The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 218

"Boss!" Wei Yichen suddenly moved to cry.

She thought that Lin Feng had brought Su Jing to visit, but she was still very angry. Unexpectedly, the boss stood up for him at this time. It seems that the eldest brother still has his own in mind.

Lin Feng smiles at Wei Yichen and says, "don't worry, look at me!"

Said, he went to Sima Yufeng and V big in front of him, said: "that what, although I am not a member of the drag racing party, but I want to go up and say a few words, OK?"

Sima Yufeng had a very good impression on Lin Feng. When he met for the first time, he was very impressed by his respect and courtesy.

But v big, although does not have the good feeling to the Lin Feng, but also does not have the evil feeling, is 100 times stronger than that fire god.

Therefore, Sima Yufeng and V big both said yes!

"What do you want to say?" The God of fire knows that Lin Feng is very smart, so every time Lin Feng has an action, he is very nervous.

Especially today, on such a large occasion, such an important thing, we must not make mistakes.

He picked up the microphone and said, "Lin Feng is not a member of the drag racing party. I don't allow him to speak."

"Comrade ah Huo, you're a little swollen!" Lin Feng's ruffian and ruffian said with a smile: "you are not the person in charge now. If you are the person in charge, who can you put in your eyes?"

"Shit, you don't talk shit. You're not qualified to speak!" The God of fire said angrily.

At this time, Sima Yuefeng couldn't look down. The God of fire was really too arrogant. He said, "Lin Feng is a friend of my drag racing party. What's the matter if he says something on such a big day?"

Said, Sima to the wind on the scene of the younger brother asked: "do you want to hear Lin Feng say a few words?"

"Yes All around said.

Under the support of Sima Yufeng, those younger brothers completely revealed their feelings.

They have found the clue and found that the Vulcan is really too rampant. At the moment of victory, Vulcan's ugly face makes everyone feel uncomfortable.

These practices of disrespect for Sima Yufeng and other elders, molesting V DA and Wei Yichen, slandering opponents Chen Da and Huoshen, made these drag racing Party's younger brothers look down.

Therefore, they called out the word "want" without hesitation.

"Hum!" Looking at the stage, he said to Lin Feng, "the overall situation has been decided. What can you say?"

With that, he threw the microphone to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiles at the audience and says, "since you want to listen to me, I'll say a few words. I'll say two points without wasting too much time."

"First, please don't mistreat Chen Da. I'm worried. Chen Da has worked very hard, but since ancient times, he has always been upright and always been bullied. Therefore, if you don't know that Chen Da's son is threatened by the God of fire, don't blame Chen Da any more!"

"What?" There was a great deal of noise under the stage, and everyone began to talk.

"It turns out that Chen Da was blackmailed by the God of fire!"

"It's despicable that the God of fire should have done such a thing."

"It's not a proper way for a principal to blackmail a son!"


there was a lot of discussion.

Don't you understand the bottom line, but you don't understand the moral of the wife and son

V big is also quite angry, she has never seen such a shameless person: "God of fire, if you are still a man, don't embarrass Chen Da in the matter of children! In that case, you won't win

The God of fire yelled: "don't listen to him. Do you believe in an outsider and refuse to believe our own people? How could I do that? "

Sima Yufeng hesitated, and it was difficult for him to make a decision.

At this time, Lin Feng said with a faint smile, "don't be excited. You can excuse this matter at will. I will not argue with you for the moment. What I want to say is the second thing. This second thing is a big thing."

With that, he went to his bike and unloaded a plastic bag with a stack of paper in it.

Su Jing has always been curious about what Lin Feng used to take this, but now she is finally going to use it. She stares at Lin Feng carefully.

Lin Feng held the bag in his hand and said, "I have always advocated being a man and doing things honestly. But our Comrade ah Huo always does some sneaky business. Just say the land he took. Do you really think the God of fire has a great deal to do with the government?"

When they heard this, they were stunned. Didn't the God of fire persuade the government to take the land by regular channels?

Lin Feng said with a smile: "this is the second thing I want to say. Our comrade a Huo ransacked the money of the drag racing party to bribe the management of the relevant departments. Then he signed a black contract and occupied the land. But brothers, do you know that this kind of shameless thing is going to die sooner or later. On the day of death, it is not others who will be implicated Drag racing partyLin Feng, don't yell at me. Don't yell at him

"Hold on!" Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "you are not talking about the evidence, the evidence is in my hand!"

Lin Feng said, open the plastic bag, and then take out the paper inside, like a flyer, one by one to the people in front of.

"Come on, ah Huo and Qin Yue's chat records, and get to know it!"

"Come on, ah Huo's evidence of guilt. Learn about it!"

Lin Fengfa's gesture was very professional, and then he asked Wei Yichen and Chen Da to come over and give the rest to them: "send it, let the big guy have a good look, how ah Huo talks to others!"

Everyone took the paper with a puzzled look, and immediately understood.

Originally, Huoshen and Qin Yue reached an agreement. Huoshen bribed Qin Yue with money from the drag racing party, and swore to serve Qin Yue. If Qin Yue had something that was not easy to do, Huoshen would lead his younger brother to deal with it. Moreover, Qin Yue would be given at least half of the Party's annual gray income.

"Damn it, take our hard-earned money and let us work for him. Is that the credit of the God of fire? Is that the price of that piece of land? "

"It's so immoral. We don't know what to do with Qin Yue behind our backs."

"Vulcan, you think of us as fools?"


at this time, the boys outside the waiting room couldn't help it. If they were afraid of the God of fire, they thought that the God of fire took all kinds of black and white, which was very powerful. But now it is through this disgusting means that they sell the interests and resources of the drag racing party, and they eat inside and outside, and are ruthless.

The God of fire didn't expect that Lin Feng would take out the print paper of the chat record. He was very flustered in his heart, but he scolded: "Lin Feng, don't make rumors. These things are all computer PS, don't believe him!"

"Is it? You said PS, right? Does the video have PS? " Lin Feng put his mobile phone in front of the God of fire, in which is a video of Qin Shou's nose turning over his old man with tears.

The God of fire suddenly thundered like five thunder. How could all of them, Mr. Qin?

This is not only his own end, but also Qin Yue is in danger!

If such a thing goes to court, it will go to jail!

"Lin Feng, Lin Feng, listen to me!" The God of fire immediately counseled, quickly took Lin Feng's hand, pulled back, and then said in a very low voice: "I know you have a festival with me. At this juncture today, I beg you. I promise you any conditions you want. Please don't expose the video!"

"Is it?" Lin Feng smile: "good, then you take out sincerity, talk about what conditions can give me?"

"I don't want your Dongsheng Group mine, isn't it?" Said the God of fire.

Lin Feng smilingly took out the vegetable trumpet from the plastic bag and handed it to the God of fire: "speak with the trumpet, speak out loud, say it to my beautiful boss!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!