The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 227

"As for Lin Feng, let me observe it in secret before I make a decision!" Said the cap.

Because cap knows, Lin Feng, it's not easy.

He had asked the headquarters to thoroughly investigate the details of Lin Feng.

The final information given by the headquarters is: Lin Feng's real identity is the retired king of special forces. He has worked in the highest special forces in China and has made many achievements in the war.

Eight times of first-class work, 36 times of second-class work, and countless others.

During this period, Lin Feng sneaked into the South Asian golden triangle and destroyed a trafficking and smuggling team organized by hundreds of drug lords.

He also went to the Brazilian rainforest alone, overturning an underground organization of more than 1000 extremists.

Moreover, in his special mission to Africa, he easily destroyed an elite mercenary regiment that had been rampant in Africa and Europe for half a century...

and so on, which could not be contained in a few pages!

The combat effectiveness of this man is absolutely terrifying and shaking. As long as you fight against him, you will be stepping into the door of hell with both feet.

Therefore, he was called "devil Satan" by criminal organizations and mercenaries all over the world, and he himself preferred the name given to him by a criminal organization in China - hell hell hell!

So after getting the first-hand news, duckbill was shocked. He didn't expect that there would be such a strong man in the small city of Jincheng.

However, the cap is not afraid of Lin Feng, because the organization behind him is so powerful that no one can defeat him.

However, what they don't know is that the resumes are just the achievements that Lin Feng got under Lao Hu's control. After passing a series of examinations, Lin Feng left Laohu and joined the final top organization. After that, his resume was completely blocked and no one could find it.

However, you should be more careful about Lin Feng. After all, this time, the boss is going to Jincheng. He doesn't want to cause any trouble when the boss comes. He doesn't want to touch the trouble of Lin Feng for the time being!

"If there's nothing wrong, you go down first. I'll spend a few days thinking about what we should do next!" Said the cap, referring to expanding the power of the backers.

"Good, you think, you think, you order!" Third master Cui walked out of the room with a big smile on his face.

As soon as he came out, he turned his mouth and looked disdainful.

He is very upset. Does this supporter help you? Is it really yours? This is Laozi's territory. Are you arrogant?

So many cameras and wiretaps are installed to monitor Laozi, bah!

When the support group grows stronger, I will kick you away. The strong dragon will not oppress the local snake. I'll see you, a strong dragon, how to fight with the local snake like me! Hum!

Lin Feng, the man who beat me up, blocked my fortune. Do you want to stop?

I will not listen to you.

He secretly took out his mobile phone, picked out a secluded place, and sent a message to fourth master Tian: find a few people and kill Lin Feng for me!




after returning Chu Yuqi to his bedroom, Lin Feng rode his bicycle back to the headquarters of the drag racing party.

At this time, it was also close to the evening. The headquarters of the drag racing party had already lit a bonfire to celebrate today's feast.

In the spacious and flat courtyard, there are gasoline barrels more than half a person high everywhere. The gasoline barrels are full of fuel and are burning with fire.

When the sun falls on the horizon, the night comes slowly, and the fire is even more dazzling. Under the reflection of the fire, the graffiti pattern of the middle building is very ferocious, but it makes people extremely excited.

When Lin Feng came back here, the banquet just started.

Chen Da, as the leader of the drag racing party in the next two years, took the stage to speak and announced that the banquet would begin. Everyone was enjoying themselves and releasing their passion.

When he was well fed, Lin Feng decided to go back to bed.

At this time, there was a dramatic scene.

Wei Yichen is going back by Lin Feng's bicycle.

Su Jing, too, has to ride his bike.

Su Jing was very dissatisfied with Su Jing's mouth and said, "the big bar is specially prepared for me. Only I can sit on the big bar of the boss!"

Su Jing drank a little wine. Her face was ruddy, but her tone was very gentle. She said, "little beauty, I don't have to sit on your boss's bar, but I'm also reluctant to do something, and I can't help it either."

Su Jing really can't help it, because she is being targeted by the killer now, and he wants Lin Feng's personal protection.

Wei Yichen was more angry when she heard that. The woman didn't want to sit or sit. It didn't mean to annoy people. She was angry and said, "you're a good seller when you get cheap money. You know you can't enjoy sitting on my boss's big bar. You're addicted, and you make up reasons to say that you can't do it. Cut!"

Su Jing blushed, twisted her waist and said, "where, that stick is so long and hard that it makes my butt hurt!"Wei Yi Chen takes a look at Su Jing's round buttocks and thinks about the bumpy ride of Su Jing after she sits on the big bar. She is even more jealous when the boss is holding the handlebar with his hands around her.

"And you're happy, too? My boss, get up quickly. It will make you feel like riding a roller coaster and floating. You are very addicted to it. You must have tasted the sweetness, otherwise, how can you fall in love with his big bar! "

Su Jing said helplessly: "I admit that he gets up quickly. I really enjoy it, but I can't stop for an hour or two. Have you ever tried this feeling? Will you not hurt? "

"I won't hurt, I'm happy!"

"But I can't stand it!"


the dispute between the two beauties aroused the imagination of the people around them. Some even couldn't stand the conversation and went to the toilet to have a blast.

If they didn't know in advance that the dispute was about bicycles, I'm afraid everyone would have misunderstood it.

"No matter, I must sit on the big bar of the boss. I like the feeling that the boss is towering behind me!" Wei Yi Chen pretty face with a little angry way.

Su Jing shook her head. She was helpless. If she had not been in danger of being attacked by a killer, she would have taken a taxi back to Swan Lake Villa.

Su Jing said helplessly, "but I don't like that feeling, but I can't help it. I have to endure his friction and his big bar."

Looking at the confrontation between the two women, the little brother of the drag racing party is speechless and full of black lines.

No one wants to take a ride in a car to find a beautiful woman. The chariot, riding a bicycle with a broken hoop, has two top beauties competing for it.

This is so unreasonable!

Finally, Lin Feng stood up to speak. She advised Wei Yichen to sit down for Su Jing this time and for her next time.

Wei Yi morning see Lin Feng all speak, she also has no way, just let Lin Feng swear, next time must take her! Then, very sensible to drive their own Maserati left first.

Lin Feng, Chen Da and others said goodbye and rode away with Su Jing.

However, under the night, we did not notice that V big sat on the sofa next to the campfire, and had been squinting at Lin Feng.

After watching Lin Feng go away, she suddenly put up a smile and said: "Lin Feng, from today on, you have been watched by me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!