The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 235

The remote control that Su Jing takes is the remote control for the door and light of the hall on the first floor, because many of the villas are intelligent furniture. Even the sweeping robot at the door can be controlled by this remote control.

So Lin Feng said that at the moment of turning off the lights, Su Jing responded and directly turned off the lights on the first floor.

For a moment, the whole room fell into a burst of darkness.

"Ah --"

"Oh, lying trough? Is there a power failure? "

Everyone was in a state of disbelief, but Su Jing felt a gust of wind blowing around her, so she heard Lin Feng whisper, "turn on the light!"

Su Jing pressed the light on button again.

The time it takes to turn off the lights and turn them on is less than two seconds.

We haven't known what's going on, but the light is on.

"Oh, is the voltage unstable?" Wei Hao looked at the lamp on his head and rubbed his eyes, but suddenly he called out with a cry of "wow".

as like as two peas, the "bottom trap, bomb," Wei Hao saw a small disk bomb on his watch chain, just like tiger brother, and he was subconsciously reaching out to buckle it down.

"Don't move, it will explode!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "don't take your watch, or you will be detonated!"

"Ah --" Wei Hao was scared to tighten his hand and said, "what's the matter with this bomb? Did you do it? "

Lin Feng did not answer, he just pointed to tiger brother.

Wei Hao looks at brother tiger's waist. He is surprised to find that the bomb on his waist is gone.

So it's the bomb in his waist, in his own hands.

"Damn it, are you the devil?" Wei Hao roared to tiger brother.

"I don't have it. I don't know what's going on!" Tiger brother's face helplessly spread out his hands, but he was happy to bloom in his heart. He looked at Wei Hao with a happy expression.

Tiger brother heart said let you Guisun pretend to force, this next good, the bomb found you.

At this time, everyone ran to the side of Lin Feng one after another, and opened a distance with Wei Hao, leaving Wei Hao alone in the middle of the hall, very desolate.

Wei Hao was afraid and angry and yelled: "who did he do it? What are you all leaving for? Come back, all back! "

They just looked at Wei Hao with vigilance on their faces. The two co policemen also said, "you, don't come here!"

Wei Hao looked at the scene, very angry and afraid, for the first time in his life, he felt the feeling of being abandoned.

He hated these people who were still hiding in the distance when they saw the death. He rushed at these people like crazy, and cried out: "Laozi, he has a bomb. None of you want to run away!"

A few steps into the middle.

"Ah -" everyone was scared and scattered, but Lin Feng stood in front of Wei Hao and said, "coward, are you afraid?"

"Asshole, did you do it?" Wei Hao stares at Lin Feng fiercely.

"Yes, I did it!" Lin Feng sneered and looked at Wei Hao and said, "but through this, I found that you are not only timid and irresponsible, but also have a dark heart. You are not qualified to be a policeman! So don't pretend to be just, just pack up and go home and gnaw old! "

"I fucked you!" Wei Hao grabbed Lin Feng's clothes and almost lost his mind. He called out: "I have a bomb on my body. Don't try to run away. I'll die with you even if I die!"

"Wei Hao, calm down!" Su Jing said.

"Do I calm you down?" Wei Hao was so angry that he almost broke down in his heart, and now that his life is going to die, he has no time to take care of others.

What's more, Su Jing has always supported Lin Feng. In front of her, she has turned a blind eye to her like a pile of garbage. He has a strong hatred for Su Jing.

Then, he grabbed Su Jing and said, "come on, let's go. I'll die, and I'll take you and Lin Feng, the dog man and woman!"

At this time, the man in black in the wardrobe, seeing that the time is ripe, quickly presses the bomb detonation button.

"Gourd baby, gourd baby, seven flowers on a vine..." the bomb on Wei Hao's watch suddenly flashed with pink light and made the sound of children's songs.

The sound made Wei Hao shiver and almost thought he had risen to heaven.

However, the man in black in the wardrobe is confused. What's the situation?

Lin Feng felt a burst of laughter in his heart. He just pasted the blocking signal device on the top of the poison bomb. It was a wechat blocking signal device made by a mouse. It was only the size of a fingernail and two millimeters thick. When it was pasted on the mobile phone, the mobile phone immediately had no signal and was very powerful.

And the mouse has nothing to do, but also adds an intelligent prompt system to the device.

So as soon as the man in black pressed the remote control, the blocking signal device sounded a music prompt.

The man in black scratched his head and pressed the remote control of the bomb.

"Cucurbita, Cucurbita..."

as soon as the man in black pressed the remote control, Wei Hao's watch sounded Cucurbita's children's songs.People are also confused. How can the bomb sing children's songs?

Wei Hao reacted and said angrily, "Lin Feng, are you cheating? This is not a bomb at all

Lin Feng said, "I didn't lie to you. It's really a bomb, but I turned it off!"

"If you shut him down, you won't tell me earlier!" Wei Hao knew that he had been teased by Lin Feng, and he was even more angry.

Just now I was scared to look like that. It's humiliating. Lin Feng is so cunning. I have to find a way to get back the game.

Wei Hao saw that the bomb had no effect, so he took off his watch and threw it on the sofa far away from him. He asked brother tiger, "where is the remote control for the bomb?"

"I don't know!"

"Is it all him? Take it back to the police station!" Wei Hao waved his hand and then looked at Lin Feng: "you have to go, you have to record a confession!"

With that, he urged the other two people to take them to the police station.

Su Jing said, "wait a minute. I'll go with you with a coat on."

"No, you don't have to go!" Wei Hao said.

"Why?" Su Jing asked, "don't I have to take a confession?"

Wei Hao Yin Yin smile: "no, they go on line!"

Then he said to the two men, "you take all the people away. I'll stay here to protect Miss Su's safety."

Hearing this, Su Jing was very nervous. He felt Wei Hao's bad intentions, but he didn't know how to refute it.

Wei Hao looked at Su Jing and said, "Miss Su, don't be afraid. Things are over now. I will send all the prisoners away. The bomb will also be taken back to the bureau to deal with it. But too many things happened tonight. You must be scared. So I'll stay with you for the time being! Don't be afraid, I'm here

The people around him were disgusted by Wei Hao's words. Did you want a face? Don't you just want to take advantage of everyone's gone, and beauty alone in a room to wipe the money!

But Wei Hao was much dirtier than they thought. After a while, everyone left. In the dead of the night, lonely men and few women lived in the same room. How could he afford such a good opportunity if nothing happened?

However, Lin Feng said, "no, I can't go to the police station!"

"You're not going? Do you dare to resist? " Wei Hao looks ferocious.

"If I leave here, maybe you will be in danger!" Lin Feng said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!