The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 229

At this time, Lin Feng and Su Jing have already played hi. Su Jing is a little tired, regardless of her image. She lies on the lawn and looks at the moon with a happy face and breathes heavily.

Lin Feng breathed very evenly, without a trace of breath, as if he had not danced just now.

"How about it? Just say I'm good at it Lin Feng said with a smile.

Su Jing didn't refute, and she was tacit in her heart.

This is the best time for her to dance. She has never played so freely since her mother died.

But he was surprised. How could Lin Feng understand this kind of dance that dominated Europe and America?

"Have you studied abroad?" Su Jing asked.

"No!" Lin Feng said.

"Why do you dance like this Su Jing asked.

"Watch TV, self-study and become a talent!" Lin Feng said.

He didn't want to be known about his experience abroad.

"Wow, you're so gifted, why don't you go dancing?" Su Jing said, "if you go dancing, maybe you will become a king of dance now, and you won't be here..."

the following words were not mentioned by Su Jing, because it was a bit of a bad scene.

"You're not going to be a little security guard here, are you?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"I didn't say it. You said it yourself!" For the first time, Su Jing's mouth was very cute.

Such a big beauty in the moonlight, lying on the grass selling cute, almost melted the heart of Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng's heart violently twitches several times, suddenly a stream of sadness swept up.

Once upon a time, Jin Wan'er was like this, lying on the grass under the moonlight and chatting with her. However, after she disappeared, she never appeared again. There was no trace. Lin Feng had been waiting for three years, but there was still no news.

Wan'er, why did you leave me at first? Where are you now?

"Alas Lin Feng shook his head and sighed.

"Why, do you feel sad sometimes?" Su Jing joked.

"I'm not a God. Of course, I have to pretend to be melancholy occasionally, because I heard that the moon is more suitable for melancholy!" Lin Feng talked about the advertising words!

"Oh, you're pretending

"Otherwise?" Lin Feng said, "by the way, don't you say I have talent? Actually, it's not just dancing. I can learn what I watch on TV, even more professional than them! "

"Really?" Su Jing blinked her big beautiful eyes.

"Of course, for example, I watched a small island movie a few days ago. It was a kind of fight between men and women naked on the bed, with all kinds of postures, men humming and women whining. Oh, after I watched it, I learned very well. Why don't you cooperate with me tonight? I'll show you the show? " Lin Feng said.

"Go away!" Su Jing glanced at Lin Feng and got up straight.

She wondered, what a good atmosphere, can be instantly lost by Lin Feng, Lin Feng this ability is not really cover.

At this time, the villas in the villa are about to collapse!

"Brother tiger, they just danced endlessly, and now they are chatting endlessly. This is to suffocate us to death?" The fat man was dissatisfied and said, "it's over if you want to go out. I've never been so cowardly in my life."

"Shut up. If you can't bear it, you'll make a big plan!" Said tiger.

"What do you mean?" Asked the thin man in the cupboard next door who was very studious.

"Oh, don't you want him?" asked. Just be patient. Calm down Tiger is too lazy to explain.

Tiger brother deserves to be the boss, even if the muscle ache, legs and stomach are fast turning muscle, or still firmly waiting, waiting for the moment when Lin Feng's back to him.

Lin Feng looked at his watch. It's half past ten and has been playing outside for nearly half an hour. It's time to enter the house.

He took Su Jing's key and said, "let me open the door."

Said, open the door, a horse as advanced in the room.

Su Jing followed Lin Feng and reached out to turn on the light. Lin Feng stopped Su Jing from saying, "go upstairs and go to bed. Don't waste electricity!"

She took Su Jing to the second floor.

Because Su Jing and she have made a three-step agreement. The second floor is for Lin Feng to rest. The third floor is Su Jing's territory. Lin Feng is not allowed to go to the third floor if he has nothing to do. He needs to get Su Jing's approval to go upstairs!

So when Lin Feng got to the second floor, he stopped and suddenly said, "Oh, I used a lot of physical strength just now. I want to have a snack!"

"Have a snack? Then you can order takeout! " Su Jing said.

"Takeout is not healthy. Besides, many of them are closed. You'd better go to the kitchen downstairs and do it yourself." Lin Feng said out loud.

With that, he also took a large glass ashtray from the room and walked downstairs.

"What are you doing with this?" Su Jing asked.

"I like a cigarette after dinner!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"There's an ashtray downstairs!" Su Jing said."I prefer this one in my house!" Lin Feng said.

At the same time, tiger heard Lin Feng say so, he quickly said to the fat man: "we are a few, you are strong, you now slip under the stairs, to the opposite kitchen ambush, when Lin Feng goes to the kitchen, you directly lock his throat and cover his mouth, don't let him make a sound, we go up is a knife, understand?"

"Understand!" Said the fat man.

"Go Tiger patted the fat man on the shoulder.

The fat man opened the closet door gently and crept along the wall under the stairs.

At this time, Lin Feng stood on the stairs and said, "a cigarette after dinner is as happy as a fairy!"

"Don't smoke in the evening, or the smoke will float upstairs, which is not good for our health!" Su Jing said, "come on, give me the ashtray!"

"I don't!"

"Give it to me!"

"I don't!"

As soon as Lin Feng shook off his hand, the ashtray went straight out of his hand and smashed it directly down the stairs. He was impartial and hit the head of the fat man below!

"Ah - lying trough -" the fat man rolled his eyes in pain.

"What sound?" A little panic flashed on Su Jing's face.

"No sound! You've heard it Lin Feng quickly cross the topic: "all blame you, have to grab the ashtray with me, fell down!"

And downstairs, tiger brother in the closet, opened a small crack, saw this scene, mercilessly bit his teeth, in the heart scolded the fat man: "paralyzed waste!"

He was puzzled, an ashtray fell down, you and he can just stand at the bottom, life to do this, is also bad.

But tiger didn't dare to neglect him. He crept out quickly and helped the fat man back to the closet.

"Brother, I'm bleeding!" Said the fat man with a frightened face.

"Shhh, keep your voice down, brother. What's wrong? When you lose your head, you'll have a big scar. You're too far away from your heart. You'll never die for a while. Think about it. We'll be beautiful in a while. Think about the happy life with money in the future." Brother tiger whispered comfort.

"Brother, I'm fine, I'm fine!" The fat man said, looking for something in the closet to bandage the wound.

But looking around, there is no suitable one. There is a red underwear on the top of the head, which is pulled over directly and put on the head.

Don't mention it. It's the right size!

Because of the blood left too much, it is obvious that a pair of trousers can not be wrapped. However, he was surprised to find that in the corner under the wardrobe, there was a packet of sanitary napkins.

He pasted the sanitary napkin on the wound, and then put his underwear on his head again. The sanitary napkin was large in size, and there was still a piece of paste on his head. He pricked it out from the side of the pants head and stood defiantly on his head.

Tiger brother looked at the fat man's appearance and shook his head in anger.

But now the fat man has lost his fighting power, so he doesn't care about the fat man. He turns to the thin man next door and says, "skinny monkey, the fat man is useless. We'll see you next door. If we go out together, the target is too obvious. If Lin Feng shouts out, the beauty upstairs will call the police. So you are thin and not easy to be found. You can see Lin Feng go into the kitchen, touch it and stab him from the back Do you know that

"Good!" The thin man showed his machete, and his face was ferocious. , the fastest update of the webnovel!