The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 221

The truck, like an angry Beast, ran over Lin Feng directly.

"Boom -"

the front of the car crashed into the four meter high wall of the drag racing party. The front wall collapsed, and the front of the car crashed into it. A lot of bricks and broken windshield debris poured into the cab. It was a mess and very tragic.

"Lin Feng --"

"boss --"

"chariot God --"

everyone yelled and ran towards this side.

In particular, Su Jing and Wei Yichen were the most urgent runners. After running a few steps, Su Jing found that her high-heeled shoes did not fit her feet, so she grabbed the high-heeled shoes in her hand and ran this way.

"Boss -" Wei Yichen called a few times. Seeing that Lin Feng didn't respond, he burst into tears: "boss, what's the matter with you? Do you want to reply? Don't scare me, boss

Wei Yichen cried with tears, crying very sad.

Su Jing looks panicked. She doesn't know this will happen. Isn't Lin Feng very fierce? Why don't you know how to hide at the critical moment?

Su Jing was very sad. She felt a lump on her chest and wanted to cry.

Others who saw this scene were silent.

The God of fire is really crazy, like a mad dog, but it's a pity that the God of chariot is so fierce that he can't escape the fate of the wheel.

Chen Da was even more grieved. He was happy because of his son just now, but he was in extreme grief. If it wasn't for Lin Feng, he would be hanged by Huoshen today!

For a moment, the atmosphere was very low.

However, at this time, but heard a joking voice came over: "I said you, a sad face, why ah? Give me a memorial service? "

At this time, people see the door of the front of the car opened, and a man poked his head out of it!

"Boss -" Wei Yichen rubbed his red and swollen eyes with his hands. He couldn't believe this scene.

Su Jing saw that it was Lin Feng, and it was intact. She let out a long breath, and the depression on her chest vanished in a moment.

"Boss, you're not..." Wei Yi Chen points to the front of the car in surprise and says incoherently!

"Am I not under the car? Why did you suddenly get in the front of the car? Is that what you want to ask? " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Mm-hmm!" Wei Yichen nods wildly.

"There's room under the car, of course, I can't be killed!" Lin Feng said: "then the moment the car hit the wall, I broke the window in front of me into the cab!"

It's just that Lin Feng's speed is too fast. These people didn't come up at that time, and their sight was obstructed, so they couldn't see.

"Then why don't you stay away? It's dangerous to lie under the car!" At this time, Su Jing scolded her. She was scared to death.

Lin Feng scratched his head and said with a smile: "if I dodge, he won't hit the wall. He will always chase me and play in this yard. Do you think about the consequences?"

What Lin Feng said was light and light, but to Su Jing's ears, she was shocked.

It turned out that Lin Feng was deliberately using tricks to induce Huoshen himself to have a car accident.

The God of fire has been like a mad dog. If he is left alone, there will be people everywhere in the yard. If the truck goes all the way, it will certainly cause certain casualties and even the lives of all people will be threatened!

Lin Feng seems to be careless, but his mind is extremely delicate at the critical moment. He is always able to think about him, but he takes risks. Just like the last bathroom incident, he stepped on the glass and sent himself safely to the bedroom!

Su Jing looked at Lin Feng and felt a deep admiration in her heart.

However, the people around him also understood Lin Feng's practice in an instant, and they revered him immensely. The car God, the worthy car God, not only has excellent car skills, but also has nothing to say about his character.

V-big, who has always been known for his ruthlessness and arrogance, is also interested in looking at the God of vehicles.

This man, a pair of hanging silk dress, is always a casual and cynical look, the critical moment, but always calm and self-confident, to turn the tide, she suddenly had a strong interest in Lin Feng.

Because she had traveled all over Asia and had not met any decent rivals, when he was very disappointed, a veteran figure of the international drag racing Federation told him that there was a driver named "Shura" in Huaxia, who had set a record of 100 total wins in the international Drag Racing League, and then disappeared quietly.

Therefore, the purpose of V University's returning home is to seek "Shura".

Her goal, also a wish, is to be able to compete with "Shura".

But he is not sure whether Lin Feng is "Shura", but finally has a goal. Next, she only needs to observe Lin Feng more.

At this time, Lin Feng pulled the God of fire out of the cab. The God of fire was covered with blood and was in a coma.

"This is the remnant of your drag racing party. Do you want me to solve it for you?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Vulcan, a scum, can't get rid of hatred even if it's killed a hundred times!""Yes, kill him, vent your anger!"


these people are not afraid of the big things, and they are clamoring to kill the God of fire.

However, at this time, there was a black rope flying from the other end of the wall and directly put on the body of the God of fire.

I don't know what kind of material the rope is made of. It looks very elastic. At the moment it is placed on the body of Vulcan, it will shrink instantly and bind the body of Vulcan directly.

As soon as the person at the other end of the wall exerted force, the black rope bounced, and the body of the God of fire was pulled out of the wall directly.

The whole movement was completed in a flash.

The speed is amazing.

Everyone has not reflected, but Lin Feng is the first to jump on the wall and look down.

The door of an old black Jetta car just closed, the sound of the motor sounded, and the car left.

But Lin Feng didn't chase him. He just stood on the wall with a smile: "the God of fire is quite valuable. There are still people to pick up at the critical moment. It's OK!"

Huoshen's power has disintegrated, and his younger brother has all defected and become Chen Da's subordinates, so there is no need to deal with Huoshen.

However, it seems that the person who picked him up was very good. At least Lin Feng had not seen such a quick hand in Jincheng for such a long time.

A soul pursuit with incomparably skilled, a look is a master!

However, Lin Feng is too lazy to think so much. Soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. Let's toss and toss. I'll just stop by static!

"Boss, who took the Vulcan away?" Wei Yichen came up and asked.

"I don't know. Is it his partner? Oh, don't worry. Today is the day of the drag racing party. We should be happy Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, the evil animal has been removed. We should be happy and happy!" Sima Yufeng said.

Everyone began to cheer. Several people came up and directly threw Lin Feng up and down in the air. Su Jing and others were happy. It was a happy scene.

Chen Da has undoubtedly become the leader of the drag racing party. Since Chai Gou died, the drag racing party has been falling apart. Today, with the help of Lin Feng, it has finally completed the reunification. Therefore, Sima Yufeng suggests that Lin Feng be given a position in the drag racing party, which is called the peace Ambassador of the drag racing party!

This position is not controlled by anyone, but the position is as high as the leader of the drag racing party.

People all agreed that Lin Feng's performance was too outstanding in these days and should be honored.

White hair at this time with that group of children who had gone to Dongsheng Group to make trouble, came to Lin Feng's side, and suddenly all knelt down and apologized.

"The God of chariots is that we are blind to Taishan. We know that we are wrong, and we will never dare to do these immoral things again!" White hair pain heart disease first.

"Can you change one end of your hair to black before you correct it?" Lin Feng said.

"Of course, of course, I'd like to change it!" He said with a smile.

Lin Feng also said with a smile: "if you know your mistakes, you can't do anything immoral in the future. I can forgive you. If you make mistakes again, I'll..."

Baimao was scared to say that he didn't dare to dare to die.

Seeing Baimao's advice, others burst into laughter.

At this time, Lin Feng's mobile phone suddenly received an ambiguous message, which was actually sent by Chu Yuqi.

The text message on a few words: "Lin Feng, I've figured it out, I'll be your person sooner or later, so I'll wait for you in the small woods in the back area of the commercial university. Come on, i... I can't help it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!