The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 234

"Don't be angry, don't be angry!" One side of Wei Hao's two subordinates quickly stopped Wei Hao, if really make trouble, the headquarters to punish, they are very difficult to become a regular, so they two try to stop Wei Hao.

"I will soon become a full-time officer. What's the difference between me and the police?" Wei Hao roared.

"Of course it's different. You're not a policeman yet!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"I'm so fast, I'll just..." roared Wei Hao.

"But you are not now!" Lin Feng is still smiling.

Wei Hao from the feeling that he was almost mad, if not for the two people stopped, he would have rushed up.

But Feng has been smiling at Wei Hao, facing Wei Hao's furious roar, he is calm and steady.

Suddenly, in the eyes of the public, the two men made a high sentence.

In particular, Su Jing made a comment on them in her heart. Wei Hao was like an innocent bear child in front of Lin Feng. He was too naive!

Su Jing's surprise is that she usually thinks that Lin Feng is too earthy, ruffian and unable to get into the elegant hall.

But in the face of this rich childe, but the performance is more like the childe, whether it is cultivation, insight and performance.

It was like Lin Feng, not Wei Hao, who attended the dinner party of the upper class in Jincheng all day.

Su Jing was more and more surprised at Lin Feng. This man, at different times, would emit different light. He could be more dangsi than dangsi, could be more rogue than a gangster, could be more gentlemanly than a gentleman, and be a bigger man than a big man.

How much is Lin Feng capable of?

At this time, Wei Hao was watching Su Jing staring at Lin Feng. He was even more angry and frustrated.

He saw that brother tiger was gloating and looking at him. He directly pulled him over and pushed him to Su Jing: "you and his scum, please apologize to Miss Su, quickly!"

Wei Hao still does not give up, still want to dress forced, save face.

But when Lin Feng saw Wei Hao pushing brother tiger towards him and Su Jing, he suddenly looked on one side. Grab one side of the fat man, a kick in the fat man's butt.

The fat man was kicked forward by Lin Feng. Jump directly on tiger brother and Wei Hao's body, two people fell to the ground, pressure on the bottom.

"Oh Wei Hao and tiger brother were oppressed for a while, especially Wei Hao. The fat man's thigh was just on his key part, which made his tears come out.

"Ah - ah -" Wei Hao gritted his teeth and groaned twice, and angrily swore at Lin Feng: "how dare you beat people

"I'm saving you!" Lin Feng said.

"Help me?" Wei Hao was stunned and then gave a cold smile: "is your reason too far fetched? You hit people, but also find an excuse to get rid of it? You two, give it to me, hit him, he will die

Wei haochao waved to his two men and pointed to Lin Feng angrily.

However, the two men did not move. They were disgusted to death Wei Hao. Seeing Wei Hao being thrown to the ground, they were super happy and secretly praised Lin Feng. At this time, they would not attack Lin Feng.

"Are you deaf?" Wei Hao's head is about to explode, and these two subordinates are not obedient?

However, Lin Feng said: "OK, you don't play handsome, I tell you, the man next to you, he has a bomb!"

Lin Feng is talking about Tiger brother!

Although Lin Feng said the cloud is light, but the words a mouth, everyone was shocked.


"How could there be a bomb?"

Lin Feng said, "look carefully at his left waist."

At this time, people all brush to see the left side of tiger brother's belt with a button size disc.

"Although the radius of cc-d901 poison bomb is only about 5 meters, as long as it is blasted, no one within five meters will survive!" Lin Feng said: "this is a weapon only used by terrorists in suicide attacks on important people. Because this kind of bomb is not a conventional explosive bomb, it will not be detected by the detector, so it is easy to be replaced in China!"

Lin Feng saw the bomb in his waist the moment he came out of tiger. He believed that the men in black had coerced him, and the target of the man in black was Su Jing. Therefore, as long as the distance between tiger and Su Jing is less than five meters and reaches the blasting radius of the poison bomb, the man in black will detonate the bomb.

"How about it? Is that enough detail? " Lin Feng smiles.

Tiger brother at this time to Lin Feng simply admire the five body throw to the ground.

He didn't expect that such hidden things were found by Lin Feng.

He was in the closet and was installed with a bomb by the man in black. The man in black forced them to plead guilty and could not confess them. If they confessed the man in black, the man in black would detonate the bomb before he confessed.

So brother tiger didn't dare to say that the man in black was in the cabinet all the time. When the two co policemen went to see the cabinet just now, the two men in black pulled the clothes hanger and hid in the black clothes, which were not found by the police.And the reason why tiger is obedient is because people in black say that this matter is over and will help them untie the bomb.

But what tiger didn't know was that the man in black didn't want to untie the bomb. The man in black killed two birds with one stone.

First of all, he coerced huge and others to confess their crimes and did not dare to confess them. Second, when tiger was within five meters of Su Jing, he detonated the bomb and killed the target Su Jing.

So Lin Feng kept the distance between Su Jing and tiger brother more than five meters. Just now Wei Hao pushed brother Hu to apologize to Su Jing. It was close to five meters. So Lin Feng kicked the fat man over and knocked Wei Hao and tiger down.

After hearing this, Su Jing understood it all at once.

Feeling Lin Feng is to see the bomb, just make this action, the original Lin Feng is to protect himself!

He looked at Lin Feng's resolute side face, suddenly a burst of gratitude.

This man always has his reasons to do things, which makes people can't see and guess, but on the contrary, Su Jing feels that he has a charm that other people don't have.

She smiles at Lin Feng and says, "thank you, Lin Feng."

"You drink, it's not easy!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

At this time, Wei Hao saw the micro bomb on brother tiger's waist. He was so scared that he could bear the pain in his crotch. He ran to one side in a panic and yelled, "you, you, how can you still carry the bomb? Are you a terrorist?"

Tiger brother helpless, the heart said you a silly B, I am also a victim!

However, he did not dare to disclose the man in black, or the bomb would explode immediately. He said, "I am not a terrorist. I bought this bomb for playing. Do you believe that?"

"I believe it Wei Hao took his baton and pointed at brother tiger tremblingly and said, "you unload the bomb, hurry up!"

Tiger brother shook his head helplessly. He didn't know how to explain it. He said, "I'm sorry, I don't have the ability to take it down!"

At this time, Lin Feng looked at Su Jing. Seeing that Su Jing still had a remote control in her hand, he said, "Mr. Su, cooperate with me and listen to my password!"

Su Jing looked surprised: "how can I cooperate with you?"

"Turn off the lights!" said Lin Feng , the fastest update of the webnovel!