The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 228

It's night. The moon is bright.

Swan Lake Villa area.

Several gangsters are quietly approaching the villa where Lin Feng and Su Jing live.

"Fourth master, if we killed Lin Feng today, would you arrange us to run away?" The chief gangster asked in a low voice.

On the other end of the phone came the voice of fourth master Tian: "of course, I have prepared all the tickets and money for you to use for the rest of your life. Moreover, who killed Lin Feng will be rewarded with an extra 100000 yuan!"

"The fourth master is very rich." The gangster said: "it's said that Lin Feng lives with Su Jing, the president of Dongsheng Group. Su Jing is so beautiful. I saw her on TV, and I can't forget her for a lifetime. Tut Tut, if we kill Lin Feng today, can we... Hahaha! Brothers, but I haven't played with a woman for a long time! There is such a creature that the four of us can dry her to death in bed

"As long as you can kill Lin Feng, what do you want to do with the rest?" Fourth master Tian said.

"Good! Look at it The gangster finished and hung up the phone.

They slowly lurk into the villa where Lin Feng lives, and then look around and find that the whole villa area has been turned off. The villa where Lin Feng is located is also dark and may have fallen asleep.

Four people stick to the wall around the back door, one of them takes out the unlocking tool, gently opens the door lock, and then four people rush in, instantly into the villa.

The villa has a large space with three floors. The first floor is the living room, kitchen and bathroom. There is also a fitting room in the northwest corner, where there are dressing glasses and wardrobe.

The second and third floors are the rest places.

But because there were too many rooms, several people had to act separately. After searching up and down, they found that the villa was empty and empty.

"Brother tiger, Lin Feng, they are not at home, what to do?" Asked a gangster.

After listening, the gangster named brother tiger touched his bare head and said, "tortoise son, these rich people, oh, they know that they go to bars every day and don't go home at night. It's really irritating. We'll wait for his grandson in this villa!"


Other people listen to tiger brother said, they have found sofa to sit, several people also went to the kitchen refrigerator to make some yogurt to drink.

"What do you do?" "We are killers, not thieves. Can you be more professional? Let me down! Put it down

The other three despondently put the things back, muttering: "no food for nothing, anyway, they two dead people can't use it!"

"That's the rule, don't you understand it? Killers have to be killers With a Sichuan dialect, tiger put his machete in his waist and looked at the other three people with awe and awe: "we can't give the killer a chain, you know?"

"Well, well!" Others give tiger big thumbs.

But a thin gangster suddenly asked, "well, we are not rapists either. We will rape Su Jing for a while, but we will also break the rules?"

"What do you know? We call it humanitarianism!" Tiger said to himself: "humanitarianism is about care and tolerance (love). Do you know? Ramo, a beautiful woman, is going to be killed by us. Before dying, taste the taste of a man. It's cool. It's also our care for him and our love for her. Do you know? This is humanitarianism! "

"Mm-hmm! What tiger said is reasonable! We are vaginalism! " The fat man next to me has a look that I understand.

"Vagina, you ghost!" Tiger brother slapped on the fat man's skull, scolded: "you a tortoise grandson knows the vagina, the humanity, I said is the humanity!"

"Oh! Silver Road, silver road Fat people are born with big tongues and can't pronounce "human", so they can only cope with it reluctantly.

"Brother tiger, it seems that someone is coming from outside!" The skinny gangster points out in panic.

Several people looked out and saw the first floor on the road outside the window, two figures from far to near, one high and one low, a towering, "creaky" on this side.

"Quick, quick, all hide. When they enter the door, we will be unprepared!" Said tiger.

"What does it mean to be unprepared?" Thin people don't understand. At this juncture, he was afraid that he would not understand and make mistakes, so he immediately asked brother Hu.

Tiger elder brother one face urgent expression scolds: "you a tortoise son drop, already let you learn some knowledge, just don't learn, attack unprepared, that is, cold does not work

"Oh! Understand Said the thin man.

Tiger said in a low voice: "all hide the fitting room for me."

Taking advantage of the dark lights in the room, the four quickly rushed to the fitting room and hid in the closet.

Because of the small size of the wardrobe, the two were squeezed into one, and they were very subdued. Especially the fat man and tiger brother were crowded together, and the door was pulled for a long time before it was forced to close.

Outside the villa, Lin Feng rode his bicycle and took Su Jing to the door of the villa.

Su Jing's buttocks ached all the way, so she was able to have a rest. She jumped out of the car to relieve her muscles and bones. Then she took out the key and went to open the door."Wait!" Lin Feng looked around the villa, a bad smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and said, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Su Jing was stunned and said, "what are we doing outside?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "the moonlight is soft and the beautiful scenery on a fine day. Why don't we enjoy the charming night here?"

Su Jing looks at Lin Feng in surprise. It's been a busy day, but she still has so much energy. It seems that this man is not tired. Next time, she will let you ride a 5000 kilometer cross-country to see if you still have the heart to enjoy the moon?

"I'm tired, I need to rest!" Su Jing went to open the door again.

"Well, has anyone ever told you that I can dance, and besides, I can dance very well?" As Lin Feng said, he went up to Su Jing's hand with the key in one hand and her waist with the other.

"What are you doing?" Su YILENG.


"Pa --"

Lin Feng snapped his fingers, and suddenly a burst of melodious music came to his mobile phone in his pocket. Lin Feng took a dance step and took Su jingdai into the lawn before he entered.

The melodious music in the mobile phone thinks that Lin Feng's steps are orderly, but Su Jing can't beat him. With his dance steps, she also sells her steps.

Lin Feng confidently raised his face and winked at Su Jing. Then he turned around with vigorous posture and put Su Jing's body into his strong arm.

Su Jing was shocked by the dancing steps. In such a soft moonlight and beautiful music, her whole body cells were shaking. Unconsciously, she danced with the music and Lin Feng's steps.

On the lawn in front of the villa, a man and a woman are like two butterflies competing for beauty. They are moving and touching in the moonlight.

At this time, Su Jing was shocked.

This kind of dance is usually performed at the dinner party of the upper class in Europe and the United States, and its name is Vienna waltz.

Lin Feng was able to combine the lightness and softness of this dance step to the right point, and without losing his masculinity. He was simply a dancing partner who killed the whole audience.

During her study in the United States, she also danced many times, but none of her partners could be as excellent, charming and perfect as Lin Feng.

Su Jing has completely let go of the shackles and dances with Lin Feng. The charming night makes her extremely intoxicated...

however, in the fitting room on the first floor of the villa.

"Brother tiger, why don't they open the door and come in? I'm suffocating

"Brother tiger, I'm going to die. It's so hard. My legs are sore!"

"Ah, my neck has been crooked all the time, and I feel that I'm not coming over. Brother tiger, let's not be too cold. Let's go out and kill!"

"Please be quiet. Before they come in, we will kill them first. When they yell, don't the whole villa know us? Do you have brains? All bear it, bear it! They're coming in

"Poof -" the fat man farted.

"Lying trough!" Tiger's face turned green.

"I'm sorry, brother tiger. I ate too much radish just now." The fat man explained.

"Shut up!" Tiger covered his nose with a look of death.

Tiger thought that anyway, as long as he could endure a little longer, Lin Feng and his family would surely enter the house.

However, tiger brother miscalculated. In Lin Feng's mobile phone, more than 30 Waltz songs were put on, one after another, and then another.

Su Jing was also immersed in it. She enjoyed it, one song after another.

However, at this time, seven people in night clothes have quietly sneaked into the villa area of Swan Lake and come to the villa where Lin Feng lives.

These people are well-trained. It's the boss who invited them to assassinate Su Jing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!