The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 226

Lin Feng told those sports talents to save Qin Huan a life.

At this time, those sports students have taken Lin Feng as an idol. They obediently listen to Lin Feng's words, and their horse faces are still eager to worship Lin Feng as a master and learn how to pick up girls.

Lin Feng just laughed and said, as long as you are kind-hearted, some women will like you one day.

Then, he took Chu Yuqi and left, leaving behind a deep lock of eyebrows and a thoughtful face of the public body tesheng.




outside the northern suburbs of the city, the headquarters of the mountain gang.

Relying on the mountain Gang headquarters, back to Lingyun mountain, in front of songhuaxi, is a treasure land near the mountain and by the water.

It is more than ten kilometers away from the suburb of Jincheng. It can be said that it is separated from the hustle and bustle of metropolis and enjoys the beauty and tranquility of nature.

It turns out that the tourist attraction of the mountain is the place where tourists can travel all day.

There are 18 peaks in Lingyun mountain, which are named as the eighteen Arhats. Each peak has its own unique landscape. Visitors who come to visit have a taste of it and forget to return.

In those years, the mining scale of Jincheng mining industry was still very small, and the mining situation was not opened, so tourism became the first pillar industry of Jincheng, supporting half the GDP of the city.

Many people make a living by selling souvenirs and trinkets in tourist areas, or opening a teahouse and restaurant for people to eat, drink, chat and have a rest.

The group of people who have neither capital nor craftsmanship, nor have any relationship with them, can only support their families by making money through coolie.

They will choose to do a mountain job at the foot of the mountain to carry things to tourists.

They travel in the mountains all the year round. They are very happy. When they have business, they take a few loads up the mountain. When there is no business, they gather at the foot of the mountain to gamble.

And this group of people have a belief, that is, born here, live here, near the river to eat water, rely on the mountain.

Over time, a non-governmental organization has been formed, relying on the help of others.

At the beginning of its establishment, the backers were only for mutual care. After all, they were at the bottom of the society, so we should support each other.

But slowly, with the growth of the community and the uneven distribution of interests, the backers have begun to deteriorate. By the generation of Cui bingcui, the shanbang has become a rogue society, which not only extorts tourists' money, but also relies on casinos as its main industry.

Jincheng's tourism industry has also been subject to a lot of restrictions.

Because more and more tourists feel that Lingyun mountain has become a tool for the backers to make money. They are also slaughtered by the backers when they come here, so they simply won't come.

Due to the rapid development of mining industry, the government's attention is focused on the mining industry, turning a blind eye to the backers. During this period of time, the backers quickly hatched and finally became the largest community occupying the Northern District of the city.

The headquarters of the mountain group, formerly a farmhouse, covers an area of 4000 square meters. It is a large courtyard built of blue bricks and boulders.

The buildings inside are mainly made of pine wood on Lingyun mountain. The teahouse, gambling house and reception hall are all made of pine wood of one water. Even a three storey building in the middle is all made of wood, which is very garden like.

The sloping roof is covered with green bricks. Every few meters under the eaves, there will be a big red lantern and Chinese red knot weaving, which makes the whole look like a very strong flavor of Chinese farmyard.

At this time, Cui San Ye is sitting in the teahouse and drinking tea with Tian Si Ye.

Fourth master Tian is bald, round face, fat head and big ears. He is the second leader of the mountain gang.

He seems to be very hot all the time. He is close to the Mid Autumn Festival, but he still holds a PU fan, drinking tea and Fanning at the same time.

"I said old four, when can you throw your broken fan to me? It's chilly!" Third master Cui was a little discontented. He poured a cup of tea and handed it to fourth master Tian.

Fourth master Tian took the tea and sipped: "my fan is from my ancestors. I will fan it to the day I die, and then give it to my son and continue to fan it. Ha ha ha!"

"I think you should call dead fan Third master Cui took a look at fourth master Tian, picked up a cigarette and smoked it.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Fourth master Tian laughed and suddenly seemed to think of something. He asked in a low voice, "by the way, there is something I haven't told you. Have you ever heard of a boy named Lin Feng?"

"Yes Cui Sanye firmly said: "very talented, the last time is that boy helped the order of Phoenix to win the poetry contest!"

"Oh?" Fourth master Tian frowned: "this guy is still an all rounder!"

"What do you ask him for?" Cui said carelessly.

"This boy, last time I hit one of my men, all of them were disabled. He also brought a small underground gambling house in the north of my city. As a result, we lost hundreds of thousands of income every month."

"And that?" Third master Cui glared.

"Yes! My man, a Bao, is loyal to me. He has been with me for more than three years and has been working hard to make money for us. As a result, the boy can't get out of bed for months. I'm going to avenge a Bao! " Fourth master Tian said fiercely.Then he said solemnly, "but I heard that the boy had something to do with the order of the Phoenix, and had defeated Lei Hong of the wolf society. I don't know how much the boy has, so I'll see what you mean in advance. Do you want to get him?"

The Third Master of Cui slapped the table angrily: "I'm a jerk. I dare to break the ground on Tai Sui's head. No matter how many abilities he has, he will die if he hits our people and blocks our wealth."

The last time Cui San Ye was at the poetry meeting of the order of Phoenix, he had already looked at Lin Feng, but that time, because he had no conflict with Lin Feng, he didn't do anything. This time, the boy dared to bully the patron Gang, which was tantamount to giving himself a chance to repair him. Cui Sanye decided to let fourth master Tian send someone to kill Lin Feng.

But before he said anything, his mobile phone rang. He picked up the phone quickly, and his expression on his face softened a lot: "well, um, OK, I'm coming right now."

Put down the phone, Cui San ye said to Tian Si ye: "you drink slowly, I'll come when I go!"

Cui San Yeh hurried out of the teahouse and walked along the path of qingshipu to a humble wooden house at the back of the yard. Seeing that there was no one in it, he walked in.

This wooden house was originally a VIP Suite for distinguished guests, but it has been idle since few guests have come.

But Mr. Cui knew that there was a very important person instead of idle.

He walked into the room. The dim light made him very uncomfortable. He squeezed his eyes and saw the man sitting on the stool, looking at the map of Jincheng on the wall motionlessly.

"What do you want me to do?" Third master Cui asked.

"Don't act rashly against Lin Feng. He is not simple!" The man lowered his cap lower, and his voice was like the sound of a broken bellows, ulaula, and very low.

Third master Cui was surprised. How did he know we were going to fight Lin Feng? Is he spying on us?

The duck cap seems to have guessed Cui's idea and said: "since I have decided to support you, I need to know your internal situation. So don't blame me. I have installed precision cameras and eavesdroppers in many places of your headquarters. On the one hand, I can get to know you better. Secondly, it can also add a layer of protection to you. No one can be under my supervision Sneak in here

Third master Cui frowned and was very unhappy.

However, this big man does not shy away from saying this, which is also a straightforward person. Third Master Cui has no culture and likes to be straightforward, so it is in line with his temperament.

"ha ha ha, no problem, old fellow, if you can help me develop the backside Gang, I will have no objection to installing my camera on my toilet." Cui San ye said.

"Do you think I didn't pretend?" The cap asked.

"Ah Now the Third Master of Cui is completely speechless.

He suddenly remembered that among the idioms he only knew, there was one called "all pervasive"! This guy's penetration into the backers is all pervasive. It's terrible!

At this time, the duck cap's eyes glared at the map of Jincheng, and the voice suddenly raised and said, "you can rest assured that what you have paid, I will let you get back, and I will make you rely on the iron hooves of the mountain Gang through the power of organization, and quickly step across the whole Jincheng city!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!