The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 215

The next day, Lin Feng and Su Jing moved to a villa in Swan Lake Villa area.

Here Lin Feng has come, because Wei Yichen also has a villa here. He and weiyichen have been here for one night.

It seems that the villa area is really high-end, and many rich people choose it.

This day, Lin Feng not only did the move, but also learned some information.

Because tomorrow is the big day of the racing party election, Lin Feng called Wei Yichen in advance to ask the situation.

Wei Yichen said, the situation is not very optimistic! Because Chen Da had received some threats the other day.

Chen Da received a express delivery in his home. Express delivery was a bomb, but it was a bomb that was disassembled and would not explode.

But the threat was obvious, and the bomb was painted with a head image of Chen Da's son.

Needless to say, it must be made by the God of fire.

So Chen Da has a low momentum these days, and he has no intention to compete for tickets during the period, so he has taken care of protecting his son.

After Chen Da divorced his wife, his son was his lifeblood. He would rather not be the leader of the racing party. He must protect his son.

So Chen Da at this time, has no ambition.

Lin Feng frowned, this fire god, the means are really Yin poison ah!

He didn't want to manage the internal affairs of the racing party, but he was a arrogant and sinister man who was not used to the God of fire. In particular, Chen Da and weiyichen were also members of the racing party. If the God of fire was in charge, the two people would suffer.

Even for his younger brother Wei Yichen, he can not let the God of fire.

"In the morning, the final election will be held tomorrow, right?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Yes!" Wei Yichen is also a little depressed.

Because Nana helped herself in the police station a few days ago, she promised that if Chen Da became the principal, she would give Nana a seat.

But now, Chen Da is out of play!

Moreover, it is a question whether he can be mixed up in the racing party later. That Jai canthus, the God of fire, nearly killed him and Chen Da on the mountain road last time, and made him the principal. That still won?

So Wei Yichen's mood is also very upset.

"Morning morning, do you want Chen Da to be the principal?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Of course!" "Said Wei carefully.

"I think so much?" Asked Lin Feng.

"I miss it!" Said Wei Yichen.

"Listen to me, relax your heart, pray for yourself tonight. Tomorrow's wish may be a reality!" Lin Feng Road.

"Boss, don't make me laugh. I'm not a three-year-old. This last comparison is ability. Even if Chen Da intends to compare with the God of fire, he can hardly compare with others. Because the God of fire has recently done a big thing, the whole racing party people are watching it! " Wei Yichen said.

"What is the big deal?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Did not the God of fire grant a piece of land? It is close to Dongsheng mining, which is thousands of square meters. He said that the land would always be used by the racing party as long as he was in office, and that a ring racing ground would be built there immediately and half of Dongsheng mining could be merged. He is a feat, and the racing party is hot and hot! "

Lin Feng listened to it, but he was humming in his heart. You are a fire god. It turns out that colluding with Qin Yue batch of land is still a plan of carving with one stone. One is to occupy the mine and dig precious clues. Secondly, it can add a touch of color to the competition of ability one game.

However, hum, the devil is a ruler high. You have your cunning. I have my intelligence. Just look!

Lin Feng said to Wei Yichen: "morning morning, do you believe in the boss?"

"I certainly believe you, I believe 100!" Wei Yichen said.

"Well! Then you will do what I said, eat it with heart and sleep well. Everything will be fine tomorrow! " Lin Feng Road.

"All right!" Wei Yichen said with a beep.

After appeasing Wei Yichen, Lin Feng returned to his bedroom, backed up all the videos and materials on his mobile phone, and then stood on the balcony to watch the villa area.

The environment here is elegant, the air is fresh, and the family is alone and alone, without interference.

In order to keep Lin Feng and Su Jing from worrying about housework, Tang Dongsheng also went to the home management company to invite a nanny to come to take charge of three meals and daily household chores.

Lin Feng seems to have lived a life that the rich should have.

"How about it? Lin Feng, this kind of life, is what you want? " Su Jing appeared behind Lin Feng with two glasses of red wine, and handed one to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took the wine and said, "there is nothing but you!"

Su Jing, who said this, was trembling and her heart was jumping faster. She calmed her heart and asked, "isn't this a life everyone likes? Nuota's house, some people have been pursuing these all their lives! ""I'm not like them!" Lin Feng said, "that's a good saying. It's hard to live for 36000 days. There are thousands of houses in my family, and it only takes three feet to sleep... So, the meaning of my life is not what I sleep and what I eat, but what I want to do!"

After hearing this, Su Jing secretly praised Lin Feng. It was too overbearing. She didn't expect Lin Feng to be such a person. She thought that Lin Feng was the type who could not walk with women because of money!

"Go to bed early!" "Come with me to the east of the city tomorrow," said Lin Feng

"What are you doing?" Su Jing asked.

"Don't ask so many questions. You'll know tomorrow. Go to bed early." Lin Feng said.

"Good! Then you go to bed early, too It's rare for Su Jing to have a few words with Lin Feng calmly.

Lin Feng nodded, looked up to drink the wine, and then walked back to his bedroom.

The next morning, Lin Feng got up early. After breakfast with Su Jing, he put on the suit that Lao Hu had made for him and wore a rose red tie.

"Are you going to the East District of the city today for a blind date?" Su Jing said in surprise.

"No!" Lin Feng said, "can't I wear a suit? Isn't it with a beautiful woman? It's got to be tough, isn't it? "

"Well, not bad!" Su Jing nodded.

"Let's go, let's go!" Lin Feng said.

"Good!" Su Jing is very sexy and beautiful in a long black dress.

They went downstairs and went to the garage. Su Jing asked, "I have three cars on my side. The best one is Maserati. There is also a Cadillac. There is an old Santana. Which one should I drive?"

Lin Feng smile, "and beauty president travel, of course, is the most forced grid, use my car!"

Say, in the corner of garage, roll out a ladle ring bicycle.

"Pa Pa Pa!" Lin Feng photographed the seat of the car twice, and the dust was flying: "there is still a lot of dust in the garage, but it doesn't matter. No matter how much dust can't block the light of my car. Let's go, President of Suzhou University!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Well, you want me to go with you?" Su Jing's face is green.

"You can choose not to sit!" Lin Feng said, "but don't forget that you are very dangerous now. If you are too far away from me, you may not see the sun tomorrow! So... Please! "

"Hum!" Su Jing snorted, "where am I sitting?"

"Sit on my big bar!" Lin Feng said with a smile , the fastest update of the webnovel!