The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 217

Su Jing knows that Lin Feng is comforting herself, but what can she do on the territory of the drag racing party!

She angrily sat back on the seat, for the Vulcan such shameless, she really has no way.

At this time, Sima Yufeng has already gone to the scene and announced the beginning of the election!

The election method is basically the same as every year. Candidates come forward to give a speech, focusing on the theme of ability, about what contribution they have made to the drag racing party, and how to lead the drag racing party forward in the future.

As the first speaker, Huoshen walked onto the stage, looked around arrogantly and said, "I, Liu ah Huo, you must all know..."

the God of fire has made full preparations in advance, so this speech is exciting and majestic.

Especially when talking about that piece of land, he also stressed that, after all, the land of several thousand square meters was taken down by him with one hand, which is more than the credit, he has to exaggerate infinitely.

"That piece of land, I will do two things in the following days. One is to draw a clear line and take back our territory. Today, the people of Dongsheng Group are also here. I can tell him without any scruples that your mine is also a part of our territory. In order not to hinder us from racing, I will seal your mine soon. ”Said the God of fire.

Su Jing clenched her fist in an incomparable atmosphere.

At the same time, he also looked at Lin Feng reproachfully, all blame Lin Feng, today had to bring her here, is it to bring himself to look for Qi Sheng?

The fire god continued: "second, I will build a ring racetrack on that land, so that our racing brothers can also have a regular track to use. Do you think it's ok?"


There was thunderous applause outside.

As soon as Huoshen gave a speech, he talked about his contribution to the drag racing party for so many years and his grand goal in the future. It was obvious that his brain had been brainwashed by the younger brother of the drag racing party, and they were looking forward to the bright future of the drag racing party after the God of fire was in power.

At this time, after the fire god speech, it's time for Chen Da to play!

"Let's invite the No.2 candidate of the drag racing party, Chen Da, to come on stage!" Sima Yufeng said.

Chen Da listlessly walked to the scene, picked up the microphone, looked around, bit his teeth and said, "I think that the God of fire has indeed made outstanding contributions to the drag racing party. Huoshen has the ability to be the leader. Although I also want to run for the leader, I find that my contribution to the drag racing party is not as much as that of Huoshen. I am willing to bow down to the wind!"

Then, Chen Da's face showed a very painful expression, and said with difficulty and choking, "that's all I have to say today!"


There was an uproar, and they couldn't even believe it.

Chen Da, Chen Da, one of the four heavenly kings of the drag racing party, is that all?

Isn't he fighting with confidence? Although he was not valued by people at first, his toughness and with the help of chariot God, he has gradually reversed the decline, especially the last time, the matter of Huoshen framing car God was revealed, which was shamed by many people, and the form was particularly beneficial to Chen Da.

However, today, everyone thought that Chen Da would make a big move again. As a result, Chen Da tried to reach the last step and knelt down directly.

What's the situation?

At this time, those younger brothers who supported Chen Da were heartbroken and shook their heads and sighed one after another.

And V big on one side seat, also is deep frown.

He was disgusted with the God of fire, not a little bit. She didn't expect that the God of fire could become the master now. Her heart was very uncomfortable.

This is not a personal grudge, but she thinks that the character of Huoshen is not enough to support the future development of the drag racing party.

Sima Yufeng didn't say anything, but some of their elders were not idiots. They could see the temperament of Huoshen more clearly than anyone else. However, it has always been the rule that whoever wins according to the rules is qualified to be the leader. They can only express their deep regret for Chen Da.

But among all the people on the scene, the most reluctant is Wei Yicheng.

Wei Yichen has not spoken. She has a wide one-piece hat on her head and has been deeply lowering her head. However, after listening to Chen Da's words, she suddenly burst out and fiercely stood up and scolded Chen Da in the field: "Chen Da, is that what you do? Are you worthy of your support? Do you deserve all the help I've done for you? Are you worthy of the chariot who always comes forward? Are you worthy of him? "

Wei Yichen clenched her silver teeth and two lines of tears fell from the corner of her eyes. She didn't have to do anything about it. She just felt aggrieved. After such a long time of support, she got a few irresponsible speeches. She was really heartbroken.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everyone's support, I'm sorry!" Chen Da choked and bowed in all directions.

"We don't want your apology, we want your efforts!" Wei Yichen called.

"I'm sorry!" Chen Da's mouth has been whispering these three words, standing in the field, dejected in general.However, they did not know that Chen Da's heart was dripping blood.

Why doesn't he want to run for president? He was one step away from this position, but he knew that he would never stop there.

The land taken by the God of fire has made great contributions, which Chen Da really can't compare with.

However, in the deep heart of Chen Da, he also has his own difficulties. His only beloved son, shrouded in the shadow of the God of fire, can't help it. He really can't.

"Ha ha ha ha!" The God of fire laughed and said with pride, "I see you, don't struggle!"

He walked to the scene, grabbed Chen Da's microphone and said, "Chen Da, you're still quite smart. You know it's not my opponent. You just admit defeat, right? Well, go away

With that, he pushed Chen Da aside and stood in the field with great arrogance, and said to Sima Yuefeng and V Da: "the drag racing party will be prosperous under my leadership. You people who are sensible will follow me. Those who don't know how to get out of the drag racing party, so that I won't hurt my friendship! Hum

The God of fire is not completely on the top, but he has already started to take office as a new official. The first fire is the old man of the drag racing party and v-party.

Then, he looked at Wei Yicheng with a smile and said, "Wei Da Mei, what do you think you have been supporting Chen Da for? Look at his cowardly spirit. How good you are to support me. Come and accompany my brother. My brother will give you a seat! "

"Even if I leave the drag racing party, I won't be with you!" Wei Yichen's words are straight and round.

"Oh, you are very strong-natured. You have to make clear that I asked you to come here to praise you. Don't be shameless, motherfucker. You are only worthy to play with such a loser like Chen Da!" The God of fire cursed.

"Vulcan! Don't deceive people too much! " Chen Da was angry.

She knew that she was sorry for Wei Yichen. When the God of fire began to tease Wei Yichen, he could not restrain his inner anger.

Wei Yichen is stunned. Unexpectedly, Chen Da can speak for herself, which is quite surprising to her.

But the God of fire scornfully said with a smile: "Yo, you are a coward, you can talk?"

"I'll fight with you in the hell!" Chen Da can't help it any longer. His self-esteem is trampled on mercilessly by the God of fire. His anger has already overflowed in his heart, and he rushes towards the fire god fiercely.

But at this time, a figure flashed, stopped Chen Da steadily, and said lazily, "you know, Wei Yicheng is my younger brother, not yours, so, this matter, ah, I have to come!"

The speaker was Lin Feng. He gave Chen Da a smile: "stand aside!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!