The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 216

For a while, Lin Feng and Su Jing became a beautiful scenery on the street.

On a golden bicycle, a man with a chuckle on his face, with his unruly hair and a small meat song of "Eighteen touches" in his mouth, pedaling leisurely.

And a gorgeous beauty, wearing a sexy black long skirt, sitting on the bar in front of her, a blank face.

The man stuck behind the woman, a towering, a woman up and down, the bicycle issued a "squeak" wonderful sound, heading for the East District of the city.

East District of the city drag racing party headquarters.

Today is a big day, a biennial election gathering of the drag racing party, and it is the day when the final decision is made on who is in charge.

Today, the God of fire wears a red leather suit and leather pants. His red hair is still in the dry style of Moxi's, with dark black sunglasses on his face and a cigarette in his mouth, which is very conspicuous.

Looking at Chen Da, he looks depressed and listless, as if today's election has nothing to do with him.

But outside is the drag racing Party's younger brothers, looks, bustles.

Sima Yufeng and other senior members of the drag racing party also came to take their seats one after another. Of course, the most striking one is the drag racing goddess V Da, Venus!

Venus is still a pair of cool clothes, black boots, Black Slim pants, black jacket inside is a black tights, a full Black Slim dress, the V devil's body reflects incisively and vividly, that year-round diagonal across the waist of the huge belt, but also added a trace of charm.

The only difference is that V's hair today is not spread around his waist, but is tied into a dirty hair, which is more capable. He has a charming cheek and thin and narrow eyes, which makes people look at it and can't bear to move their eyes.

Wei didn't dress up specially today. Although Lin Feng let him relax yesterday, she still felt that the election was almost over.

Eat something in the morning, casually put on a wide Hoodie, the hat is very big, if you don't want to see the picture, she plans to put the hat on her head, can't see for the net.

The last item of the election starts at 9:00 a.m., when all the people who are supposed to be there are here.

At this time, Lin Feng, with Su Jing on his back, has already arrived at the gate of the drag racing party headquarters.

"Where is this?" Su Jing looks at the headquarters of the drag racing party in front of her in surprise.

Around the high wall power grid, security, and the walls are full of colorful graffiti, exaggerated patterns, shocking.

"This is the headquarters of the drag racing party!" Lin Feng said.

"What did you bring me here for?" Su Jing was shocked.

"You're wrong. I didn't bring you here. You came with me!" Lin Feng said, "I'm here for business today, but you always need my protection, so you come here with me, understand?"

"Cut!" Su Jing gave Lin Feng a white eye. After talking for a long time, it's not the same thing!

"Lin Feng, this is the gathering place of those hooligans. Is it dangerous for us to come here? I remember that Liu ah Huo, it seems that he didn't deal with you very much! " Su Jing faintly saw a group of people in Da's yard, and she couldn't help worrying.

"Don't worry, chief executive. It's at least safer than being at home alone. Don't forget that the behind the scenes gangster who offended the chairman sent a group of killers here, not one, but a group of them." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Smiley face, are you threatening me?" Su Jingsheng airway.

"Just tell me the truth!" Lin Feng Road.

After hearing this, Su Jing felt helpless. The quiet time she spent with her mother in the United States for the first 20 years is probably gone forever.

Lin Feng sends a message to Wei Yichen. Wei Yichen comes out to pick up Lin Feng. When Wei Yichen sees Su Jing, he is stunned. Then he puts up his hat and leads the way.

Lin Feng didn't pay attention to Wei Yichen's change. He followed him and looked east and West.

However, Su Jing is very nervous. Although she is the president of the company, she plans strategies and gives directions in the shopping mall, but when she comes to such unreasonable places, she feels powerless.

She felt like a modern civilized man in the ancient primitive jungle, especially those around her who were dyed with various colors of miscellaneous hair and Howling ferociously.

Originally, hooligans are synonymous with barbarism. Once the hooligans are educated and civilized, they will no longer be hooligans. They may become some big director, some commercial tycoon who sexually assaults others, or a well-dressed financial giant... In short, they can't be called hooligans any more!

Su Jing looked nervously from left to right, looking at the people around him. He was afraid that he would attract other people's attention.

But she was wrong.

From the first moment she entered the door, it has become the focus of people.

"Wow, you see, that's not the God of cars. The beautiful woman next to him is so wonderful! I didn't expect there was a beautiful woman who could compete with V"What you said, Wei Yichen is no worse than them!"

"Wei Yichen is really wonderful! However, these three women have three styles. V-big is very cool and vigorous. Wei Yichen is young and energetic, and that woman gives people the feeling of a female boss. She is noble, has temperament, tut Tut, and has super material figure

Seeing Lin Feng approaching with Su Jing, many people saluted Lin Feng and said, "good car God, good car God!"

"What do they call you?" Su Jing asked Lin Feng in surprise.

"Oh, they call me the God of chariots!" Lin Feng Road.

"Are you the God of chariots? Can you race? " Su Jing asked Lin Feng.

"Oh, my bike. Can I ride fast Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Ah Su Jing shook her head. It turned out that it was a bicycle. Bicycle is also called God of vehicles? How funny these people are!

But along the way, all the members of the drag racing party who saw Lin Feng scrambled to say hello to Lin Feng. Among them, a new boy asked the people next to him: "what kind of God is he? I've never heard of it! "

"You haven't heard of it? Erlongshan chariot God! Last week, a bicycle rode so fast that it won the race

"Lying trough, riding a bicycle actually beat the motorcycle?"

"Yes, or how to call it the God of chariots?"

These words rang in Su Jing's ear. Su Jing's jaw almost fell off. When did Lin Feng do this? Can bicycles win motorcycles? Is that the bike you just took?

How many things did Lin Feng not know?

At this time, Lin Feng has brought Su Jing to the scene. As a spectator, he sits on one side of the chair.

"Oh, Lin Feng, why are you so free today? I also brought Su Da beauty from Dongsheng Group. Hahaha, you two want to testify with your own eyes that I am the person in charge, right? " The God of fire said: "don't worry, I won't let you down, and after I became the leader, the first thing is to turn the mine of Dongsheng Group into a drag racing party! Ha ha ha

Su Jing didn't expect that the God of fire came up and mocked her. Her temper was not covered. She immediately responded, "don't even think about that mine!"

"You drink, you are angry, the beauty is angry, ha ha ha! Don't worry. When I go back to get the mine, I'll let you take care of it The God of fire grinned and said in his heart that Lao Tzu even got the land contract. You are so stubborn here. I will deal with you after today's election!

Su Jing was so angry that she wanted to fight back again, but she was stopped by Lin Feng. She said, "Mr. Su, don't be angry. Did you forget that I divined for him last week? The first hexagram, lie down in five minutes, and the result is spiritual? Second, he can be arrogant for a week. Today is the seventh day , the fastest update of the webnovel!