The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 219

Outside, everyone was a little surprised. What did the God of fire and the God of chariot mutter?

When everyone was puzzled, Huoshen suddenly picked up the vegetable horn and said to Su Jing at the table, "I don't want your Dongsheng Group's mine. We'll draw a clear line. The well water doesn't offend the river."

"What?" Su Jing didn't understand. Just now, the rascal leader was still talking about taking the mine. Why didn't he suddenly?

But Lin Feng said on one side: "Comrade ah Huo, you have no sincerity at all. You have to apologize to my boss first."

He took the megaphone to buy vegetables, handed the microphone to the God of fire, and said, "sorry first!"

Huoshen took the microphone and said to Su Jing, "I'm sorry, I sincerely apologize to you!"

"Speak up!" Lin Feng shouts, and then puts the big horn in front of the microphone to enlarge the volume for the God of fire.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Su. I shouldn't have had a bad time with you. The mine of Dongsheng group belongs to you. I will never move a cent in the future."

Su Jing was shocked and stunned on the spot!

What's more, everyone present was shocked!

Why did Huoshen suddenly change his mind? What's more, he seems to be afraid of Lin Feng!

But all of a sudden, everyone reacted. Just now the car God sent these chat records, which should be true. The God of fire was seized by Lin Feng and immediately counselled.

Wei Yichen and Chen Dalton came to the spirit, it seems that the situation has the meaning of reversal!

"Are you sure you won't harass Dongsheng Group in the future?" Su Jing can't believe it!

"Sure! I'm sure! " Said the God of fire.

A big stone fell to the ground on her chest, and suddenly she felt relaxed. Like a cloud of haze, Su Jingru's business of dividing the mines in the eastern district was shrouded in her head all day long. Now, she suddenly opened the clouds and saw the sun. Suddenly, Su Jing felt very comfortable both physically and mentally.

But at this time, Lin Feng said, "Comrade ah Huo, are you so finished? We, Su Zong, are tired of this. It's the daytime, the night, the nervous system and endocrine disorders. She's a great beauty. It's not a little bit of an impact on her! "

"What about that?" Asked the God of fire.

"What? It's a big deal! " Lin Feng said: "you think, she was originally a peerless beauty. There were many rich children staring at her. When you made such a fuss, her face fell, and then she lost the chance to marry into a powerful family. A huge fortune was wasted, at least a few hundred million yuan was lost!"

Lin Feng said seriously: "so you have to compensate. Now it's too late to make compensation. I'll make a preliminary estimate of millions. At least make some cosmetics, do an operation or something, and keep your appearance!"

"What? Millions? " Fire god heart said that this Lin Feng is not wrong? Last time I just lost money to you, this time it's obviously extortion?

The reason for this bullshit seems to be closely linked. In fact, it is absurd and uninhibited. How can it be pulled to millions?

But he didn't dare to refuse directly. He changed his way and said, "I don't think that Su's beauty has not been reduced. It's more beautiful than before."

"If I say it goes down, it goes down!" Lin Feng roared.

"Oh, good, good, low!" The God of fire bit his teeth and was helpless.

Su Jing is full of black lines.

"So, you have to pay for it," said Lin Feng

"But I don't have that much money." The God of fire cried.

"No money, do you? Don't you have a cool car? Sarin S5, right? Take that one for it Lin Feng insidious smile, he knew the God of fire will say so, so in advance are good.

When the God of fire heard this, his heart was bleeding. That's my favorite. I haven't driven it several times!

However, he can't help it. If he doesn't appease Lin Feng and is stabbed out by Lin Feng, he will suffer.

After weighing it, Vulcan said, "OK, I'll give it to you."


Everyone exclaimed, the God of fire even gave his coolest car to Lin Feng.

Even Su Jing was in a daze. Lin Feng asked for other people's cars in a few words.

But Lin Feng just a simple smile, Huoshen usually do a lot of bad things, he remember clearly in his heart, want you a car, is really too cheap you!

The God of fire asked Lin Feng in a low voice, "are you satisfied now?"

"I'm very satisfied!" Lin Feng called out with a vegetable horn

The God of fire frowned and said in a subdued voice, "then, give me the video!"

"No way!" Lin Feng said: "you said any conditions are agreed, I have not yet mentioned the conditions!"

The God of fire bit his teeth and said, "well, what conditions do you have to say at one time?"

Lin Feng looked blankly at the God of fire and said, "you have to make it clear that once this video is confiscated, you and Qin Yue are doomed. Is it a small matter to buy and sell land privately?"

Huoshen quickly said with a smile on his face: "I know, I know, Lin Feng, don't be angry. What conditions do you have? Just say it slowly and slowly!"It's hard to imagine that the flamboyant and hot tempered racing party boss Huoshen is like a good grandson in front of Lin Feng today.

The people outside did not speak, one by one surprised open mouth, looking at the two people in the field.

Lin Feng said: "now, my second condition is to apologize to Wei Yichen!"

"OK, OK!"

The God of fire quickly said to Wei Yichen, "I'm wrong. I shouldn't have teased you just now."

As long as Lin Feng doesn't give the video, he will keep the green hills and bear the humiliation of today's crotch. He will have to rebuild the old mountains in the future!

Therefore, in front of all the members of the drag racing party, the God of fire lost his face, but he still had to squeeze out a smile, showing very humble.

"Beauty Wei, please forgive me!" Said the God of fire.

"I want her to forgive you, but it's not that easy! Unless you give her your MV Agusta f4000r Superbike, or she will not forgive you! " Lin Feng said, toward Wei Yi morning smile squeeze eyes.

Wei Yichen understood, turned his face and ignored the God of fire.

The God of fire naturally knew what Lin Feng meant. He bit his teeth and said, "good, send, send you!"

"Good!" Wei Yicheng laughed and jumped up and said to Lin Feng, "boss, I love you, Moda!"

Look around the people a Leng Leng, very jealous.

Vulcan teeth are almost broken, this Lin Feng, really damn hard to entangle ah, his feeling now, is simply not as good as death!

Lin Feng said with a smile: "in view of your good attitude, I will definitely raise the last condition!"

The God of fire finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "you say it!"

Lin Feng said, "you, give up the election and let Chen Da be the leader of the drag racing party!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!