The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 223

"Don't hit me, I said, I said!" The high individual tesheng said, "Qin Huan asked us to come."

"Oh?" Lin Feng chuckled. He said that Qin Huan didn't give up and sent someone to ambush him on the road.

He played basketball bullfight with Qin Yu and defeated Qin Yu. Then Qin Huan asked long Shao to deal with him. As a result, he played a trick on him in a French restaurant.

It seems that this man has a grudge. He even seduces himself with this scheme.

In fact, when Lin Feng received Chu Yuqi's information, he knew that Chu Yuqi must have been used.

Even though Chu Yuqi was hungry and thirsty, he would not say such explicit words to Lin Feng. So Lin Feng put down Su Jing and the drag racing party and came here quickly.

As expected, as soon as he arrived, he was surrounded by people in ambush.

However, Qin Huan didn't know Lin Feng's strength. He thought that more than ten special talents could deal with Lin Feng!

Lin Feng looked at the group of people who were lying on the ground and moaned bitterly. He yelled: "all his mother, stand up, don't pretend to be dead!"

Lin Feng didn't do any hard work at all, so the injuries of these people were not serious.

This group of guys are usually used to pamper themselves. When they encounter such strong opponents, they are obviously counselled. One by one, they listen to Lin Feng's cry and immediately get up from the ground.

"Tell me, will you suffer such a crime if you tell me the name of the Lord in advance?" Lin Feng said.

"No, no!"

"We are wrong!"

"How much money did he give you to deal with me?" asked Lin Feng

The tall individual tesheng said, "100000!"

"Ah Lin Feng was very dissatisfied and said, "Qin Huan doesn't take me seriously? How can we pay 100000 yuan! Am I so cheap? "

His words immediately aroused everyone's anger, and high individual tesheng was very angry and said: "Damn it, Qin Yu can really trap people. Let's deal with such a big God B, we should give 100000 yuan. We knew that he would not take this life!"

"Yes, it's too deep!"

"Qin Huan, this villain!"


"that's it Lin Feng coughed twice and said, "listen to me, stand at attention!"

This group of people was gathered by Lin Feng, obedient, quickly stand at attention.

"Come on, stand in a row according to the size, listen to my command, go, take me to find Qin Yu!"




in the middle of the back area of the Commercial University, there is a lake. In the middle of the lake, there is a pavilion. Standing on the pavilion, you can see the ripples of the lake surface, which is very poetic and picturesque.

At this time, two people were sitting in the pavilion.

"Qin Huan, what did you ask me to do here?" Chu Yuqi's face was impatient: "you give me back the mobile phone quickly!"

Qin Huan said with a smile, "it's not easy to ask a beauty of Chu to come here to see the lake."

He said, he looked at Chu Yuqi's bulging chest, without avoiding his own hot eyes.

Chu Yuqi was disgusted and quickly turned to the side and said, "you... You said that Lin Feng was here, I just came here. As a result, Lin Feng was not there. You also robbed my mobile phone. What do you want to do

Qin Yu said, "I don't want to do anything!" With that, he threw the mobile phone to Chu Yuqi. Anyway, the mobile phone ran out, and the message sent to Lin Feng was deleted. It didn't matter to Chu Yuqi.

Qin Huan looked at Chu Yuqi attentively and said, "you know, I am the captain of the school team, and I am the idol of many girls. You are the goddess of many men's lust. We are a perfect match. Don't you have any idea about me?"

Several top beautiful beauties of commercial university are all famous in our school. Wei Yichen is one of them, and Chu Yuqi is one of them.

Seeing that Wei Yichen couldn't make it, Qin Huan moved Chu Yuqi's mind. In addition, he heard that Chu Yuqi had a relationship with Lin Feng. He wanted to put Chu Yuqi on the bed and give you a big green hat!

"How about Chu? Do you think so when I say that? " Qin Huan said confidently.

"Well, don't even think about it!" Chu Yuqi was disgusted and said in a loud voice, "don't stop me, I want to go home!"

Say, turn around to walk!

But Qin Huan stepped forward, grabbed Chu Yuqi's hand and said, "ah! Miss Chu, I also know your family situation. I heard that you are short of money, so I can make sure that if you follow me, I will give you a lot of money! "

"Qin Huan, I didn't expect you to be such a person. I wouldn't want your stinky money!" Hearing this, Chu Yuqi's face turned red.

She didn't have much contact with Qin Yu all the time. Today is the most spoken time. But she didn't expect Qin Huan to say such a thing. She was really angry.

He was so angry that his chest fluctuated. His magnificent front chest moved with a tremor. Qin Huan could not bear to see it. He almost reached for it.Qin Huan took a mouthful of saliva. He said that you were trying so hard to go to school just to make money. You still pretended to be a goddamn high man in front of me. Bah!

Qin Huan looked at Chu Yuqi with disdain and said, "Chu Yuqi, are you afraid that I don't have enough money? I tell you, I can give you 20000 yuan a month. I only need to sleep with you four or five times. If you get the money, you are happy. You can pick up your stool. Do you know that? "

Hearing Qin Huan's foul language, Chu Yuqi trembled and said, "Qin Huan, you are really shameless. Do you think money is great? I tell you, no matter how rich you are, I look down on you

Qin Huan was enraged by this sentence. Qin Huan glared and roared: "you look down on me, you can look up to Lin Feng, don't you? What's good about him? He's just a poor guy. He rides a bad bike and idles around all day. I'm a hundred times better than his bad guy! He's just a pauper

"Shut up Chu Yuqi was also angry. She said to Qin Huan in an extreme tone: "you are not allowed to say that Lin Feng. Lin Feng is good-natured and kind-hearted. He is better than you in every street."

"Damn it, you dare say that to me!" Qin Huan grabbed Chu Yuqi's hand and threatened, "there's no one here. Do you believe I'll do it now?"

Speaking of this, Chu Yuqi was flustered. It is true that few people come to this area at ordinary times, and many people come over at night to shoot a cannon and leave. If Qin Huan did, he didn't know what to do.

Chu Yuqi's brain quickly turned, a bright way in the brain: "since you know I know Lin Feng, you are not afraid of Lin Feng killing you?"

In Chu Yuqi's mind, Lin Feng is a good fighter. He has seen Lin Feng's hand more than once or twice, so he wants to scare Qin Yu with Lin Feng.

But Qin Huan didn't know!

"I'm so scared! I'm afraid of him! Ha ha ha Qin Huan laughed, and then said grimly: "but I'm afraid it's him who died today. No, I can't kill him. I'll make him disabled for life and make him suffer for a lifetime."

Hearing this, Chu Yuqi was shocked and said, "Qin Huan, what have you done to Lin Feng?"

Seeing Chu Yuqi worried about Lin Feng, Qin Huan said coldly, "hum, I'm not afraid to tell you that I paid for a dozen special students to clean up Lin Feng for me. After a while, they will drag Lin Feng, who is half dead, to me. You wait and see!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!