The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 238

Lin Feng's sudden appearance surprised everyone.

When Su Jing heard Lin Feng's voice, her heart suddenly rose with hope. When she was most helpless, she heard Lin Feng's voice. Her joy was beyond description.

But at the same time, she was also worried. Looking at the skill of the man in black, she solved Wei Hao in two or three times, and went downstairs to find that there were two people in black who were watching the wind downstairs. There were seven people in total. Would Lin Feng be their opponent?

However, at this time, the strongest reaction is the big man.

The big man is afraid that Lin Feng will see him. He "ah" and tightly covers his face for fear of being recognized by Lin Feng.

Although Lin Feng snatched the mobile phone quickly, he still didn't see the big guy's appearance. He shook his head and said, "Oh, how ugly are you? Don't you dare to meet people directly?"

Finish saying, throw the mobile phone directly back to the man in black standing in a daze.

The man in black was shocked. They didn't know when Lin Feng entered the hall. They focused on Su Jing, and they didn't even know that Lin Feng arrived at them.

This is taboo!

For so many years, I have never made such a mistake. It is an unforgivable mistake!

If Lin Feng wants to kill himself just now, isn't it easy?

Too careless!

The man in black angrily picked up the phone and said to the boss, "I'm sorry, it's our negligence, but don't worry, it will be solved soon."

With that, hang up the video call.

Then, the man in red rope and black looked at Lin Feng and said in a threatening tone: "we are here to assassinate Su Jing. This matter has nothing to do with you. Please don't interfere in this matter, or we will be rude to you!"

After hearing this, Lin Feng said with a smile: "it's none of my business. I'm the bodyguard of the president of Jiangsu University. If she is in danger, it's not an insult to my professional integrity! No, no, no, you have to let her go, or you will insult me and I will be angry

"Angry?" The man in black frowned. What does anger mean?

Lin Feng said with a smile: "the consequences of my anger are very serious!"

The man in black heard that Lin Feng was threatening them. He said angrily, "Lin Feng, you are too wild. Now they are all in my hands. Why are you crazy in front of us?"

The man in Black said and motioned to the man in black who was holding Su Jing.

The man in black took out a knife and put it on Su Jing's neck.

When the man in black made this action, the smile on Lin Feng's face suddenly disappeared, and then looked at the man in black coldly: "take your knife away, otherwise, you will be very miserable!"

"Lin Feng, I'm going to kill Su Jing now. What can you do with us?" The man in red rope and Black said to the man in black who escorted Su Jing, "do it!"

But as soon as he spoke, it suddenly became dark.

It was Lin Feng who turned off the lights on the first floor with the remote control.

Then there was a scream.

"Ah --"

the cry was heartrending, as if suffering endless pain.

A moment of darkness, let this group of people in black panic, but then, the light is on.

When they looked closely, they found that the man in black who was holding Su Jing was lying on the sofa with his mouth full of blood. The tendons of his hands had been torn off, and the blood was dripping down the cuff and dripping all over the floor.

Wei Hao on the other side was closest to the man in black. When he saw the miserable appearance in black at the first sight, he was scared out of his wits. In addition, he fainted. The violent visual impact made him roll his eyes and fainted.

However, the rope tied to Su Jing has been untied. Lin Feng is patting Su Jing's shoulder and saying, "it's OK, ha, don't be afraid, it's OK!"

Seeing that Su Jing was so frightened, he said with a smile: "come on, come closer to me, so you won't be afraid. Come on, don't be shy!"

Su Jing blushed and approached Lin Feng a little bit, but she had to admit that Lin Feng did give him a strong sense of security.

But the men in black were angry.

In such a moment, one of his brothers was abandoned. The man in red rope and black looked at the dying man in black lying on the sofa. He shook his head with heartache, waved to the others and yelled: "go, kill Lin Feng! Avenge your brother

The other five men in black took out their daggers and stabbed them at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng back a step back, set off a tea table, directly toward the group of people in black to smash past.

The group of people in black did not rush hard, but chose to step back to avoid the coffee table flying over. The coffee table "pa" fell on the ground with a crisp sound.

Taking advantage of this free time, Lin Feng pushed the door of the kitchen behind him and said to Su Jing, "you can go to the kitchen first. Don't worry. I'll take care of the things outside."

After that, he added: "by the way, there is extra fruit salad in the kitchen. I haven't finished what I made just now. Go and eat it!"

Then she gave Su Jing a smile and slammed the kitchen door.Then, a man in black had stabbed him in the face.

This group of people are well-trained mercenaries. They have a good set of close combat. Because it is difficult to bring guns into China, they use cold weapons this time, and the poison bomb is the only modern weapon they secretly bring in.

At this time, Lin Feng's dagger was about to stab him in the face. He suddenly twisted his neck, avoided the stab, and then pulled the man's hand and twisted it.

Just listen to "click" a crisp sound, the man's arm in the opposite direction of the strange bend over, the arm is suddenly broken. The knife in his hand slipped from his hand, but fell directly into Lin Feng's hand. Lin Feng kicked the man out two or three meters away and knocked the man behind him to the ground.

At this time, another man in black quickly rushed up and wiped Lin Feng's neck with a knife.

Lin Feng's cat's waist dodged the knife and slipped across the man's waist. He hugged his thigh and twisted it hard.

With a bang, the leg bones of the man were dislocated.

"Ah --"

the man in black cried out in pain, but what was more painful was still behind. He saw Lin Feng cut the tendon of his leg with a knife.

The rest of the men in black had just stood up from the ground. They found that Lin Feng's speed was too fast for them to see clearly. Their three brothers were abandoned in an instant, and the rest had to go up together to have a chance to win.

The rest of these people, under the command of the man in red rope and black, killed Lin Feng together.

However, Lin Feng pressed the remote control in his hand, and the hall on the first floor fell into darkness.

These people in black only felt a gust of wind around them, and then their bodies suddenly felt a sharp pain.

In an instant, the light came on again, but the group of people in black fell to the ground one after another, holding their own thighs in pain.

It turned out that Lin Feng passed through them at the moment of turning off the light, and directly discarded one of their legs.

Then Lin Feng felt as if a man in black was missing. He looked up and found that not far away, the man in red rope and black was standing there, looking at him coldly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!