The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 239

The man in red rope and black is the eldest among the seven. Seeing that his six brothers have been abandoned, he is already close to the violent state of rage.

However, at this time, Wei Hao, the man in red rope and black, suddenly woke up.

Just now he was scared by the blood, this will be confused to wake up, hard to shake his head, consciousness gradually wake up a lot.

He saw that these people in black fell to the ground. He was a little confused for a moment. How could they all hold their thighs and howl?

However, when Lin Feng saw Wei Hao wake up, he couldn't help but pick up a bad smile.

Wei Hao is an unforgivable villain. Why not take the opportunity to punish him.

Lin Feng suddenly said with a face of panic: "brother Wei Hao, you wake up, but it's very good, you can frighten me to death!"

Wei Hao listen to Lin Feng so said, immediately muddled, this Lin Feng, how suddenly so enthusiastic to oneself? Call yourself brother? Is it the wrong string in your head?

However, the man in black stepped forward to Wei Hao and took out a dagger against Wei Hao's neck: "Lin Feng, your brother is in my hand now!"

"Oh Lin Feng seemed to have said something wrong. He quickly covered his mouth and felt guilty on his face: "brother Wei Hao, I made a slip of the tongue. We should continue to play the enemy!"

"We are the enemy!" Wei Hao looked like he wanted to cry and cried to the man in Black: "big brother, brother, you are wrong. I have a bad relationship with him!"

Lin Feng quickly said: "yes, yes, our relationship is not good, we have been scolding! Let him go

"Hum! Think of it The man in black strangled Wei Hao's neck. He saw that Lin Feng tried to persuade him to let go of Wei Hao, but he couldn't.

"Oh Lin Feng's urgent straight scratching head: "please let him go, please!"

At the sight of Lin Feng's performance, the man in black was overjoyed. It seemed that it was right to hijack Wei Hao. He said coldly, "Lin Feng, you must give Su Jing out now, or I will kill your brother!"

Lin Feng's heart almost died of laughter, but the face is a face of panic: "no, do not! I beg you, be kind to Wei Hao! I beg you

Wei Hao saw Lin Feng like this, but he was almost pissed off. Lin Feng can act really. If Hollywood gives you a chance, you can get an Oscar!

The more Lin Feng behaved like this, the more powerful the man in black took Wei Hao.

Wei Hao begged with tears: "brother, I have a bad relationship with Lin Feng, really! It's no use holding me

Lin Feng quickly said, "yes, yes! He's right. We have a bad relationship, so let him go, will you? "

"Hum!" The man in black took Wei Hao's arm and tightened it a little bit, because he felt that he had caught Lin Feng's weakness.

"Lin Feng, I'll check three numbers now. If you don't hand in Su Jing, you brother, you'll end up in a terrible situation!" The man in red rope and black is cold.

"No Wei Hao was almost mad: "brother, how can I explain it to you? We really...

"are you him? Shut up The man in black "bang" an elbow, fierce in Wei Hao's face.

Wei Hao's dizziness was met, and his mouth was full of fishy sweetness. It was astonishing that all the parotids were bleeding.

"Ah -" Wei Hao broke down and cried: "why, why don't you believe what I said?"

"You talk too much The man in black kicked Wei Hao's leg, and then crushed Wei Hao to the ground. He picked up a dagger in his hand and stabbed Wei Hao's butt.

"Ah -" cried Wei Hao in pain.

"No, no!" But Lin Feng also called out: "don't mess with him!"

Seeing that Lin Feng was so sad, the man in black was elated for a while, and then he cried out: "this is just to show you some color. Hand over Su Jing quickly, or I will torture you to death!"

Listen to the man in Black said, Wei Hao heart is cold, this he it, mentally retarded?

He looked at Lin Feng and was very angry. He was going to be killed by the little security guard!

Why is Lin Feng so bad?

"Lin Feng, you son of a bitch!" Wei Haoda scolded.

Hearing this, Lin Feng suddenly looked happy: "yes, yes, you continue to scold me! If you scold me, I have to scold you. You are the son of a bitch. You are a green hat professional. You have no asshole when you give birth to a child

"Lin Feng, am I stupid?" Wei Hao scolded.

"Wei Hao, you are my son!" Lin Feng scolded.

Then, he said to the man in Black: "you see, we are scolding, our relationship is really bad, so you hold him is useless, please let him go!"

The man in black shook his head and sneered, and said Lin Feng, Lin Feng, do you think I'm a three-year-old kid so easy to cheat? Just a few words of abuse between the two of you will prove that the relationship is not good?

Am I too clever or you are too naive?

"Lin Feng, don't act in front of me! You just want me to release Wei Hao, but I can't! " The man in black drank, and then scolded Wei Hao: "I'll make you shut up, do you think I'm farting?"Then he stabbed Wei Hao again.

"Ah -" Wei Hao's painful legs trembled, and he didn't dare to speak any more.

Because he found that the situation has become this way, the more he said, the faster he died!

However, Lin Feng looked at Wei Hao's despair, but his heart was a bad smile.

Wei Hao, Wei Hao, you can't blame me. It's you who are too scum, so I have to give you lessons!

"Well, don't waste any more time!" The man in black was impatient, and cried out, "I'll count three. If I don't give Su Jing out, I'll kill this guy!"

"One!" The man in Black said, to Wei Hao's butt, is a knife.

"Ah -" Wei Hao's pain was almost unable to support, and his face was covered with blood, and the previous injuries were still bleeding, extremely tragic.

"Two!" Said, another pair of black swords!

"Hmmm --" this time, Wei Hao didn't even have the strength to shout. He just snorted, biting his chest clothes and rolling his eyes.

Look at that. It's really painful.

"Three!" The man in black looks at Lin Feng, but his hand is on Wei Hao's butt, and it is a knife.

Wei Hao's head fell down heavily. I don't know whether it was caused by severe pain or blood loss. Wei Hao was in a coma.

Lin Feng sneers in his heart and makes you salivate. Su Jing, let you bully people with your family background. Does that make you so happy? ha-ha!

Lin Feng saw that Wei Hao was almost tortured. If he went down, he would die. He said to the man in Black: "brother, we don't have any deep hatred. I know you are collecting money and eliminating disasters for others. But I want to tell you that some money is your destiny. Today, if you insist on your own way, I will make you regret all your life!"

When Lin Feng spoke, he suddenly sent out a strong aura, which made people in Black feel a deep sense of despair.

Seeing that the man in black didn't mean to shrink back, Lin Feng could not help shaking his head and saying, "well, I'll let you know that being a killer one day, will be killed by others!"

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