The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 220

The God of fire looked at Lin Feng angrily: "Lin Feng, you don't want to be too much!"

"What? Don't you agree? " Seeing the God of fire like that, Lin Feng said with a smile, "you can't agree. I'll let you see the newspaper tomorrow!"

"Wait!" The God of fire bit his teeth. He tried his best to tell himself to be calm. Then, he thought about it carefully.

He felt that even if he was the leader of the election, it would be difficult to convince the public. He could only think for a long time. As long as he destroyed the things in Lin Feng's hands, he believed that he would be able to make a comeback within a short time.

He said, "OK, I agree to abstain and let Chen Dalai be the leader of the drag racing party!"

Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction, mentioned the Lama, and said, "well, everyone heard clearly. He abstained, but Chen Da did not abstain, so the person in charge of this time is Chen Dali!"

Then, he turned to Chen Da and said, "don't be depressed. Everyone knows that it's not easy for you. I'll be ready to speak as the host in a moment."

Chen Da was ecstatic, but then he shook his head.

Just yesterday, his son disappeared in the kindergarten, so he lost his soul. To this day, he knew that it was the God of fire. He asked the God of fire privately today, and the God of fire promised him that if he was the master, he would release his son immediately.

Therefore, he is afraid to speak on the stage now.

At this time, the God of fire was already impatient. He whispered to Lin Feng, "now I've given everything out. I have nothing left. So, you should give me the video, too?"

"What?" Lin Feng was very surprised to see the God of fire: "did I say to give you the video?"

"You said no video exposure!" "You said it yourself," said the God of fire

"Yes, but I didn't say to give you the video. I don't expose the video, but I can show the video to the relevant departments. Then, you don't want to escape. If you do something wrong, you have to obey the law. Do you think it's over to send a few cars to the person in charge?" Lin Feng looked at the God of fire with a smile.

Huoshen Leng in the spot, looking at Lin Feng's smile, I feel that he is laughing at his stupid B.

He was teased by Lin Feng more than once. From the beginning, he was hijacked by Lin Feng in the bar. At the poetry meeting of the order of Phoenix, he was humiliated by Lin Feng. In the last drag racing competition, he was put together by Lin Feng. In the eastern mining area last week, he was pricked with an anesthetic needle by Lin Feng and carried out by his younger brother ...

when he recalled all this, his anger was like a flood that burst out of the dike in an instant.

Anyway, that video has not come back, and he does not intend to ask for it any more. At the moment, he just wants to kill Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, you can't die! I'm going to kill you today

"Big brother, don't be impulsive Bai Mao rushed to the side.

He is a loyal follower of the God of fire, he firmly believes in the ability of the God of fire, even if the God of fire can not be the master, he also decided to mix with the God of fire!

"Get the hell out of my way!" Huoshen pushed hard and pushed the white hair out.

"Ah --" Baimao falls down carelessly, the back of his head bumps into the stool leg of the seat, and the blood gulps down the neck to the clothes.

"Brother white hair!" Several people rushed forward to help Baimao.

Other people couldn't look down and said, "brother Huoshen, brother Baimao is also for you. Why do you have such a heavy hand?"

As soon as the God of fire heard this, he was furious: "do you dare to talk to me like this now? You look down on me, don't you? "

"No, big brother Vulcan. Don't get excited!"

"Am I excited about you?" The God of fire looked at the group of young brothers who were respectful to him in the past, but now they are defecting one after another. His confidence in his heart has begun to collapse. This is the most vulnerable time in his heart. Everyone's words and deeds will be infinitely magnified in his eyes.

"Why don't you see you so attentive when you're hanging out with me The God of fire cursed: "a group of pickpockets."

"Brother Huoshen, don't scold people Have younger brother dissatisfaction way.

"I'll scold, I'll fuck you, I'll fuck your ancestors!" The God of fire scolded the younger brothers, his eyes scarlet, like a wild animal.

Baimao's heart was completely cold. He shook his head and sighed deeply: "brother, brothers have always been loyal to you. If you say this kind of words, you really make the brothers feel cold!"

"To you! Return brother, do you deserve to be my brother? You don't deserve it. I've never been a brother to you. I want to squeeze you. I want to take your money to do business with others. What's the matter? I like to do this, you stupid B! " The God of fire was so angry that he was already destroyed.

"You can't afford to lose!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "you so scold brothers, really good?"

"Lin Feng, don't pretend to be a good person here. I'm not afraid to tell you that Chen Da's son is tied up by me, and I'm going to tear up the ticket now!" The God of fire roared."What?" They were shocked again. Did Huoshen tie Chen Da's son? It's not human!

"Vulcan, don't mess with me!" V yelled.

"Well, stinky woman, mind your own business!" The God of fire gnashed his teeth and said to Chen Da, "Chen Da, if your son died today, you go to find Lin Feng to settle accounts. If it wasn't for him, I would have let your son go! But Lin Feng angered me. We should not think about it

"Comrade ah Huo, why are you always so excited?" Lin Feng said lazily, "I'll give you a chance to tear up the ticket. Did you tear it?"

With that, he whistled with a smile.

The mouse, with Chen Da's son, appeared in the public view.

Lin Feng heard Wei Yichen said yesterday that Chen Da's son was in danger, so he and the mouse finished the matter last night.

"Dad The little guy cried and ran to Chen Da!

"My dear son, it's all father's fault!" Chen Dali burst into tears and hugged her son, tears and snot flowed together. She was completely lost of the look of a great man.

People around him couldn't help but feel moved. They thought of Chen Da's words on the stage and gave Chen Da a thumbs up.

In order to give up everything for his family, Chen Da is a man, more than the God of fire.

Chen Da, at this time, felt like a dream, this feeling, like suddenly from hell to heaven, it was too exciting.

"Chariot, how can I repay you?" Chen Da is going to kneel down for Lin Feng. Lin Feng helped him at a critical moment more than once, and he really didn't expect to repay him.

"There is gold under a man's knee!" Lin Feng held Chen Da with one hand: "you're welcome."

Then he turned his head and looked at the God of fire: "Liu ah Huo, in order to be the master, you will do anything to harm your opponents and your brothers. You will take the interests of the drag racing party as your chips to play with. People like you should be despised by thousands of people!"

At this time, he didn't think that today was the end of his life.

Lin Feng continued: "remember the divination I gave you? You'll have a week to run wild, and today is the last day! "

Hearing this, Su Jing had to admire Lin Feng's ability. From the beginning, as a bystander, he witnessed that Lin Feng would turn a dead end and turn it around completely. Moreover, could Lin Feng really do divination? Some other day, or do you have a divination with him?

But at this time, the God of fire was completely violent. He was like a madman, his eyes were red and he yelled: "Lin Feng, I'll fuck you, I'll kill you even if I fight for my life today!" With that, he burst out of the crowd and ran north.

"Vulcan wants to run!" Someone yelled!

"He insulted us and wanted to run. There's no such good thing!"

"Yes, we can't let him run away, let's chase him!"


people were so indignant that they would chase for the north of the drag racing party compound.

But Lin Feng is a big trumpet, said: "don't chase, he will come back!"

Just before Lin Feng finished speaking for a long time, the roar of a motor began to ring. When we saw it, it was the God of fire driving a truck to kill him back.

The truck head speed is very fast, towards the crowd on the rolling over.

They were shocked and dodged in a hurry. However, they could see that the truck was rolling directly towards Lin Feng.

"Crouch, comrade a Huo, you're a real fucker!" Lin Feng turned his head and ran ahead.

But amazingly, Lin Feng seemed to be scared. He ran straight all the way to the bottom of the wall. There was no road ahead.

At this time, the whistle sounded behind him, and the God of fire sat in the head of the truck with a grim smile on his face.

"Lin Feng, die, I'll crush you into meat paste!" The God of fire glared at scarlet eyes and stepped on the accelerator, and the truck was in front of Lin Feng in an instant.

"Ah -" exclaimed Wei Yichen and Su Jing.

Because the speed of the truck was very fast, Lin Feng seemed to be scared and silly again. He just stood under the wall not far away, staring at the truck.

If this goes on, Lin Feng will surely die!

But it's too late to stop it.

However, when the truck head was only less than one meter away from Lin Feng, he saw a smile on his mouth, and instantly turned back and lay on the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!