The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 233

The two auxiliary policemen went to the door of the fitting room and were nervous when they saw that there was indeed blood on the floor.

They are all temporary workers. It's nothing to patrol. They are afraid of this situation.

"Is there anything wrong with the fitting room?" Wei Hao asked.

"No!" "They don't want to be in danger," replied an auxiliary!

"There is blood on the ground, how can there be no situation?" Wei Hao went over and saw that there were still two wardrobes, and there were blood stains on a handle of the wardrobe.

"Open two closets and have a look!" Wei Hao said.

Wei Hao's words made the two auxiliary police officers even more complain. They said that you are a temporary group leader. They force us to do this and that. When we pretend to force us to do something, we always do it. It's amazing!

And when it comes to danger, let's take us as cannon fodder? Go to your grandmother!

Tiger in the cupboard is also scolding in his heart. The man who talks outside is really cheap. People say that there is no situation. He has to ask others to open the cabinet. He really wants to kill him!

He remembers the voice, this man, it's so annoying.

However, seeing that the two auxiliary policemen were still in place, Wei Hao became angry and said, "what I said is not easy to use? Don't forget, I'm your boss! "

Then he took a peek at Su Jing. Seeing that Su Jing was also looking this way, he was suddenly in high spirits and yelled at the two people, "do you want to become a full-time official? Do you want a formal establishment? If you want, open it for me

Of course, the two auxiliary police wanted to become a regular. They knew that Wei Hao had a background, so they gritted their teeth and forbeared. They looked at each other and walked forward. They picked up the electric wand and opened the cabinet.

"We plead guilty, we plead guilty!"

Tiger brother and other four people directly jumped out of the cabinet.

"Trough, what?" Two auxiliary police were unprepared and sat on the ground.

Because tiger brother and fat man's heads are covered with underwear and bra, and then there are two big bundies sticking on their heads. One head of Bundy is stubbornly tilted out like a monster. This dress up can frighten those two people.

But when you look closely, it turns out to be people!

The two men calmed down a little, but saw Wei Hao take the lead at this time and yelled: "what are you doing hiding in the closet? He said, "do you have any partners?" he said, looking into the dark closet

"No, no! No company Tiger said: "we just look at this family like a rich man. We want to come in and steal something to sell, but we didn't steal anything."

Wei Hao took a look at these people. One of them was covered with blood, the other was wrapped with a piece of cloth, and his talking head also had a lot of blood. He looked at them suspiciously and looked at them. It was not like stealing things at all, it was more like a murderer entering the market.

Tiger brother saw Wei Hao's suspicions, he said with a smile: "maybe, you may not believe it, we hurt ourselves, this wave of stealing, stealing a little fierce, laugh, laugh!"

"You're a goddamn honor! Hold your head in both hands and squat down Wei Hao saw that these people were subdued. He took the lead and squatted down on the ground. He showed great courage.

Miss Su Jing, do you think there is a lawless person in it

"Yes, they are!" Su Jing pointed to Gao Gao and brother Hu.

It was when she saw a tall man cut into tiger's head that she called the police.

"Good! It's solved! " Wei Hao said to the two auxiliary policemen, "tie them up for me!"

He put the baton into his trousers pocket and walked up to Su Jing with a look of pride: "Miss Su, are you satisfied with the result?"

"There won't be anyone else in my house, will there?" Su Jing felt a panic!

"Well, how could it be? I've done everything. How could I leave a problem?" Wei Hao said, suddenly approached Su Jing and whispered, "I'd like to have a cup of coffee some other day."

Wei Hao thought that he was brilliant and powerful today, which must have made Su Jing very obsessed. My appearance saved him!

But Su Jing felt disgusted. Everyone could see that Wei Hao pretended to be forced. Even if he caught someone, it was Lin Feng's way. What's the relationship between the two auxiliary policemen opening the door?

However, due to the courtesy, he said: "no, but thank you very much today."

Wei Hao didn't expect that Su Jing would refuse him. He was angry. His heart said that I saved your life today. Do you treat the rescuer like this? Shouldn't you give up your body to repay me?

Wei Hao had never done anything for anyone because of his long-time support for the superior. Today, he felt that people should make a commitment to each other. Even when Su Jing refused him, he felt that Su Jing did not know how to be grateful at all.

So he looked unhappy and thought, is it hard for me to show that I am not powerful enough?

Seeing that the two men had tied up the four men, he went up to him and picked him up. He said, "you bastards, if I didn't arrive in time, the master of this room would be in danger.""We pleaded guilty, we were wrong!" Tiger said so, but in his heart, your grandmother is a grandson. He can pretend to be forced.

"Well, in front of the people's police, you must admit your mistakes!" Wei Hao said, and kept watching Su Jing's reaction.

However, at this time, a joking voice said, "you are wrong!"

"What's wrong?" Wei Hao looks at Lin Feng in surprise.

Lin Feng faint smile: "you are not police, please do not abuse the name of the people's police OK?"

Wei Hao was surprised. He boasted that he was a policeman from the beginning to the end. In order to be more like the police, he took off the left chest card with the word "assistant police" ahead of time.

Wei Hao maliciously looked at Lin Feng: "what are you talking about? Which eye of you can see that I am not a policeman?"

Su Jing looks at Lin Feng with a face that doesn't understand. Why does Lin Feng say that they are not policemen!

But Lin Feng said with a smile: "official police, shoulder badge is a vertical line, there is at least one star in the vertical line; and the auxiliary police are only two to three" person "character turns

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Su Jing looked over Wei Hao's shoulder. Sure enough, there was no star, only a turn.

Lin Feng also said: "on the right breastplate, the official police officer is a pure number of six; the auxiliary police are from two letters to three letters. The beginning of XJ is the police station's assistant police. Please take your seat according to the number."

After listening, Su Jing looked at Wei Hao's clothes again. It was exactly what Lin Feng said.

In this way, they were just temporary workers hired to help. If Lin Feng didn't tell us, Su Jing would not have seen it. However, Su Jing's impression of Wei Hao was extremely poor when she broke it down.

Wei Hao looked at Su Jing with disgusting eyes, and suddenly became angry. He pointed to Lin Feng and drank: "you...

" you are what you are! " Lin Feng said, "if I'm not wrong, do you still carry the left breastplate with the word" assistant police "? Ha ha ha


Lin Feng said with a smile: "I am what I am. Don't think that we ordinary people don't know anything. We are not easy to cheat. You are fooling us to fill big cloves of garlic here, which is your fault!"

After hearing this, Su Jing shook her head and became more and more disgusted with Wei Hao.

"If you dare to laugh at me, I'll beat you to death!" Wei Hao said, picked up the electric stick toward Lin Fengxi. , the fastest update of the webnovel!