The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 222

"Sleeping trough! What's the situation? " Lin Feng heart a joy: "Chu Yuqi is the beginning of love?"

Thinking of Chu Yuqi's huge white rabbit, as well as sexy waist and round buttocks, Lin Feng smashed it a few times, and smilingly returned a message: "you wait for me, I'm coming!"

After sending the news, Lin Feng's face flashed a trace of cold that ordinary people are not easy to detect, because he can be sure that this message was not sent by Chu Yuqi!

It's urgent, so we can't take Su Jing. So Lin Feng asked Chen Da and mice to protect Su Jing for the time being. After all, there won't be any dangerous people in the base camp of the drag racing party. Rats can detect the situation around them through the instrument. Once someone is approaching with weapons, he will inform Lin Feng at any time.

So Su Jing was still very safe. Lin Feng said hello to the people and said that he would come back to the dinner party as soon as possible if he had something to deal with. Then, he rode his ladyback bicycle to the commercial university.

Jincheng commercial university is located in the West District of the city. It is one of the few universities in Jincheng and the best commercial university.

Among them, there are some top school bullies and powerful backdoor players, so the school is also full of all kinds of people, such as Chu Yuqi, who are poor and hard-working, Wei Yichen, a little princess, and, of course, Qin Yu's kind of dandy.

The last time Lin Feng fought Qin Yu on the basketball court of this school and defeated Qin Yu.

So Lin Feng is no stranger here.

On his bike, he entered the gate and rode towards the man-made Park in the back area.

The man-made Park in the back area is actually a large area of trees and grass. The original environment is well preserved. The reason for artificial park is that there is a lake in the middle, and there is a man-made Pavilion on the lake for people to rest!

Chu Yuqi sends a message that she is waiting for Lin Feng in the pavilion.

Lin Feng rides his bicycle to go inside. The roads here are sandy, the grass is very high, and the trees are very dense. Occasionally, you can see toilet paper and plastic bags in the woods, and condoms hang in other places. It seems that it is a good place for lovers to fight in the field!

Lin Feng rode his bicycle forward, suddenly, a dozen of big boys rushed out of the trees on both sides.

"Stop!" The first one had a big arm and a round waist, which was two meters high. He was very aggressive and frightening.

But look at the skin and the appearance, it should be the students of this place.

"Ah, where is this place? How can there be robbers?" Lin Feng jumped off his bicycle and said, "some big brothers, rob money or rob lust?"

"Don't be such a smooth mouth!" The two meter tall man said, "hand in your cell phone! Come on

"My cell phone is not worth money! I don't believe you Lin Feng took out his hand to show them.

It's an old-fashioned junk phone.

This kind of mobile phone, for ordinary people to see, is a fake, worthless, but if they know the secret, they will be surprised to drop their chin.

Only these mysteries are known only by Lin Feng and his team.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "you see, this mobile phone is not very broken, I am poor into this, can not rob ah?"

"No, I'll take your phone!" The tall one is very persistent.

Lin Feng sighed: "Alas, mobile phone can't be given to you, because I'm using it to connect with others. But it's not easy for you to rob once. I'm very considerate of you. So, let's first assume that I owe you a mobile phone, and I'll buy you the best one some day! Keep your word! I have something else to do today. I have to go first! In vain

Then he pushed the bicycle and scowled forward: "come on, let's go, let's get your feet back. Ha, don't run over you!"

These ten people see a Leng a Leng, is our group of sports institute sports specialty students, is not fierce enough? Are you not afraid at all?

"Stop for me The two meter tall man said angrily, "you think we're kidding you, don't you?"

"Why? How can you make such a joke? You're obviously serious! You are very bluffing and scared me, so I plan to give you a mobile phone some other day, but today, please let go Lin Feng said.

"I didn't see him afraid." Said one next to him.

"Shit, this kid is just teasing us!" Another yelled, "hit him!"

"Yes, the gold master said that he robbed the mobile phone and then abandoned him. It's better for us to scrap him first!" Said the other.

"Oh, my brothers, who have I provoked? Who is the Lord of gold Lin Feng asked.

"You don't deserve to know!" The tall one scolded.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "big man, I don't like to hear you talk like this. I want to know who the gold Lord is, isn't it easy?"

"Ha ha ha ha!" The group of people ridiculed, the big tall face disdainful way: "you boast B can blow more powerful? Riding a broken bike, wearing cheap clothes and holding a fake machine in your hand, you are more than 100000 miles away from our gold master. I don't know why we spend a lot of money to let us take care of you! And he robbed you of a broken cell phone. Oh, I don't understand! ""What, you really don't believe I can find out who your gold owner is soon?" Lin Feng said, "I'm for you. It's much more comfortable for you to say who the gold Lord is now than to say it later."

"Are you stupid? Ha ha ha This group of people couldn't stop laughing again. A few tears almost came out. How could this boy with hanging silk live in his own world? Mentally retarded?

Lin Feng watched them laugh at themselves, and he grinned. Then he slowly put the bicycle aside.

"A bunch of stupid B's, don't they Lin Feng put the mobile phone in his pocket and rubbed his wrist: "then don't ink, let's go together!"

"Damn you, do you dare to scold us? You are very arrogant, boy The two meters high waved to the back, "come on, beat him up!"

As soon as the voice dropped, more than a dozen students, more than 1.8 meters in size, rushed to Lin Feng.

That kind of momentum is not built, they usually walk sideways in school, others are afraid to offend them, hide far away, what's more, now that everyone is angry together, this powerful atmosphere can almost frighten ordinary students to urinate.

However, Lin Feng is a smile, a flash of figure, suddenly appeared in the middle of this group of people.

At this time, these people found that Lin Feng was powerful. He was like a gust of wind. He could be seen clearly, but he could not be touched. He flashed from left to right in the crowd. Everyone felt that a certain part of himself was suddenly attacked, and then a burst of pain suddenly made him lose his combat effectiveness.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Feng turned over seven or eight people.

This group of students in the Institute of physical education are all from the sports background. They look very strong, but in Lin Feng's eyes, they are just a bunch of local chickens and dogs, and their combat effectiveness is not worth mentioning.

Seeing seven or eight people lying down on their own side, the others were startled and retreated one after another.

Where have they ever seen such a situation? When they bully people and beat people, they always have the absolute upper hand. Today, when they encounter a hard stubble, they are obviously counselled!

But the two meters tall seemed to be their leader. He hesitated, but he did not give up. He fiercely called out to those who retreated: "go up to me, kill him!"

With the encouragement of the tall youth, the rest of them roared to Lin Feng again.

This time, Lin Feng went through the crowd faster. He could only see the shadow when he punched so fast. When he reached the tail of the crowd, he made a shrill scream, and everyone lay on the ground in pain.

Nima, so fierce!

the tall young man was completely shocked. He looked at Lin Feng with a banter and smile on his face. How could he imagine that there are people with such fierce fighting power in the world? They are even better than those in the movie.

Lin Feng patted the dust on his body and walked towards the tall man step by step. His eyes were filled with chilling cold,

at this time, he was so scared that he felt his bladder constricted and almost urinated.

Seeing Lin Feng come to him, he was extremely frightened. His legs were soft and he knelt down directly.

"Brother, I'm wrong... Don't hit me... Big brother..."

"say, who hired you?" Lin Feng asked aloud. , the fastest update of the webnovel!