The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 231

The seven men in night clothes are well-trained killers.

After coming in, we found the shelter, observed the situation around, and found that the target was on the second floor, and listening to the noise of the target, it seemed to have the meaning of coming downstairs.

One of them, made a few gestures, meaning that the other side is very strong, don't act rashly, ambush first!

They paid a lot of money to invite Su Jing to assassinate Su Jing. They knew that Su Jing was protected by a man named Lin Feng, who had destroyed several waves of big brother's attacks, so these people were very alert to Lin Feng.

Among the seven killers, there is a killer with a conspicuous red rope on his left wrist, which is the gesture he made just now.

He was supposed to be the commander of the seven. He reached out with his hand tied to the red rope and waved twice to the left kitchen.

The two men in black quickly and quietly ran into the kitchen to hide.

The red rope man waved his hands to the two sofas, and the two men in black had to order them to lie down under the sofas.

The red rope man looked to the right and found that the fitting room was a good hiding place. Although the door was open, it could be seen by the moonlight shining from the window. There were two large wardrobes inside, which could hide people.

The red rope man waved two hands towards the fitting room, and the remaining two people ran into the fitting room several times.

But when the two of them opened a door and tried to get into it, they were both stupid.

They found that there were four people in it.

Tiger brother and others were surprised to see that they had been exposed. Everyone's four eyes, incomparable embarrassment!

However, tiger brother was the person on the scene. He immediately made a smiling face that was harmless to human beings and animals, and waved to the man in Black: "hi --"

the two men in black didn't expect each other to be so friendly, so they were stunned. But they are all killing without blinking an eye, want to directly result in these four people.

At this moment, however, there was a sound of someone coming down the stairs.

The two men in black couldn't control so much as time was not allowed. Because they were still thin, they squeezed into two closets and closed the door with difficulty.

People's flexibility is very big. Before two people were in a cabinet, they were already crowded, but three people crowded in, which was acceptable.

Brother Hu is very talkative. He saw that people in black were coming fiercely. He felt that he was at a disadvantage in terms of number of people and professional quality. So he took the initiative to smile at the man in black, and then whispered, "Hey, brother, what do you do?"

Tiger is worthy of being a scene person. He can chat up freely under any circumstances.

The man in black had some disdain, but he didn't want to let them talk, so he said coldly, "killer!"

People in Black feel that if they say the word "killer", at least let them not laugh with themselves. Be honest and don't get in the way!

However, tiger elder brother said excitedly: "Oh, coincidentally, peer ah!"

Finish saying, still want to stretch out a hand to shake hands with others in the narrow space, the result people ignore him.

Tiger brother is not angry, but also said to the fat man on the opposite side: "look at the clothes of other people. This is called professional, and this is called force grid. Learn to do something about it in the future."

"Mm-hmm! You must learn! "

The man in black couldn't laugh or cry. The man on the left had a pair of underpants on his head, and the man on the right had a mask on his head. Two sanitary napkins were standing on their heads. Were they sure they were killers? Not transvestite?

However, they sneaked in ahead of time, and still had some learning on their heads, which showed that after a fight, it seemed like that.

However, the man in black didn't pay attention to them at all. He opened a small slot in the cabinet and focused on the gesture of the red rope man under the sofa in the middle of the hall.

At the same time, Su Jing, who was upstairs, had always believed that criminals had come into the villa. She was very angry and said to Lin Feng, "did someone really come downstairs? The chairman asked you to protect me. You can't even see me when you come in. What kind of protection do you call it? "

Lin Feng said: "Oh, if you go back ten thousand steps, even if people come in, they will play with them, and they will leave when they have played enough. It's good for your personal safety. Why do you have to fight tit for tat? God wants to be kind. To be honest, if I wanted to be serious, I would have been dead for a long time."

"Just blow it Su Jing felt that Lin Feng was blowing up. It was so amazing that the universe couldn't stop him.

"No, I have to call the police!" Su Jing said.

"No Lin Feng stopped her.

"Why?" Su Jing looks at Lin Feng with a puzzled face.

Lin Feng suddenly raised his face and said with righteous words: "if there are criminals, then here will be full of danger. Let me bear all this alone! Don't let the police come, lest you hurt the lovely police corn

"Well! Psychosis What did Su Jing think Lin Feng was going to say, so she did it.

But what Lin Feng said was true.

Because from the beginning to the present, he saw all the wind and grass around the villa.The reason why he didn't do it was that before the time came, a few thieves had to bear their own hardships. It was not worth doing it by themselves. He was mainly waiting for the group of people in black, because when they were a few kilometers away from the villa, the mouse had already sent an alarm to Lin Feng.

When the back of these people into the villa, he felt a strong sense of murderous.

Lin Feng used to be abroad. He was very sensitive to the smell of killing and blood.

He can feel the strong killing intention of those people, and those who have such a strong killing spirit must not be ordinary people, at least some experienced killers or mercenaries.

So if Su Jing calls the police at this time, the police will not be able to solve the problem when they come, and they will encounter danger.

It's just that Su Jing couldn't hear what Lin Feng said. He felt that Lin Feng didn't realize the danger.

What's more, it's not natural for the police to arrest prisoners. There are two prisoners downstairs. Just explain the situation to the police and make more preparations. Where will there be any danger? Lin Feng pretends to be forced just to show his bravery.

Su Jing glared at him and called the police without hesitation.

"Alas Lin Feng shook his head and said nothing more.

Because some people will not turn back if they don't hit the south wall.

After calling, Su Jing was afraid to be heard downstairs. She explained the situation in a low voice and asked someone to come over as soon as possible.

After receiving the alarm, the police station began to dispatch personnel. However, it is already late at night, and I don't know why. It seems that it is not very peaceful today. All the police on duty have gone out to deal with various cases. The police force is limited and the headquarters is in short supply. Under such an emergency, it is impossible to transfer the police.

But the personal safety of the informant can not be ignored, so there is no way but to send auxiliary police.

Because the area where Lin Feng lives can be regarded as a good place for public order, there are usually auxiliary police patrolling in the middle of the night.

The auxiliary police, in fact, are similar to temporary workers. They will come to help the police to share some tasks when they are short of manpower.

At this time, there was a patrol group, the leader of which was a young man named Wei Hao.

The headquarters then contacted Wei Hao, brought people to the door, and always reminded Wei Hao that the other party had weapons in his hand. If he felt that he was not competent, he could change to other auxiliary police.

After receiving the call, Wei Hao's eyes lit up when he learned that the person calling the police was Su Jing.

"Su Jing is a sexy beauty!" Wei Hao's facial expression of color infatuation, without taboo, appeared on his face.

Wei Hao also comes from a big family. He met Su Jing several times at some upper class banquet in Jincheng. He tried to please Su Jing at the banquet and wanted to take Su Jing to the hotel directly after the banquet. However, Su Jing did not respond to his hospitality, but hit him several times in the face.

Now, I didn't expect that Su Jing was in trouble. Isn't this her own opportunity?

He knew that women were the most helpless at this time. As long as he helped her in the past, and then threatened and threatened her, he would basically obey. The more he wanted to be, the more beautiful she was, as if Su Jing was already in his pocket.

The reason why Wei Hao, a dandy from a big family, still works as a temporary worker in the police station because he is chasing Shen man of the police station.

He heard that Qin Shou did not succeed in chasing Shen man. He was more resourceful than Qin Shou, and he chose this way to pursue Shen man.

Moreover, with his strong family background, he can even get the employment contract quickly, and then he will be able to pester Shen man every day. I can't say, with the power of his family, he becomes the boss of Shen man and directly sneaks her!

It's just that he didn't expect to be a temporary worker for a few days. He even met Su Jing first. God helped me! It's a god given chance to get Su Jing before Shen man!

Wei Hao immediately said to the headquarters: "no need to change others, just me!"

Say, two people under the opponent a wave: "go, go to Swan Lake Villa!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!