The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 230

Tiger brother is worthy of being the leader of several people. His thinking logic is very clear and his work is very decisive. In addition, he uses Putonghua to communicate at the critical moment. He is afraid that in case of any dialect, they will make a big mistake!

At this time, Lin Feng was really like tiger, humming the small meat song "Eighteen touch", and went downstairs and directly to the kitchen.

With the kitchen door open and the lights on, Lin Feng stood at the kitchen door and looked inside: "Wow, the kitchen is so big and the facilities are so complete! Wow - great

Taking advantage of Lin Feng's exclamation, the thin monkey approached the kitchen quietly.

He went to Lin Feng's back, see Lin Feng still did not respond, he was very happy in his heart, raised the knife, fiercely will toward Lin Feng's back neck to cut.

At this time, Lin Feng shook his head and walked directly into the kitchen, but he did not continue to walk inside. Instead, he looked down at his feet: "tut Tut, this floor is so good, it's really luxurious!"

The skinny monkey's heart is a joy, God help me, Lin Feng, you give me to die!

He reached out his hand through the door and cut at Lin Feng's head.

But at this time, Lin Feng reached behind and slammed the door.

"Bang!" The doors of this villa are of good quality, and the texture is very hard. The thin monkey's hand is severely clamped by the door.

"Ah -" ten fingers linked, the thin monkey was almost suspicious of life, and his knife fell to the ground.

But fortunately, the door is closed, Lin Feng is inside the door, and the thin monkey and knife are outside the door.

The skinny monkey didn't dare to make a sound again. He was afraid that Lin Feng would hear it, but the pain was unbearable. He had to give up picking up the knife, put his other hand over his mouth, and ran back to the fitting room.

"You're a piece of shit!" Tiger elder brother low voice gnash teeth's curse way: "the person did not finish, the knife also lost, how do you have the face to come back to scatter?"

The skinny monkey held his fingers askew right hand and said, "brother tiger, my hands are useless. I don't have the heart to pick up a knife. Brother tiger, let's go. I want to go to the hospital!"

"Waste, what hospital? Don't make a noise, you wait in there With that, he bit his teeth and said to another tall man, "I'll fight. This time, we'll go together. You look at my eyes and act!"

At this time, Lin Feng opened the kitchen door, picked up the chopper from the kitchen and said, "I wipe, when did the knife fall out? Luxury kitchen, do you use such a big chopper to cut vegetables? Tut tut! The life of the rich is really different! "

He picked up his machete and went into the kitchen. Standing in the pool beside the kitchen, he began to wash fruits and vegetables.

"Go on Tiger said to Gao gently.

They crept to the kitchen door and saw that Lin Feng was busy working with his back to them. Brother Hu gestured to be tall and chopped at Lin Feng's head.

The tall one is the shallowest among the four. He is very nervous at this time. He is shivering with a knife. He doesn't know how to cut it.

But tiger brother man is very smart, he does this kind of thing, he never does it by himself, so that when something happens, he can find the person who is in charge of it.

Tiger brother scratched his ears and scratched his cheek. He came a little closer to Lin Feng. He pointed to Lin Feng's head, and then made an action of cutting fruit.

Gao nodded, heart said fruit cutting game I played, horizontal knife is the safest, each time a horizontal knife, can cut several fruits.

Then summon up courage, toward the head of Lin Feng, cut across the past.

At this time, Lin Feng seemed to suddenly see that the pool was blocked, so he went to the pool quickly.

Then the high knife waved past, with the sound of the wind, he saw that Lin Feng suddenly bowed his head. He could not stop it. He roared over Lin Feng's head and cut it on the bald head of tiger brother nearby.

"Hmmm --" tiger brother a dull hum, Leng is gripping teeth to hold back the pain, and then high scared quickly withdraw the knife, blood left from the top of brother tiger, like do not want money to rush out.

Tiger brother quickly covered his head and found that Lin Feng was still humming the "dangdangdang" cut fruit in the community. He was a little relieved.

At this time, Su Jing was coming down from upstairs, because he always heard some strange sounds downstairs.

She stood on the stairs to go down, but just saw this scene, she saw a high knife in tiger's head, immediately scared silly.

She couldn't imagine when there were two more people below. What's more, what are these two people doing? How can they chop people? Who are they? It's horrible! Are you here to assassinate us?

Su Jing's heart leaped wildly. She wanted to scream, but she was too nervous. Her vocal cords were dry and she didn't cry out.

Tiger brothers and they also saw Su Jing. They were more flustered. They walked out of the kitchen and hid outside the door.

Tiger didn't forget to intimidate Su Jing, motioned Su Jing not to speak, and then did the action of wiping his neck. It means, if you dare to speak out, I'll kill you!

But how could Su Jing listen to them? It was just because she was so frightened that she didn't know what to do for a while. At this time, she calmed down and quickly called out, "Lin Feng, there is someone!"

"Ah?" Lin Feng turned back, stood by the kitchen door and looked at Su Jing on the stairs: "what do you say?""Someone Su Jing was so anxious that she almost burst into tears.

"Of course there are people. I am a human being." Lin Feng said with a smile.

At this time, tiger brother and Gao are afraid to be found by Lin Feng, but they take advantage of the darkness in the hall, and quickly hide in the dark.

"There's someone there!" Su Jing stamped her feet in a hurry.

"Yes, I am a man." Lin Feng picked up the vegetable and fruit salad that he had just dressed up and said, "the supper is finished. You can eat some fruits and vegetables in the evening. Please don't thank me! Go, go upstairs

Carrying a plate of vegetable and fruit salad, Lin Feng walked up the stairs and urged Su Jing to go upstairs.

Because he squinted out of the window just now. If he didn't guess wrong, the good play will be on the stage. First, eat something to relax. Because next, it's the protagonist of tonight!

He said to Su Jing with a smile: "good, don't be afraid, don't say there are people, but ghosts come, I can beat them away. With me, you won't lose a cold hair. Go upstairs and eat happily!"

Su Jing was pushed to the second floor by him, where she was still in the mood to eat. She kept saying that she had just seen two people like balabalabala...

but Lin Feng just said that she was dancing too much and was dazzled.

Su Jing keeps arguing with Lin Feng, but Lin Feng smiles to let her relax and eat some salad to ease her mood!

At this time, tiger and Gao have climbed back to the fitting room.

Tiger felt a strong sense of frustration. Four people, two heads were chiseled fart, one hand was useless, and the other was tall. He was scared to pee his pants just now. What a damn dog!

Tiger brother has been out for such a long time, it's the worst!

At this time, the fat man saw that tiger's head was bleeding. He was very understanding and handed over a sanitary napkin: "here, brother tiger!"

Brother tiger squinted at him, his eyes were straight.

However, the fat man shook his head helplessly. Regardless of tiger brother's wish or not, he directly pasted big Bondi on tiger's head: "brother tiger, don't struggle. I've tried it. It's easy to use. You should deal with it first!"

The fat man is like a man who has come over. His face is calm and calm. Tiger brother has no temper!

Then the fat man looked for what he needed for bandaging for a long time. He found that there was no other pair of underpants. He found a bra, buckled it on tiger's head, and then tightened it to prevent the sanitary napkin from falling off.

But at this time, tiger, with a hood on his head, looked like a huge air force goggles, and suddenly felt like a pilot.

The others almost couldn't stop laughing.

"You and he still have the heart to laugh!" Tiger said angrily: "hurry up to go to the hospital, we have so much blood, can't bear for long!"

"What's next? Tiger? " Asked the thin monkey.

"Come on, let's have a meeting first!" Tiger intends to rearrange the layout and regroup.

But at this time, I listened to the door lock on the first floor, clattered several times, and then the door slightly opened a crack. Several people in night clothes rushed in with agility, rolled on the ground, and directly looked for an object as a shelter and hid behind.

The fat man and others looked at the hall outside and were shocked.

Is this going to be an American blockbuster? How can one action be so standard? It's like a counterterrorism drill!

Tiger brother was speechless for a while. He shook his head in anger and said NIMA in his heart. How could someone come again and let people play?

But at this time, we can't stay like this, or we will be found by the intruders soon. Brother tiger waved his hand and said, "hide in the closet and watch the change!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!