety of the villa, every door is very thick, and the kitchen door has good sound insulation effect, so Su Jing didn't hear what happened outside.

Lin Feng took out a salad from the refrigerator with a smile and said, "they found that they couldn't beat me, so they withdrew. Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat? "

Su Jing is full of black lines. How can she be so calm?

How could he eat on such a thrilling night?

"Lin Feng, shall we call the police?" Su Jing said worried.

"Alarm? Get another Wei Hao? Don't you think it's messy enough? " "Don't worry, someone will call the police for us," said Lin Feng

"If we don't call the police, who will?" Su Jing heard all this, but she felt that Lin Feng seemed to have his own ideas, so she didn't say anything more.

Looking at Lin Feng's serious eating there, Su Jing suddenly felt a burst of gratitude. If it wasn't for Lin Feng, she didn't know what would happen to her. She said from the bottom of her heart: "thank you, Lin Feng!"

"What's the use of talking? Why don't you come up with something practical?" Lin Feng Road.

"What's practical?"

"How about making a promise?"

"Don't think about it!"

"You see, you say you are not sincere, hum!"

Su Jing shook her head. He found that they just couldn't have a good chat.

Two people met each other a few words, Lin Feng finished the rest of the fruit salad, two people then out of the kitchen.

At this time, the hall on the first floor was very chaotic. Wei Hao was unconscious and lying under the sofa.

Lin Feng got a basin of water, poured it on Wei Hao's face, kicked Wei Hao a few times and said, "get up, get up!"

Wei Hao was a cold irrigation of an exciting spirit, opened his eyes, a face of panic and yelled: "don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"Who's going to kill you? It's us." Lin Feng said.

Wei Hao came to his senses and saw only Lin Feng and Su Jing in front of him. He asked, "what about those people?"

Lin Feng said, "let's go."

"And just leave? How did they get there? "

"How else can we go?" "Walk with your feet!" said Lin Feng

"No, I mean, they..." Wei Hao couldn't understand that fierce group of people, how to say they left.

"What are they? They, let's talk about you now. Are you plotting against the president of Jiangsu University if you spend me?" Lin Feng said.

When he said this, Wei Hao was flustered. He took a look at Su Jing and found that Su Jing looked at him angrily. He was even more flustered and said, "Oh, I'm playing with Miss Su. Don't take it seriously!"

"Well, I'll kill you today. Don't take it seriously!" Lin Feng said, stepping on Wei Hao's thigh.

"Ah - don't -" Wei Hao cried out in pain. At this time, his wound hurt deeply.

"All right, Lin Feng, let's not do it. Don't do it. It will kill people again." Su Jing quickly blocked the way.

"Hum!" Lin Feng coldly glared at Wei Hao: "today is the president of Su University who saved your life. Thank you for your pleasure!"

"Thank you Miss Su, thank you Miss Su!" Wei Hao lies on the ground and apologizes to Su Jing.

Su Jing was very angry. She didn't want to look at Wei Hao again. She said coldly, "I don't want your apology. You should deal with your own affairs quickly."

Wei Hao saw that the beauty had completely lost confidence in himself, and he was very angry. All these were caused by Lin Feng. When he thought of Lin Feng's Yin just now, he hated him so much.

But Wei Hao at this time found that his wound shed a large pool of blood, or to quickly deal with their own things.

He picked up his mobile phone to call the police: "Hello, I want to call the police, Swan Lake Villa..."

Lin Feng smiles at Su Jing: "look, I said someone will call the police for you!"



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