The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 225

"Lin Feng --" Chu Yuqi saw Lin Feng, as if to see the supernatural soldiers, the whole person suddenly came to the spirit.

Taking advantage of Qin Huan's stupefied Kung Fu, she pulled out her hand and ran to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng gave the bicycle to a special student beside him and said, "brother, help me hold it. My hands have other tasks!"

That person a Leng, hold the bicycle, the heart says what task?

But see Lin Feng is a pair of hands, toward Chu Yuqi called: "sister Yuqi, come to brother's arms, brother's arms is the most warm and safe!"

Chu Yuqi directly fell in Lin Feng's arms and hugged Lin Feng tightly with tears in her eyes.

She thought that she was going to be insulted by animals today. She did not expect to be in a desperate situation and met Lin Feng.

Lin Feng can always give her an endless sense of security, no matter what kind of situation, she thinks that as long as there is Lin Feng, all the crises can be easily solved.

Chu Yuqi in the invisible, has formed a kind of dependence on Lin Feng, a complex emotion.

Lin Feng saw Chu Yuqi cry sad, he stroked Chu Yuqi's hair and said: "it's OK, it's OK, ha, don't worry! It's all over! "

But Chu Yuqi refused to let go. She pushed hard into Lin Feng's arms, so that the two regiments in front of her chest were already deformed. A deep ditch appeared in the middle of the two white regiments, which made Lin Feng feel dizzy.

The softness and softness of his chest made him feel comfortable all over the body. He couldn't stand the close squeeze and friction, because there was going to be reaction below.

He quickly coughed twice: "cough!"

"Ah! What's the matter with you? " Chu Yuqi asked with concern.

"I'm hurt!" Lin Feng said.

"Are you hurt? Where did you get hurt? " Chu Yuqi was very worried.

"My chest, ah, it's too big for you to cut my chest out of the internal injury!" Lin Feng said with a bad smile.

Chu Yuqi heard, face red to the neck root, jiaochen way: "you hate you hate!"

With that, Xiaofen fist kept smashing Lin Feng's chest, and then a face of bashful expression, very charming.

In this scene, the ten or so special students who saw this scene were envious. They recalled how many years they had been practicing with one hand. They said to themselves with hatred that they practiced like a cow. They had no land for you to plough. When you turn back, you must find Lin Feng to learn from him. First find a fertile field and moisten it!

At this time, Qin Huan was very angry. He felt that the whole person was going to explode.

"Lin Feng, do I fuck you? You teased me and robbed me of Wei Yichen. Today even Chu Yuqi is robbed. I want to tear you to pieces!"

But Lin Feng said with a cold smile: "I hate you more than that, right? Why, are you afraid that others will know? Shall I speak for you? "

Qin Huan looked at Lin Feng coldly and said, "do you know everything?"

Lin Feng said with a faint smile: "you are Qin Yue's son, Qin Shou's younger brother, how can I not know? Therefore, your design to harm me today is also related to your father and your elder brother. Therefore, the hatred between me and you is as deep as the sea

People around him were stunned.

Qin Yu and Lin Feng have other stories?

Qin Huan sneered and said, "yes! Qin Yue is my father, Qin Shou is my elder brother! You not only rob my woman, you also hurt my big brother and my father. I have to make a clear account with you today

Qin Huan also went home yesterday, only to know that something had happened to his family.

Elder brother was beaten severely by his father Qin Yue, and then he was sent overseas.

As soon as Qin Huan asked, he knew that his elder brother Qin Shou had been cheated by Lin Feng. He told all the shady things that his father had done. Besides, he confessed all the things he had done himself.

The evidence was photographed by Lin Feng with his mobile phone. Once Lin Feng released the evidence, his father and elder brother would be in danger.

So Qin Yue, his father, intends to do nothing but hire a killer to take back his mobile phone and kill Lin Feng.

However, Qin Shou feels that it is not right. If the killer is not reliable, and if he kills someone and misses his horse, the Qin family will still be implicated. It is better to find a group of reliable people and force Lin Feng to hand over his mobile phone.

All of a sudden, he thought of Ma Lian, a group of people who love to fight. People in the society are afraid of them. This Lin Feng is just a hanging thread. They can beat Lin Feng to pieces in a few times, and want to return the mobile phone.

In particular, Qin Shou knows that Wei Yichen and Chu Yuqi have a good relationship with Lin Feng. It is said that Chu Yuqi is also very ambiguous with Lin Feng, which seems to be a relationship between men and women. Therefore, Qin Shou wants to create a bureau to deceive both Chu Yuqi and Lin Feng, and then use Chu Yuqi to coerce Lin Feng.

This can not only return the phone, but also blackmail Lin Feng to delete the backup video.

Qin Yue thought that this method was perfect, double insurance and reliable, so he asked Qin Huan to do it.

However, Qin Huan didn't expect that these tesheng could not beat Lin Feng, and they also rebelled, so that he was very passive at the moment.However, he was not reconciled. He felt that these sports talents were fully capable of defeating Lin Feng. How could they be said that they were more than a dozen vigorous young men. How could they not cope with one Lin Feng? Maybe they just lacked some passion.

So Qin Huan yelled, "Ma Lian, if you don't like 100000 yuan, then I'll raise the price for you now. If more than a dozen of you come together, I don't believe that I can't beat one of them!"

Seeing that Qin Huan started to incite again, Lin Feng could not help but smile coldly and said, "Qin Huan, you are so Yin. Do your family know? Do you want me to show you a little more caution? "

Qin Huan's face was gloomy and said, "you don't have to spit blood there!"

Lin Feng said, "I'm not bloody. You'll know when I'm finished!"

Then, Lin Feng looked at the group of tesheng and said, "have you ever thought about why he robbed me of this worthless mobile phone?"

"Yes! Why? " Ma Lian always wanted to ask this question.

Lin Feng smiles and says: "because there are criminal evidence of Qin Yu's father and elder brother in my mobile phone, so he sent you here to beat me up and rob my mobile phone. After you leave, he will kill me and throw the corpse into the lake. If the body is not found, it will be fine. If it is found, he will put the blame on you, a group of special living, and let you die! After all, you have beaten all my wounds. In front of the evidence, who do you think the judge will believe? "

"Lying trough!" Hearing this, the students around him trembled and almost urinated.

They didn't expect that the matter was so complicated. They didn't expect Qin Huan to be so insidious. They almost became the knives that others used to kill people.

"How hateful "I don't care who you are, son. If you dare to harm our lives today, we can't spare you, brothers. Give it to me and maim him!"

A group of special students were filled with righteous indignation, and with hard fists, they attacked Qin Huan.

This is a group of vigorous young men who practice their bodies all day long. They can kill people from fist to meat!

Qin Huan was unable to submerge himself in their fists and kicks, but he still couldn't help shouting: "I'll give you 600000, don't fight!"

"Ah - 800000!"

"Ah - ouch - 1 million, 1 million... 1 million... Ah --"

Chu Yuqi took Lin Feng's hand and worried and said, "they won't kill people, will they?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "don't worry, I've trained them very well. Just now you saw their well-trained appearance."

"Well!" Chu Yuqi adores looking at Lin Feng, the feelings of those people just walk forward, is Lin Feng training out!

"Yes, such a well-educated group of young people will not do anything to him, so they just beat him casually. They break his hands and feet, and their skin and flesh are frail, and they can't take care of themselves." Lin Feng Road.

"Ah Chu Yuqi puffed at the corner of her mouth.

What a good one with quality and education, and a good one to fight at will!

This random beating is to beat people out of rhythm! , the fastest update of the webnovel!