The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 236

"Danger?" Wei Hao sneered: "I see you in the words, there is danger! I'm going to guard the scene here. Get out of here

Lin Feng frowned and said to Wei Hao, "your life is worthless. It doesn't matter if you die, but please don't arbitrarily let Su Zong into danger, so you should listen to me!"

Su Jing felt that Lin Feng was sincere, but she did not know where the danger was. She did not know how to plead for Lin Feng.

But when Wei Hao heard Lin Feng say this, he was very angry and scolded: "who are you? I'll catch whoever I like. If I let you go, you have to go? Do you hear me? DANGER? ha-ha? Is it dangerous for you? "

Wei Hao scolded Lin Feng like a madman. He hated Lin Feng thoroughly. How could this man get in the way? What's more, in order to destroy his own and Su Jing's good deeds, he found out such a farfetched reason. What's the danger? All his gangsters have been caught. It's dangerous!

"Come on, get out of here!" Wei Hao didn't want to see Lin Feng for a moment.

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "you should be glad I retired now, otherwise, you would have died ten thousand times!"

With that, Lin Feng's eyes sent out a thrilling cold light, which frightened Wei Hao.

"Dregs!" Lin Feng sneered: "I left, you will regret, I hope you don't ask me to save you! Of course, I will not save you! "

Lin Feng finished and turned his head and left.

"Lin Feng!" Su Jing murmured, but she didn't know what to say, so she didn't say anything.

After everyone had left, Wei Hao stepped forward to close the door. He turned to Su Jing and said, "Oh, Miss Su, are you scared tonight? Let's go upstairs and have a drink. Let's shake our nerves

Listening to Wei Hao's meaning, Su Jing immediately turned disgusted and said, "I'm sorry, upstairs is the bedroom. It's not convenient to go up. I have to change my clothes on it. Excuse me!"

It's really inconvenient for Su Jing to look at herself in her pajamas, especially when Wei Hao looks at herself with her lustful eyes. She feels uncomfortable all over her body.

But he didn't want to drive Wei Hao away directly, so he planned to go upstairs and let Wei Hao stay downstairs alone.

Su Jing turned and walked upstairs to her room and began to dress.

At this moment, he heard someone go upstairs, and then there was a knock at the door.

"Miss Su, have you changed your clothes?"

It's Wei Hao's voice.

Su Jing was disgusted again. She didn't let him come up. Why did he come to the third floor without permission? And he just went upstairs, he was eager to follow up, what did he want to do?

"Miss Su, open the door! You're alone in the house, I'm afraid you'll be in danger Wei haodao.

"I'm fine. You don't have to worry. Would you please go downstairs?" Su Jing felt that Wei Hao seemed to have bad intentions.

"We are duty bound to protect the safety of citizens, so you are welcome, Miss Su. If you don't open the door, I will always guard your door!" Wei Hao said.

Su Jing turned her eyes helplessly. Why is Wei Hao such a rogue?

He had contact with Wei Hao at several chamber of Commerce dinners before, because Wei Hao is the grandson of megastar Group Chairman Megatron. Wei Zhentian has three sons, and Wei Hao is the only son of his second son.

So Wei Hao many high-end parties will see Wei Hao's figure, her impression of Wei Hao is two words, lecherous!

Because Wei Hao attended the dinner party for the purpose of chatting up rich women everywhere. As long as they were some beautiful women, they could not escape his eye.

He took the initiative to talk to Su Jing several times, but Su Jing didn't want to meet him in this way today.

At this time, Su Jing only hoped that the day would soon light up and the police would take notes of the scene, so Wei Hao had no reason to stay here.

At this time, Wei Hao was obviously impatient, and began to knock on the door: "Miss Su, do you really have the heart to let me guard the door?"

Inside the door, Su Jing didn't respond.

Wei Hao continued: "Miss Su, I'll tell you the truth. I'm the successor of Changsheng Group. You're the president of Dongsheng Group. We're a good match. So I'd like to be your boyfriend and girlfriend. If you promise me, you won't have to work hard in the future, stay at home to eat hot food and drink spicy food." ... "

" Wei Hao, please don't say any more. We are not friends, and you are on duty now, so would you please go downstairs? " Su Jing interrupted Wei Hao.

Wei Hao's face was gloomy and said, "would you please open the door?"

"What do you want?" Su Jing asked.

"I just want you to be polite to me once!" Wei Hao said.

Su Jing sighed. Wei Hao is really a tough hob, but she wants to solve the matter as soon as possible. She doesn't want Wei Hao to be at the door any more. She opens the door and says, "I'm sorry, I'm impolite. Now I'm going to talk to you face to face. Please go downstairs to maintain the crime scene. I'm going to sleep. Please don't disturb me, OK?""Ah! What are you in a hurry? " Wei Hao climbed on the door frame with one hand to avoid Su Jing closing the door suddenly. Then the whole person looked like a rogue and looked at Su Jing in a narrow color and said, "Miss Su, you are really a strong little wave hoof!"

"Pay attention to your words!" Su Jing didn't expect Wei Hao to be so frivolous.

"Well, notice? Pay attention to a fart Wei Hao sneered: "now in the whole house, there are only two of us. We live alone in the same room. Shouldn't we do something? what you think? Hey, hey, hey

With that, he looked at Su Jing with a dirty face and swallowed his mouth.

"Wei Hao, I didn't expect you to be such a person. Please hurry downstairs now. I can think that nothing happened. If you don't go downstairs, I will call the police!" Su Jing said.

"You call the police. I'm not here to call the police? Ha ha ha ha, today's matter is fate, you just let me go, let's have a good time, you say good or bad! " Wei Hao said with an obscene smile.

"Hooligans! You go downstairs now Su Jing yelled.

Listening to Wei Hao's abusive language, she was disgusted. She now understood why Wei Hao wanted to separate Lin Feng. It turned out that he was plotting against himself. Wei Hao was really a beast in human skin.

But Wei Hao had a sinister smile: "ah, Miss Su, I don't like to hear you talk like this. Do you have to show me how powerful I am before you accept me? Do you want to be so cheap? "

Wei Hao pulled out his baton and pinned it directly on the crack of the door.

"What do you want to do?" Su Jing saw Wei Hao pinned the door with a baton. He could not close the door. She was very afraid. If Wei Hao rushed in the next second, how could she resist him?

However, he was more and more afraid of something. The next second, Wei Hao pushed Su Jing to the ground, and the bedroom door was opened. Wei Hao stood at the door and laughed grimly: "Miss Su, don't struggle. It's useless. Get ready to meet me. Ha ha ha."

With that, Wei Hao came to the door! , the fastest update of the webnovel!