The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 224

"What, did you ask the special students of the Institute of physical education to fight Lin Feng?"

After hearing Qin Huan's words, Chu Yuqi was shocked and worried.

But immediately, she remembered that when she and Ma Chunchun met the black bear in the bar, Lin Feng showed great fighting power in the face of black bear and those gangsters. She immediately put her heart down.

It's just a bunch of sports school students. No matter how strong they are, they can't beat those real bastards. Lin Feng should have no problem dealing with them.

Seeing Chu Yuqi's long sigh of relief, Qin Huan was stunned and said in a cold voice, "don't you worry? I've called more than ten special students, and I'm the best group of people in the Sports Institute. They have a record of making people disabled. With Lin Feng's thin physique, they can turn Lin Feng into a mess of mud, which will make him unable to stand up all his life! "

"Qin Huan, I don't want you to insult Lin Feng!" Chu Yuqi yelled.

Seeing that she maintained Lin Feng so much, Qin Yu was more and more angry. In school, which girl didn't look after him as a male god. But Chu Yuqi was really shameless, and he was even lower than Lin Feng. He could not help but scold Chu Yuqi directly:

"shit, Chu Yuqi, you bitch, you are sure Lin Feng has been beaten by him. How can he defend him. I tell you, I'll trample on Lin Feng's poor man and rubbish in front of you. Let you know that he is a rubbish

What Qin Huan said was the worst thing Chu Yuqi had ever heard in his life. His whole body was shaking with anger.

But she was a soft hearted and tough inside person. She glared at Qin Huan and said: "Lin Feng is not a waste. Qin Huan, you have the ability to find Lin Feng on your own. If you have the ability, you can use your own money. You only know how to rely on your family and others. What are your skills?"

"How dare you preach to me?" Qin Huan clenched his teeth, glanced at Chu Yuqi's chest, waist and abdomen, and said with an obscene smile, "Chu Yuqi, what posture did Lin Feng use when playing with you? I tell you, Lao Tzu is definitely better than him and plays better than him, and he will certainly satisfy you, a rascal

Obviously, Qin Huan didn't care what Chu Yuqi thought of him. He was deliberately insulting Chu Yuqi.

"Qin Huan, you are shameless... You are an asshole."

Chu Yuqi was so angry that she almost burst into tears. She wanted to scold Qin Huan fiercely, but she couldn't say what she said. Finally, she had to scold Qin Huan: "asshole.".

Looking at Chu Yuqi's angry appearance, Qin Huan felt a twisted pleasure in his heart. He laughed and said, "ha ha, Chu Yuqi, now let you pretend to be pure. After you taste the taste of my big bird, you will definitely kneel down and beg me to sleep with you. Lin Feng, I want your woman to submit to my crotch


Chu Yuqi's voice was trembling, and she couldn't speak out. Her tears were rolling in her eyes. She looked very pitiful. Who would have the heart to attack such a girl.

However, Qin Huan was extremely excited when he saw this scene, and said with a grim smile: "hum, I'll play with you in front of him, tear up your clothes, pinch your chest, ha ha ha...

hearing these words, Chu Yuqi looks pale and looks like a frightened deer.

Looking at Qin Yu with a grim smile on her face, she didn't think that her classmates were so terrible. This is not a human being, but an animal, even worse than an animal.

"Damn it, I can't stand it. I'll kiss you first."

Chu Yuqi's frightened expression made Qin Huan feel very excited. He took Chu Yuqi's hand, pulled Chu Yuqi to his arms, and put his mouth against Chu Yuqi's neck.

"Let me go --"

Chu Yuqi struggled hard, but his strength was far less than Qin Huan.

A tear came from the corner of her eye. She expected someone to appear and free herself from Qin Yu's hand. But looking around, there was no one around.

"Am I really to be insulted today Chu Yuqi's silver teeth clenched, her eyes showing despair.

She looked at the calm water outside the pavilion. If Qin Huan really insulted her, she decided to jump into the lake and drown, and he could not succeed.

"Ha ha ha..."

Qin Huan laughed obscenely and swallowed his saliva. Looking at his white neck, he felt his mouth dry and his whole face was congested.

Seeing that Qin Huan was about to kiss Chu Yuqi, at the critical moment, there was a sound of neat footsteps.

Qin Huan and Chu Yuqi were both stunned. They turned around and saw a group of tall men running out of the trees at the end of the bridge connecting the pavilion. They trotted to the pavilion with neat steps and even pace, making the bridge and the pavilion shake regularly, as if they were going to collapse.

Behind them, there was a joking voice shouting slogans: "one two one, one two one, one two three four..."

the group of special students also called out neatly: "one, two, three, four!"The group of people were tall, and they were the special students sent by Qin Huan to attack Lin Feng. However, they blocked the sight behind them. Qin Huan could not see who was shouting slogans behind them.

Seeing this, Qin Huan was very happy. It showed that they had finished their task and they were here to hand over the fruits of victory.

He said triumphantly to Chu Yuqi: "see, this is the quality. What can't such a group of strong men send to the past, and all of them have to be beaten and maimed? I'll show you how your Lin Feng turned into a pile of rubbish

When the group ran in front of Qin Huan, they heard the slogan from behind: "stand firm --"


This group of special students is really like military training, standing in a water, and then, diverging a little.

Then he called out, "stand still, relax!"

"Pa pa pa -" the group of tesheng repeated the action.

This scene made Qin Huan laugh. He turned to Chu Yuqi and said, "see, this is the power of money. One hundred thousand yuan can make them obedient and obedient. Can Lin Feng do this? Hum

Then he looked at the group of tesheng and waved like a leader: "OK, OK, I know you respect me very much. I will give you the money truthfully. What, the people I want, the mobile phone, take it out!"

Because the team was arranged in the order of big and small rows, the first one was tesheng, who was more than two meters tall. He was the leader of the group. Qin Huan also talked to him about this matter at that time.

Without saying a word, he came up and gave Qin Huan a mouth.

Qin Huan was surprised. He looked at the tall man, and he became angry: "Ma face, what are you doing? You hit me? Are you crazy? "

"I'm not crazy! I hit you Ma's face was angry and said, "you cheated more than ten brothers of us to beat people, and gave 100000 yuan to them. Do you know how fierce the man is? If we don't accept soft, we will all be beaten and killed today. You and he will spend 100000 yuan to let our brother work for you. You are really insidious! Who do you hit if I don't? "

"What?" Qin Huan was stunned. He didn't understand what was going on.

At this time, a man came from behind the group. He pushed a bicycle and said slowly, "Qin Huan, are you going to beat me up?"

Qin Huan suddenly looked at him. When he saw the man pushing the bicycle, he was shocked!

"Lin Feng!"

"Yes, it's me!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "how about it? Surprise or not? Are you surprised? Ha ha ha , the fastest update of the webnovel!