The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 232

Since Wei Hao was a child, he always liked to surround the rich even when he was out on patrol. He never looked at the poor, let alone served the poor. In his view, he was a noble upper class person. How could he serve the ordinary poor?

As a result, he patrolled around the rich generation near Swan Lake. After receiving instructions from the headquarters, he took two people to the door quickly.


"Police! Open the door

According to the number, Wei Hao quickly found the villa where Lin Feng and Su Jing lived, and then directly began to smash the door.

He felt that he was very powerful. In front of the woman he liked, he must be very powerful.

Then he knocked, but the cabinet of tiger brothers and other people scared.

Tiger brother is almost crazy, tears in his eyes, the bottom of his heart gave birth to a thick despair.

This special night, can we stop it?

Wave by wave, is it over?

And a wave of fierce, first peer, then the natural enemy! This fuckin 'heart is not good. It's scared to death!

However, by this time, the well-trained man in black had already found the invisible corner and hid all of them.

But the two men in black who were trapped in the closet were helpless. It was too late to go out now. They simply stayed inside and acted according to circumstances.

Listening to a loud knock on the door downstairs, Lin Feng frowned: "is the person here stupid B? Would you like to tell the world that he's coming to arrest people? "

However, before Su Jing and Lin Feng went downstairs to open the door, Wei Hao pushed the door in.

"It turns out that the door is not locked. I've been knocking for so long!" Wei Hao said casually, and then asked people to turn on the light.

The lights were on downstairs.

In addition, the arrival of Wei Hao and others gave Su Jing a lot of security. Su Jing and Lin Feng went downstairs.

Wei Hao originally thought that Su Jing lived alone in the mansion, but seeing a man behind Su Jing, he was very unhappy. He looked at Lin Feng with disdain and wondered why there was a man in the middle of the night? What does this man do?

At this time, Su Jing said: "police comrade, I live in this place intruded into outsiders, and now may be hiding in a corner of the room, please quickly find them out and take them away!"

Wei Hao looked up and down at Su Jing. His black silk pajamas, soft and smooth, set off the charming curves inside, were so sexy. He swallowed his mouth and quickly lifted his chest and said, "Miss Su, don't be afraid. With us, all criminals will be brought to justice."

"Great!" Su Jing said happily.

"By the way, is this?" Wei Hao is not busy arresting people, but first asked about the identity of Lin Feng.

"Oh, he is the security guard of Dongsheng Group. He lives here to protect me!" Su Jing said.

"Poof! Security Wei Hao looked down upon these poor people at the bottom of the class. After looking at Lin Feng with disdain, he said to Su Jing, "it seems that your security guard is useless? When Miss Su is in danger, we have to step forward. What's the use of him? "

Wei Hao is not comfortable with Lin Feng. This poor security guard has the chance to live in a villa with one of the best beauties in Jincheng. How can he be so lucky? Is it the ancestral grave that smokes?

Wei Hao was very jealous and asked Lin Feng haughtily, "Hello, that security guard, what's your name?"

"My name is Lin Feng!" Lin Feng said with a smile. He was not angry because he insulted himself. He also asked Wei Hao, "what's your name?"

"I ask you yes, but you are not entitled to ask me, you know?" Wei Hao said haughtily.

Lin Feng frowned, shook his head and laughed. The man pretended to be a little too much!

Su Jing said to Lin Feng, "his name is Wei Hao."

"Well, Miss Su still remembers my name. It seems that I have left a deep impression on you." Wei Hao said happily.

Lin Feng, however, with a slight smile, interrupted: "of course, you are such a long and ugly person, who can't forget at a glance, and I also remember you!"

Although Lin Feng is smiling, his smile is filled with a chilling effect.

"Hiss -" Wei Hao was frightened by Lin Feng's eyes and shivered involuntarily.

But he eased up for a moment, and then he became angry and yelled: "what the hell do you mean? Dare you insult me

Lin Feng smile: "I did not insult you, I said is the truth!"


"OK, OK!" Su Jing quickly stopped, saying, "you two, don't quarrel. Now the main thing is to solve the danger in the house!"

When she said this, Wei Hao suddenly remembered that he had come here to arrest people. He almost got things wrong because of the boy named Lin Feng.

The main thing is to catch people. They can show their wisdom and martial arts in front of Su Jing and Su beauties!He said to Lin Feng maliciously, "you boy, wait for me. I'm going to relieve the danger for Miss Su now. When I'm finished, I'll deal with you again!"

After that, he took a look around, and suddenly called out: "if there are outsiders in this room, you can listen to me, come out quickly, and arrest with your hands tied. I will deal with it lightly. If you still can't hide, we will find you later and make you fly!"

The two auxiliary police officers who followed Wei Hao behind him are helpless. Wei Hao is totally pulling a calf. He doesn't even look like an auxiliary police officer, let alone a formal police officer. Do you still want to enter the establishment? Still want to get involved in Shen man?

At this time, Wei Hao's voice dropped.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "do you think people are pigs? Even if they hide here, they can't be called out by you?"

Wei Hao felt that he was ridiculed by Lin Feng, and said angrily, "I can't turn you to teach me. You should stand aside for me!"

After that, he said to the two auxiliary police behind him: "you, go to the kitchen to have a look, you, go to the bathroom to have a look!"

"I think you should look at the fitting room first, because there seems to be blood on the ground there." Lin Feng smiles and points to the fitting room.

Su Jing looked at Lin Feng in surprise. She said to her heart that Lin Feng had seen the blood, which showed that he had known someone for a long time!

Why does this smelly Linfeng know someone, but he pretends to be indifferent.

And I thought Lin Feng was stupid and confused. It seems that Lin Feng is wrong. Maybe Lin Feng has other ideas. After all, Lin Feng is a very capable person in Su Jing's eyes all the time.

Then, Wei Hao looked at Su Jing and looked at Lin Feng seriously. He was so angry in his heart that he yelled at Lin Feng: "shut up, security guard! I don't need you to remind me! "

Wei haochao looked over there. He faintly saw red blood on the white floor. He sniffed and said in embarrassment, "don't I know what you're talking about? Of course I know! "

In order to ease the embarrassment, he also said to Su Jing, "Miss Su, you are a security guard who talks a lot. You talk nonsense. I've seen blood there for a long time, so I'm going to send someone to check it out!"

With that, he waved to the two auxiliary policemen: "go to the fitting room and have a look."

The two men did not wait for a few steps, and then heard the order to turn to the fitting room. They said hello to the ancestor Wei Hao one after another in their hearts, and then touched the fitting room.

In the wardrobe of the fitting room, tiger brother and others were scared out of their wits when they heard someone coming.

However, at this time, the two sharp knives of the man in black were against the neck of brother Hu and others. , the fastest update of the webnovel!